Missouri Learning Standards

About The Missouri Learning Standards

The Missouri Learning Standards define the knowledge and skills students need in each grade level and course for success in college, other post-secondary training and careers. These expectations are aligned to the Show-Me Standards, which define what all Missouri high school graduates should know and be able to do.

In January 1996, Missouri adopted the Show-Me Standards, a demanding set of content and process standards that have proved to be an excellent frame of reference for student performance in Missouri. Grade-level expectations (GLEs) were then developed to provide grade by grade targets for instruction for teachers. Those expectations were revised regularly based on teacher feedback and new research. As End-of-Course (EOC) assessments were developed at the high school level, Course-level expectations (CLEs) were created to provide teachers with course-specific objectives.

The latest iteration of expectations aligned with the Show-Me Standards are called the Missouri Learning Standards. The Missouri Learning Standards help ensure students learn basic and higher-order skills, including problem solving and critical thinking. The standards are relevant to the real world and reflect the knowledge and skills students need to achieve their goals. Learning outcomes improve when students, parents and teachers work together toward shared goals. The Missouri Learning Standards give school administrators, teachers, parents and students a road map for learning expectations in each grade and course. 

The Missouri Learning Standards do not dictate curriculum. Local districts and schools make their own decisions about curriculum, instructional strategies, materials and textbooks.

Missouri Learning Standards

English Language Arts

Assessed Standards

The Revised standards, approved on April 19, 2016 are for implementation starting in the 2016-2017 academic year. They will be assessed beginning in the 2017-2018 school year.

English Language Arts - K-5: K-5 PDF | K-5 Word
English Language Arts - 6-12: 6-12 PDF | 6-12 Word
English Language Arts - K-12: K-12 Excel

Additional Resources


Assessed Standards

The Revised standards, approved on April 19, 2016 are for implementation beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year. They will be assessed beginning in the 2017-2018 school year.

Mathematics - K-5: K-5 PDF | K-5 Word
Mathematics - 6-12: 6-12 PDF | 6-12 Word
Mathematics - K-12: K-12 Excel

Additional Resources


Assessed Standards

The MAP Grade-Level and End-of-Course assessments will be based on these standards beginning in the 2017-2018 school year via a Field Test. They will be assessed operationally beginning in the 2018-2019 school year.

Science - K-5: K-5 PDF
Science - 6-12: 6-12 PDF
Science - K-12: K-12 Excel

Additional Resources

Social Studies

Current Standards

The standards, approved on April 19, 2016 are for implementation beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year. They will be assessed in Government and HS American History (optional) EOC assessments in a census field test in 2018-2019 and then in operational form beginning in 2019-2020.

Social Studies - K-5: K-5 PDF | K-5 Word
Social Studies - 6-12: 6-12 PDF | 6-12 Word
Social Studies - K-12: K-12 Excel

Additional Resources

Social Studies Crosswalks

Personal Finance

In 2016 the State Board of Education authorized the organization of a workgroup to evaluate, and possibly make recommendations to modify or revise Personal Finance learning standards.  These standards have not changed since 2006 when the State Board of Education revised graduation requirements for Missouri’s students to include one-half credit of Personal Finance. The new standards were approved during the September 2017 State Board meeting for implementation during the 2019-2020 school year.

Computer Science

On Tuesday, May 14, 2019, the Missouri State Board of Education approved new Computer Science Performance Standards for implementation beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.

For more information, visit our Computer Science page.

Fine Arts


  • Missouri Learning Standards – Dance (Vertical Alignment): PDF 
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Dance (Scope by Grade Level): Excel

Media Arts

  • Missouri Learning Standards – Media Arts (Vertical Alignment): PDF 
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Media Arts (Scope by Grade Level): Excel


  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music (Vertical Alignment): PDF
    UPDATED 12.02.2020 – please discard all earlier versions.
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music K-8 (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music Ensembles (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music Harmonizing Instruments (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music Technology (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Music Theory and Composition (Scope by Grade Level): Excel


  • Missouri Learning Standards – Theater (Vertical Alignment)Theater: PDF
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Theater (Scope by Grade Level): Excel

Visual Arts

  • Missouri Learning Standards – Visual Arts (Vertical Alignment): PDF
  • Missouri Learning Standards – Visual Arts (Scope by Grade Level): Excel
    (5th Grade updated

Additional Resources

Former Fine Arts Standards


Assessed Standards

The MAP-A assessments continue to be based on these standards.

Additional Resources

  • MAP Alternate Crosswalk - ELA: PDF | Word
  • MAP Alternate Crosswalk - Math PDF | Word
  • MAP Alternate Crosswalk - Science PDF | Word
Other Areas

Non Assessed Standards

World Languages

World Languages: PDF | Word

Health/Physical Education

Health Education: PDF | Word | Excel
Physical Education: PDF | Word | Excel

School Counseling

Academic Development: PDF
Career Development: PDF
Personal and Social Development: PDF

Additional Resources


Archived Standards

These archived standards are no longer being used for assessment purposes and should not be used for instructional purposes. They are for informational and historical purposes only.

English Language Arts

MLS 2015-17 - English Language Arts - Grades K-12:  PDF | Word | Excel
GLE 2.0 - Communication Arts: PDF | Word | Excel
CLE - Communication Arts: PDF | Word | Excel
GLE 2.0 - Information and Communications Technology Literacy: PDF | Word
CLE - Information and Communications Technology Literacy: PDF | Word


MLS 2015-17 - Mathematics - Grades K-12:  PDF | Word | Excel
GLE 2.0 - Mathematics: PDF | Word | Excel
CLE - Mathematics: PDF | Word | Excel


MLS 2008-17
Science - Grades K-5: PDF | Word | Excel
Science - Grades 6-8: PDF | Word | Excel
Science - Biology: PDF | Word | Excel
Science - Other High School Courses: PDF | Word 

Fine Arts

Music: PDF | Word | Excel 
Theater: PDF | Word | Excel 
Visual Arts: PDF | Word | Excel