Coronavirus Relief Information
Coronavirus Relief Information
See the topics below and click to expand each of those sections for more specific information.
DESE’s COVID-19 Federal Relief Fund Priorities
On June 30, 2022, Governor Parson signed the Fiscal Year 2023 state operating budget, approving historic investments in education. The Governor’s action also gave DESE the final approval of the department’s ESSER III spending plan, which details how the department will spend the 10 percent of funds set aside for state education agencies to address broad, large-scale K-12 initiatives and ensures the continuation and competition of several important lines of effort DESE has already began.
Read more about DESE’s Federal Relief Fund Priorities here, which includes work to address challenges in four key areas: learning acceleration, the educator workforce, mental health needs, and the digital divide.
- COVID Relief Guidance/Resources
- Fact-Sheet COVID connection
- FAQs - ESSER and GEER - Use of Funds for Student Transportation
- Fraud Reporting Requirements
- USED FAQ on Using ARP Funding to Support Full-Service Community Schools & Related Strategies (7-14-2021)
- USED FAQ on Vaccines and Testing
- USED FAQ on Student Vaccination Incentives
- USED Guidance on ARP ESSER (ESSER III) Funding for Public Safety
- USED Guidance on ESSER Funds and Public Safety
- USED Guidance on ESSER Funds and Full-Service Schools
- ESSER & GEER FAQs (12-7-2022)
- COVID Relief Funds Revenue and Project Codes
- COVID Relief Funding Details
- COVID Relief Revenue Codes
- CARES Act Nonpublic Guidance (8-27-2020)
- Payment Requests and FER Guides
- CARES Act Grants Webinar (8-27-2020)
- Closed Grant Programs
CARES K-12 Support (CRF)
The purpose of the Support for K-12 Education is to provide assistance to LEAs with COVID-19 related expenditures through December 30, 2020.
- Additional Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Dollars for K-12 Support
- CARES K-12 Support Allocation
- Coronavirus Relief Fund Guidance for State, Territorial, Local, and Tribal Governments
- Coronavirus Relief Fund FAQ's
COVID-19 Response Supply Reimbursement Grant
Funds are available to reimburse districts for a 25% share of costs associated with personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical and cleaning supplies for school buildings and buses.
- COVID-19 Response Supply Reimbursement Grant Guidance Document Revised 9-11-2020
- COVID-19 Response Supply Reimbursement Grant Application Reference
- COVID-19 Response Supply Reimbursement Grant Application
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER)
- Payment Request for Reimbursement
- Final Expenditure Report for ESSER I
- Final Expenditure Report for ESSER I PDF
- ESSER I Fiscal Guidance (5-5-2021)
- DESE CARES Act Webinar (5-11-2020): Recorded Webinar | PowerPoint Slides
- DESE CARES Act Webinar FAQs
- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund Reporting Requirements
- ESSER Federal Reporting Requirements (Reference)
- USED Guidance on Equitable Services Under The CARES Act
- ESSER LEA Allocations (Revised 11-30-2020)
- ESSER Nonpublic Proportionate Share (Revised 11-30-2020)
- The CARES Act - Application & Assurance for ESSER Funds Directions
- The CARES Act - Application & Assurance for ESSER Funds
- Affirmation of Consultation with Nonpublic School Officials for CARES Act
- The CARES Act Revenue Codes
- DESE Public Notice for Nonpublic School Participation
- LEA Public Notice for Nonpublic School Participation
- Federal ESSER Legislation and Guidance
Emergency Worker Childcare
Some schools provided childcare services for families of medical professionals and emergency workers supporting the COVID-19 response effort in spring 2020. A one-time application process has been developed to collect eligible expenditures for such services.
- Emergency Worker Childcare Grant Guidance Document
- Emergency Worker Childcare Grant Application Reference
- Emergency Worker Childcare Grant Application
Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER)
Missouri Student Connectivity Grant
- Missouri Student Connectivity-Access (MSC-A) Grant Reference
- Missouri Student Connectivity-Access (MSC-A) Grant
Missouri Student Connectivity Grant
This project supports student connectivity across the state, specifically by increasing both access to WiFi and the number of devices in the hands of Missouri students.
- Missouri Student Connectivity Grant Reference
- Missouri Student Connectivity-Connect (MSC-C) Grant Reference
- Missouri Student Connectivity-Connect (MSC-C) Grant
- MSC Grant and Transportation Supplement LEA Allocation (Revised 12-17-2021)
- MSC Grant and Transportation Supplement Nonpublic Proportionate Share (Revised 5-4-2021)
Seamless Summer Option Meals and Safety Resources During COVID-19
Transportation for Meal Delivery
Reimbursements are available for direct costs associated with delivering meals when school buildings were closed during spring 2020.
- Transportation for Meal Delivery Grant Documentation Guidance
- COVID Expenses Worksheet
- Transportation for Meal Delivery Grant Guidance Document
- Transportation for Meal Delivery Grant Application Reference
- Transportation for Meal Delivery Grant Application
Transportation Supplement
Funds to support student transportation costs related to COVID-19 is being provided to schools through a supplemental grant via ePeGs.
- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER II) (CLOSED)
- American Rescue Plan (ARP) - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III)
As school districts and charter schools are working to complete their ARP ESSER (ESSER III) applications, DESE has published an infographic to clarify for applicants the steps in the application process. Applicants should refer to the ESSER III Application Guidance for LEAs for detailed information on the application.
- U.S. Dept. of Labor Seminars on Davis-Bacon Requirements
- CCSSO Memo on ESSER Funds and Construction
- ARP ESSER (ESSER III) Information (5-27-2021)
- ESSER III Final Allocations (2-24-2022)
- American Rescue Plan ESSER Funds Guidance to LEAs
- ESSER III Application Guidance for LEAs (5-14-2024)
Coding Guidance
- Audit Requirements
- Missouri Financial Accounting Manual
- Equipment vs. Supply
- Refunds and Reimbursements
- Technology Coding Guidance
ARP ESSER (ESSER III) Maintenance of Equity (MOEquity)
- LEA MOEquity High Poverty School Data - 2021-22 (12-8-2022)
- LEA MOEquity Guidance (10-3-2022)
- LEA Exception Status List - 2022-23 (10-25-2022)
- LEA Exception Status List - 2021-22 (7-8-2022)
- State Level - LEA Certification of Exception from Local Maintenance of Equity Requirements
- ARP ESSER (ESSER III) USED MOEquity Updated December 29, 2021
- ARP ESSER (ESSER III) USED MOEquity FAQ (10-1-2021)
- DESE Maintenance of Equity - High-Need and Highest-Poverty LEAs - 2021-22 (7-16-2021)
- LEA Maintenance of Equity - High-Poverty Schools - 2022-23 (8-24-2022)
- LEA Maintenance of Equity - High-Poverty Schools - 2021-22 (7-14-2021)
- LEA Maintenance of Equity Process
- LEA Maintenance of Equity Technical Assistance (10-24-2022)
ARP ESSER (ESSER III) Missouri State Plan
DESE submitted to the United States Department of Education (USED) the application required to receive Missouri’s allocation for the ARP ESSER fund, often referred to by DESE as ESSER III. Missouri’s allocation totals $1.96 billion, 90 percent of which will be distributed directly to LEAs to spend on a wide range of allowable uses to respond to COVID-19. DESE will use the remaining 10 percent of the funds to address the impact of COVID-19 through state-level projects and initiatives. Portions of both local and state dollars must be reserved for specific targeted uses.
- ESSER III Summer School (CLOSED)
- ESSER III Summer School Expansion Grant (CLOSED)
- American Rescue Plan (ARP) - Homeless Children and Youth (HCY I)
- American Rescue Plan (ARP) - Homeless Children and Youth (HCY II)
- American Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth (Webinar)
- American Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth (PowerPoint)
- ARP Homeless Children and Youth (HCY II) Preliminary Allocations (3-3-2022)
- Final ARP Homeless Children and Youth (HCY II) Allocations (7-11-2022)
- Guidance Document for HCY II (5-15-2024)
- Intent to Apply Form
- Plan - Worksheet Format
- American Rescue Plan (ARP) IDEA (CLOSED)
- ARP IDEA 611 Allocations
- ARP IDEA ECSE 619 Allocations
- ARP IDEA Guidance
- ARP IDEA Budget Application Guide
- ARP IDEA Payment Request Guide
- ARP IDEA Recorded Webinar
- Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools Program (EANS) (CLOSED)
- Allowable Services and Assistance
- EANS Public Notice
- EANS Disposition FAQ's
- EANS Guidance Document
- EANS Final Assistance (7-30-2021)
- EANS Application
- Reimbursement and Procurement Form (there are separate tabs for Reimbursement and Procurement requests)
- Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools Program (EANS II) / (EANS IIA)
- EANS II Preliminary Assistance Planning Allocations
- EANS Federal FAQ's
- EANS II Guidance Document (updated 2-2-2022)
- EANS II Public Notice
- Allowable Services or Assistance
- EANS II Application (opens 2-2-2022)
- EANS II FAQ (6-14-2022)
- ClassWallet® Information Page
- ClassWallet® Nonpublic School Login Page
- EANS IIA Guidance Document (4-24-2024)
- EANS IIA Training for Nonpublic Schools
- Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER II)
- Close the Gap Grant (CLOSED)
- Close the Gap Grant Information (8-31-2023)
- Evidence-Based Reading Instruction Program
Archived Resources
- School-Based Mental Health Immediate Responsive Services Grant (IRSG)
The purpose of the IRSG is to increase student access to mental health resources.
