Supports for Remote Teaching and Learning

Information and Resources

These pages include various resources and supports for remote teaching and learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  It will be updated frequently; please check back often.

Information for Educators

Information for Students and Parents



Instructional Resources Overview

This information is provided to help Missouri educators find effective educational material.  This list will be updated as necessary.

When reviewing and selecting materials to deploy, take care to understand the terms and conditions of their use. Be aware that some digital resources require teachers or students to create online accounts, some have copyright restrictions, and some are shared by companies that have temporarily suspended use fees. In addition, a resource previously contracted by districts for their students’ use may have restrictions that govern its use in remote learning.

The views, opinions and content contained in these resources are solely those of the original contributors. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.

English Language Arts

English Language Arts

Grade Level

Resource (Linked)




PreK - 4NineNetwork: "Teaching in Room 9"(link is external) 
(Resource added 04/28/20)

NineNetwork – Channel 9 in the St. Louis region is launching "Teaching in Room 9" and have created grade-appropriate lessons taught by committed educators from across the St. Louis region.  This project is to ensure area kids have access to quality teaching during this academic year and into the summer regardless of access to internet or computers. These PreK-grade 4 ELA lessons will be broadcasted free of charge and will start airing on Tuesday, April 28, 2020. The schedule is as follows:
April 28-July 31, 2020 -Monday-Thursdays: 

  • 12:30-1:00 p.m. - Reading, PreK-1st Grade
  • 1:00-1:30 p.m. - Reading, 2nd-4th Grade
K-12Show Me Online Teaching by Missouri Writing Projects Network personnel
(Link in Description)
OnlineEvery Monday 2:00 PM – elementary
Every Wednesday 2:00 PM – secondary
Every Friday 2:00 PM – either/all
Each thirty-minute episode features a guest teacher sharing a practical lesson for online learning. Join us live on the Zoom call or come back here to watch when you can: Join URL: is external).
K-12MWPN Write On! by Missouri Writing Projects Network personnel
(Link in Description)
OnlineEvery Thursday 10:00 AM
Join the MWPN Write On! (Join URL: is external) ). A good place to connect with teachers working together through this uncertain time. This will be a recurring opportunity to ask questions of other educators about the issues facing you in your schools and classrooms. We hope to see you there!
Elementary, SecondaryEngaging Learning Through Disruptions(link is external)OnlineLinks to resources recommended by the International Literacy Association to help families and school personnel with education during school closures. 
Elementary, SecondaryScholastic Learn at Home(link is external) OnlineDaily projects to engage students in reading and thinking.
ElementaryJust Books Read Aloud(link is external)OnlineIllustrated books are read aloud; available in several languages. 
Elementary, SecondaryEDSITEment!: The Best of the Humanities on the Web(link is external)OnlineLesson plans and multimedia resources provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities
Elementary, SecondaryNational Archives: Document Analysis(link is external)HybridProvides tools for analysis of primary sources in various media (photos, videos, posters, written documents, etc.). 
Elementary, SecondaryNewsela(link is external)OnlineComplimentary access to the ELA-relevant collection of news passages and other materials for student use
SecondaryPoetry Out Loud(link is external)OnlineCollection of poems and videos of state Poetry Out Loud champions reciting a selection of poems at the national championship. 
English Language Development

English Language Development

Grade Level

Resource (Linked)




K-8Four Weeks Tech Free(link is external)HybridA four-week tech-free choice board for K-8 students in nine languages. elementary, lower secondary grades
K-12Free Online Resources: Adjusting to Remote Classrooms and Learning(link is external)OnlineThis new resource list features free online tools broken down by age group and topic to make it easy to find something for everyone.
K-12Rosetta Stone for Students(link is external)OnlineRosetta Stone is offering free three-month subscriptions making students’ new language accessible whether they are in kindergarten or prepping for college. elementary, secondary
ElementaryUnite for Literacy(link is external)OnlineA digital library narrated in 40+ languages for preschool and primary learners that is free and easy to use for teachers and families alike.
ElementaryGlobal Storybooks(link is external)OnlineFreely available digital tales in 50+ languages.
EducatorsWIDA eWorkshops(link is external)OnlineAvailable to ALL educators in Missouri, six eWorkshops are self-paced and are available through the WIDA Secure Portal.
Fine Arts

Fine Arts

Art Resources
Music Resources
Dance Resources
Theatre Resources
All Arts K-12 Resources

Resource (Linked)




