Missouri Health Science educators take advantage of one of the best resources available to network with other professionals.  The Health Science Discussion List is the most prompt way to reach many Missouri teachers.  It provides an opportunity to share ideas, receive information, and get answers to questions relating to health sciences education, its curriculum, and opportunities.  Health.sciences is a monitored electronic discussion list with owner subscription approval required.

To subscribe to health.sciences, go to:


Points to remember:

  • The discussion list is for topics related to teaching health science education.

  • Do not reply to the entire list unless you think all or most subscribers would be interested in your reply.  Most of the time, you should compose a new message to the person with whom you wish to reply.

  • While you will receive some messages of no interest to you, many messages will give you valuable information.

If you encounter any difficulties subscribing to this discussion list, contact Shelly Wehmeyer (shelly.wehmeyer@dese.mo.gov).