Department Offices
Duties of the Commissioner
The Commissioner of Education directs the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and fulfills other duties as prescribed by law (Section 161.122, RSMo). The law states that the Commissioner shall “seek in every way to elevate the standards and efficiency of the instruction given in the public schools of the state."
In addition to the Commissioner of Education, the department organization reflects functions under two divisions, Financial and Administrative Services and Learning Services.
Division of Financial and Administrative Services
This division is responsible for distributing all federal and state funds to local school districts and other agencies that provide education-related services. The division assists local school officials with budgeting, audits, and the reporting of financial statistics, both state and federal. The division also provides assistance with school administrative and governance issues. Other personnel in this division administer the federally-funded school lunch and breakfast programs. This division also manages the department's internal business operations, such as accounting and procurement, budget, and human resources.
Division of Learning Services
This division is responsible for all of the department’s activities related to educational success of students, educators, and schools. The division includes offices which manage quality schools, college- and career-readiness, special education, educator quality, early and extended learning, adult learning and rehabilitative services, and the data system management.
Office of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation Services
The Office of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation Services administers statewide veterans education services.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services provides specialized services to adult citizens with disabilities to help them achieve employment and independence. Offices are maintained across the state to provide convenient services to clients. Rehabilitation Services personnel provide individualized counseling, training and other services to help clients achieve gainful employment or independent living. Rehabilitation Services is supported primarily with federal funds. The office currently funds Independent Living Centers across the state. These centers provide counseling, advocacy, personal care, and training in independent living skills for adults with disabilities. The Disability Determinations program is part of this office and operates under regulations of the Social Security Administration. Located in offices across the state, Disability Determinations personnel adjudicate claims from Missouri residents seeking federal disability benefits.
Office of Childhood
The Office of Childhood is responsible for overseeing the department’s efforts to expand and improve high-quality early learning opportunities for children birth to age five, as well as, providing afterschool programs for school-age children. Programs administered through this office include early intervention, early childhood special education, home visiting, child care subsidy, and afterschool.
The office is responsible for policies and procedures related to quality incentives, such as the early learning standards and the quality assurance report pilot that supports educators in using best practices for young children and families. The office also provides various professional development opportunities to promote safe and quality early care and education environments through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program.
The office is responsible for conducting state inspections and investigating complaints at licensed family child care homes, group child care homes, and child care centers. Staff in the office also conduct health and safety inspections at licensed-exempt child care facilities (e.g., religious based programs, nursing schools).
An important initiative for this office is the Preschool Development Grant Birth to Five, a three-year grant aimed at coordinating a more effective, high-quality early learning system that better prepares Missouri children for success. The department is the lead agency for the grant and works closely with other state agencies and organizations, including Children’s Trust Fund, the Department of Health and Senior Services, the Department of Social Services, the Department of Mental Health, and the Missouri Head Start State Collaboration Office.
Office of College and Career Readiness
The Office of College and Career Readiness provides technical assistance to local school personnel in the adoption and adaptation of the state’s performance standards, and curriculum development/adoption of all content areas -- math, science, social studies, English/communication arts, health/physical education, fine arts; as well as the career and technical content areas of agriculture, food and natural resources; business, marketing and information technology; family consumer sciences and human services; and technology, health and skilled technical sciences; and school counseling. This office also assists schools and career centers with the administration of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act and Missouri career and technical student organizations. In addition, this office is responsible for the development and oversight of the Missouri Assessment Program, consisting of the annual, grade-level assessments for grades 3 – 8 and the end-of-course high school assessments, as well as the administration of NAEP (National Assessment on Educational Progress). The office hosts the statewide adult education services as well, including adult education and literacy and the high school equivalency-testing program.
Office of Data System Management
The Office of Data System Management collects, analyzes and reports education-related data through the department’s Web Applications system. Those collection and reporting systems include the Missouri Comprehensive Data System (MCDS), Missouri Student Information System (MOSIS), Core Data, User Manager and EdFacts federal reporting. The MCDS Portal maintains a P-20 longitudinal data system utilized for tracking and research of student progress and achievement, postsecondary and workforce preparation, adult learning and GED/HiSET completers, etc. In addition, the office collects and generates data to meet federal reporting requirements and compliance, as well as provide data utilized in research and analysis that impacts policy decision-making.
Office of Educator Quality
The Office of Educator Quality is responsible for evaluating educator preparation programs offered by Missouri’s higher education institutions. The Office of Educator Quality also issues certificates (licenses) to all professional personnel who work in the state’s public school systems, as well as assisting with the review of certificate-holders who are charged with misconduct. This office is responsible for development of innovative professional development programs for educators (teachers and administrators) at the state level. It also assists in the development of teacher, principal and administrator standards, as well as development of evaluation models for school personnel.
Office of Quality Schools
A primary function of the Office of Quality Schools is to manage the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP), the state’s accreditation system for public school districts. This office also administers a wide range of state- and federally-funded programs that assist local schools (Title I, Title III and other federal programs), charter and other innovative schools, as well as developing a statewide system of support for schools, communities and families. Schools also are provided assistance on federal and state-developed improvement initiatives which are coordinated with other state and regional services.
Office of Special Education
The Office of Special Education administers state and federal funds to support services for students and adults with disabilities. The office works with local school districts in developing and improving special education services for students (ages 3-21) with disabilities. It also provides financial and technical support for all approved sheltered workshops in the state. Sheltered workshops provide employment for adults with disabilities. This office also oversees the operation of three school systems administered by the State Board of Education. These are the Missouri School for the Blind, the Missouri School for the Deaf and the Missouri Schools for Severely Disabled. Through their outreach programs and consulting services, these school systems assist local school personnel and families throughout the state in meeting the needs of children with disabilities.