School Directory
Quick Links
The Missouri School Directory is now available in an online format to facilitate access to up-to-date information throughout the school year. Much of the directory is powered by the Missouri Comprehensive Data System (MCDS) and is refreshed weekly. Click on the links to the right or below to access directory information.
Missouri School Directory Interactive Map
Maps are provided purely for reference; please contact county authorities to obtain official school district boundary information.
The map can be filtered by the following criteria.
- School District
- Building
- County
- House District
- Senate District
- US Congressional District
Missouri School Directory (MCDS Portal)
The School Directory can be filtered by the following criteria.
- County
- County-District Code
- District Name
- House District
- Senate District
- US Congressional District
- State Supervisor Area
- School Directory by County (All Districts)
- School Directory (All Districts)
- Firefox users: These documents contain bookmarks. To see the bookmarks, click the Toggle Sidebar icon in the upper left, then select the Show Document Outline icon to view.