School Counseling
The vision of the School Counseling Staff is to work with schools to help ensure that each school has a fully implemented comprehensive school counseling program that supports the academic, career, and intrapersonal/interpersonal development of all students through the delivery of counseling curriculum, individual student planning, and responsive services. The program is managed and evaluated through system support activities that also support the on-going mission of the school.
Effective comprehensive school counseling programs are vital to the school climate and a critical element in the development of success ready students. Comprehensive school counseling programs have a positive impact on students, parents, schools and communities.
- Missouri School Counseling Program Manual
- School Counseling Listserv
Sign up for the School Counseling Listserv here.
Material shared on the School Counseling ListServ is intended to provide pertinent and updated information to assist those working with students in matters regarding social/emotional, academic, and career development. The Counselor Digest and periodic updates and links will be provided to subscribers.
- K-12 Missouri School Counseling Learning Standards and School Counseling Curriculum
Find the K-12 Missouri School Counseling Learning Standards and School Counseling Curriculum here.
The school counseling curriculum aims to facilitate students’ optimal growth and development by assisting them in acquiring competencies that promote academic, career, and interpersonal/intrapersonal development. The curriculum consists of structured developmental activities presented systematically through classrooms and large groups from kindergarten through grade 12.
School counselors must work closely with teachers to organize where and when school counseling curriculum activities will be taught. These activities should be cross‐referenced to state and national standards and provide effective ways to work closely with classroom teachers to achieve the district's educational goals.
- Individual Student Planning
The Individual Student Planning (ISP) is a program component of the Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Program (McSCP) that assists all students with educational/career planning, educational transitioning, and self-appraisal for decision making. ISP is vital to every student's college and career readiness development grades K-12.
- Introduction to MCSCP Individual Student Planning (narrated Powerpoint)
- Individual Student Planning Guide (K-12) (2024)
- Elementary Rubric (2024)
- Middle School Rubric (2024)
- High School Rubric
- Senior Interview (2022)
- Career Center NSC Implementation Guide (2022)
See the Individual Student Planning webpage here for more information.
- Responsive Services
The school counselors should be available and responsive to special or unexpected needs of students and parents/guardians. Thus, the purpose of the Responsive Services Component is to work with students whose personal circumstances, concerns, or problems have the potential to interfere with healthy social/emotional, academic, and career development. Issues that students may face include; academic challenges, educational and career decision making, family loss, relationships, school attendance, stress, substance abuse, physical abuse and neglect, and suicide. As a result, there is continuing need for individual counseling, small group counseling, crisis intervention, consultation, and referral. The Responsive Services component also supports the activities in the School Counseling Curriculum and Individual Student Planning components.
As students are supported in overcoming barriers to their social/emotional, academic, and career development, parent/guardian involvement is essential. This may come in the form of referring their children for assistance, working with school counselors to identify issues of concern, giving permission for needed services, and providing help in resolving issues.
Responsive services are implemented through the following: individual counseling, small group counseling, crisis intervention, consultation, and referral.
Overview of MCSCP Responsive Services (Powerpoint)
See the Responsive Services webpage here for more information.
- System Support
The Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Program System Support contains the management activities and services required to effectively support a district’s comprehensive school counseling program. The administration and management activities of a district’s comprehensive school counseling program are located in this component as are activities that support other educational programs. The System Support component is implemented through activities such as program management, professional development, staff and community relations, consultation, committee participation, community outreach, and evaluation.
- Overview of MCSCP System Support (Powerpoint)
- Information and Sample Questions for a Planning Survey
Principal Counselor Annual Agreement
(Missouri model adapted from ASCA annual agreement)
Talking points for Missouri model Principal counselor annual agreement
Principal Counselor Agreement Form