Special Education Finance
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The Special Education Finance Section is responsible for calculating and distributing IDEA Special Education Part B (611 & 619), Early Childhood Special Education, High Need Fund, Public Placement Fund, Readers for the Blind Program, and various other grant payments to local school districts and charters schools throughout Missouri. The Section provides technical assistance to local school district and charter school officials on topics pertaining to federal finance regulations such as the calculation of IDEA Maintenance of Effort (MOE) and determining Proportionate Share obligations. Special Education Finance also conducts onsite, desk monitoring, and desk audit reviews on an annual basis.
- Funding/Allocations
- Due Dates
- IDEA Fiscal Requirements
- Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
- Proportionate Share
- Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS)
- Laws and Regulations
- Federal Regulations Quick Reference
- Fiscal Monitoring
- IDEA Fiscal Monitoring
- Tiered Monitoring System Introduction and Overview
- Tiered Monitoring Cohort List
- Fiscal Monitoring Guide
- Fiscal Monitoring Regional Trainings
- General Guidance
- Time and Effort
- IDEA Fiscal Monitoring
- Resources
- Contacts
LeAnn Craighead, Coordinator
(573) 751-3561
Financial and Administrative ServicesLeslie Porter, Director
(573) 751-7022
Special Education FinanceMichael Dierking, Assistant Director
(573) 526-5283Vacant, Assistant Director
(573) 751-4385Sid Belt, Supervisor
(573) 522-2523Laura Robinson, Supervisor
(573) 751-0622Valerie Hoover, Program Specialist
(573) 751-6904Lindsay Lay, Program Specialist
(573) 751-0623