- School-Based Mental Health Recruitment and Retention Initiative
- SBMH Recruitment and Retention Guidance Document (4-19-2023)
- SBMH Recruitment and Retention Application (3-6-2023)
- Missouri Mathematics Mastery Program (CLOSED)
- Missouri Mathematics Program Guidance (10-19-2023)
- Missouri Postsecondary Advising Initiative (CLOSED)
- Missouri Teacher Preparation Program Awards (MTPPA) (CLOSED)
- MTPPA Guidance Document (3-6-2023)
- MTPPA Budget Form
- Monitoring
- GEER II Fiscal Monitoring Guide (2-5-2024)
- Fiscal Monitoring Guide for Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds (1/22/2025)
- Fiscal Monitoring Guide for Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Funds (3-20-2023)
- Federal Monitoring Guide for ESSER II - Missouri Postsecondary Advising Initiative and Evidence-Based Reading Instruction Program - Federal (4-25-2024)
- Fiscal Monitoring Guide for ESSER II - Grow Your Own and Teacher Retention (5-20-2024)
- Data Collections
- ESSER Year 5 Data Collection Guidance Document (02-25-2025)
- ESSER Year 5 Summary Chart (02-25-2025)
- ESSER Year 5 Data Collection FAQ (02-25-2025)
- Year 5 Annual Reporting ESSER Data Collection Workbook (03-12-2025)
- Reporting FTE: It's a Full Time Job - Recorded Webinar (9-27-2023)
- Reporting FTE: It's a Full Time Job - Presentation (9-27-2023)
- Student Internet Connectivity: How Does it Connect to ESSER Year 4 Data? - Recorded Webinar (9-20-2023)
- Student Internet Connectivity: How Does it Connect to ESSER Year 4 Data? - Presentation (9-20-2023)
- ESSER III 20% Set-Aside: Making it Make Sense in Data Reporting - Recorded Webinar (9-13-2023)
- ESSER III 20% Set-Aside: Making it Make Sense in Data Reporting - Presentation (9-13-2023)
- ESSER and Summer School: When Do I Report? - Recorded Webinar (9-6-2023)
- ESSER and Summer School: When Do I Report? - Presentation (9-6-2023)
- Year 4 Annual Reporting ESSER Data Collection Recorded Webinar (5-1-2023)
Archived Resources
- ESSER Data Collection Guidance (3-1-2023)
- ESSER Year 4 Data Collection Guidance (3-21-2024)
- Year 4 Annual Reporting ESSER Data Collection Instructions (4-24-2023)
- Year 4 Annual Reporting ESSER Data Collection Workbook (3-21-2024)
- Dual Credit Expansion Program (CLOSED)
- Dual Credit Expansion Program Guidance Document (4-18-2023)
- Elementary Mathematics Specialist Certificate Completion Program (CLOSED)
- Teacher Recruitment and Retention Grants
Staffing shortages in the teaching profession have consistently been a challenge for a number of years. There is every reason to believe that COVID-19 only exacerbated the problem. To address these challenges, the Department has designated over $50 million in state reserve funds from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund to establish a Teacher Recruitment and Retention Grant program. This program will support teacher recruitment and retention efforts over the next three school years.
- NEW! Online Application for Teacher Recruitment (Grow Your Own) Grants (for LEAs)
- NEW! Online Application for Teacher Retention Grants (for LEAs)
- UPDATED JANUARY 2022! Guidance for Teacher Recruitment and Retention Grants (for LEAs)
- Teacher Recruitment and Retention Grant Allocations
- Eligibility and Funding Information
- Reporting and Recording Federal Interest
Federal Relief Funds and Real Property Webinar Recording (11/13/2024)
Federal Relief Funds and Real Property Webinar Slides Presented (11/13/2024)
LEA Guidance Document Recording (10/11/2024)
LEA Guidance Document Reporting (1/31/2025)
SF-429 Forms (10/11/2024)
SF-429 Form Instructions (10/25/2024)
Reporting and Recording FAQs (12/5/2024)- Presentations
- Federal Relief Programs Update, March 2022, MASA & MOSPRA Conference
- Federal Relief Program Update, April 2022, MOASBO Conference
- Federal Relief Program Update, November 2024, Federal Programs Conference
- Relief Funds: Coding, Reporting, and Monitoring, April 2022, MOASBO Conference
- Opportunities to Leverage Federal Relief Funds to Support Educators and Students, August 2022, 61st Annual Cooperative Conference
- Waivers and Related Documents
- COVID Relief Contact Information
Project Section Contact Phone EANS Julie Cowell or Theresa Villmer 573-526-3232 ESSER I and ESSER II ESEA Finance 573-751-8643 ESSER III Plan and Budget COVID Relief Staff 573-751-7635 ESSER III Payment and Final Expenditure Report ESEA Finance 573-751-8643 ESSER Monitoring COVID Relief Staff 573-751-7635 Emergency Childcare School Finance (David Tramel) 573-751-0357 Families First Coronavirus Response Funds School Foods 573-751-4402 Meal Delivery School Finance 573-751-0357 Missouri Student Connectivity Amber Riley 573-526-9945 PPE/Medical/Sanitation School Finance (David Tramel) 573-751-0357 Sheltered Workshop Assistance Special Education Finance 573-751-3561 State Schools Transp. Supplement Special Education Finance 573-751-3561 Teacher Recruitment & Retention Office of Educator Quality 573-751-1668 Transportation Supplement School Finance 573-751-0357