High School Equivalency Contacts

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

High School Equivalency Office
hse@dese.mo.gov(link sends email)

The Missouri HSE Office does NOT provide any HSE documents. Certificates, transcripts, and verifications must be ordered through DiplomaSender(link is external).


Register for an account: DiplomaSender.com(link is external)

To order HSE certificates & transcripts:

  • Call or chat M-F 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. CT
  • 855-313-5799

To order education verifications or Third Party requests:

GED® (GED Testing Service)

GED.com(link is external)
help@GED.com(link sends email)
877-EXAM-GED (877-392-6433)
Español: 877-450-3276
M-F 8 am-5 pm CT

HiSET® (PSI Services)

HiSET.org(link is external)
HiSETsupport@psionline.com(link sends email)
855-MyHiSET (855-694-4738)
M-F 6:30 am-5 pm CT and
S-S 8 am-4:30 pm CT