Financial & Administrative Services
Quick Links
- Acceptable Collateral
- Cash Management Plan
- Data Request Form
- Financial Management Training
- FY 22 Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
- FY 23 Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
- FY 24 Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
- FY 25 Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
- General Federal Guidance
- Investment Policy
- MissouriBUYS
- New Superintendents
The Division of Financial and Administrative Services is responsible for distributing all federal and state funds to local school districts, public charter schools and other agencies that provide education-related services. The division assists local school officials with budgeting, audits, and the reporting of financial statistics, both state and federal. The division also provides assistance with school administrative and governance issues. Other personnel in this division administer the federally-funded school lunch and breakfast programs. This division also manages the department's internal business operations, such as accounting and procurement, budget, and human resources.
Contact Information
Dr. Kari Monsees
Deputy Commissioner
Brette Frank
Executive Assistant
Email: brette.frank@dese.mo.gov
Phone: 573-751-3563
Fax: 573-751-1179
Mailing Address:
Division of Financial and Administrative Services
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480
Street Address:
6th Floor, Jefferson Building
205 Jefferson Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101