12 Virtual Museum Tours(link is external) Online These 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch (Video).
Art Lesson (​Arytfactory)(link is external) Online Art lessons from the Artyfactory.
Elementary Art Lessons(link is external) Online Elementary Art lessons from Kinder Arts
27 Art Activities and Lessons(link is external) Online 27 Art Activities and Lessons to Try at Home
COVID-19 Instrument Cleaning Guidelines(link is external) Online The NFHS, NAfME and the NAMM Foundation recommend the following guidelines for handling musical instruments during the COVID-19 school shutdown period. These guidelines are designed for use by music educators and educators may use these guidelines when teaching students and parents how to clean instruments.
Elementary Music Teacher Facebook Page(link is external) Online An online group of elementary music teachers sharing 'at home' ideas.
PBS Music Videos and Lessons(link is external) Online Encourage students to perform, analyze, and appreciate Music with resources that explore music from various time periods and cultures. 
Daria Music(link is external) Online On this website you can find lots of great ways to have fun with music, build your own instruments, discover silly songs or design a multi-cultural project for your school or community group.
EarBeater(link is external) Online With EarBeater you can train your musical ear in more than 200 individual exercises covering intervals, chords and scales.
Music With Lindsey: Online Music Lessons Classes for Kids(link is external) Online Great Youtube elementary music lessons. This link is to the first one. Type Music with Lindesey into the Youtube search engine to see additional lessons.
Rire-Woodbury Dance Company Online Online lessons for elementary dance that will not destroy the living room.
Theatre Lessons and Games(link is external) Online Broadway Theater Group lessons and theatre games.
Kennedy Center ArtsEdge Online An incredible resources for arts lessons K-12, all arts areas
Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education

Grade Level

Resource (Linked)




K-12Society of Health and Physical Educators(link is external)OnlineTips for conducting online physical education; miscellaneous resources.
K-12Coordinated Approach to Child Health(link is external) (CATCH)OnlineCATCH offers a health education curriculum designed to impact the health of students by integrating the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model.
PreK-12Online Physical Education Network(link is external)HybridTips and tools for parents and teachers that encourage physical activity and health at home
PreK-12PBS Learning Media: Health & Physical Education(link is external)OnlineResources providing lessons on physical, mental, and emotional health. 


Grade Level

Resource (Linked)




PreK - 4NineNetwork: "Teaching in Room 9"(link is external) 
(Resource added 04/28/20)

NineNetwork – Channel 9 in the St. Louis region is launching "Teaching in Room 9" and have created grade-appropriate lessons taught by committed educators from across the St. Louis region.  This project is to ensure area kids have access to quality teaching during this academic year and into the summer regardless of access to internet or computers. These grade PreK-4 math lessons will be broadcasted free of charge and will start airing on Tuesday, April 28, 2020. The schedule is as follows:
April 28-July 31, 2020 -Monday-Thursdays: 

  • 1:30-2:00 p.m. - Math, PreK-2
  • 2:00-2:30 p.m. - Math, 3-4 grade
PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12Math Activities for Home(link is external)HybridThis is a list of activities and resources for grades PreK - 12.  There are multiple activities that do not require online connectivity as well as others that utilize online resources.  These were developed by teams in Oklahoma through their state department. 
3-5, 6-8, 9-12Desmos Classroom ActivitiesOnlineThis link directs teachers to an assortment of activities that students can work through on multiple topics.  Practice and problem sets are included.  Primarily this is a resource for grades 6-12 with some for 3-5
3-5, 6-8, 9-12DesmosHybridThis is the general link to Desmos resources.  Calculators can be downloaded to smart phones or local devices and used offline.  Other activities are included. 
3-5, 6-8Estimation 180(link is external)HybridThis site has activities that could be done offline as well as additional resources online.  There are also lessons to be considered linked to grade and content. 


Grade Level

Resource (Linked)




K -3Gro More Good Outdoor Learning(link is external)HybridLessons focused on the four seasons of a garden. Each activity is hands-on and perfect for getting kids outside, exploring, and learning. The activities are based on early childhood education best practices and developed in partnership with the Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center.
K-5Animal Behavior Exploration(link is external)OfflineAnimal behavior exploration encouraging students to go outdoors around their home; students observe organisms in the environment.
3-5Food Chain Cards(link is external)OfflineFood chain game cards: Cut the cards apart. Students then try to find the pieces that connect to create a food chain. Place on paper and draw arrows showing the flow of energy. Label the different organisms as producer, consumer, decomposer.
K-12Making a Scientific IllustrationHybridMake scientific illustrations (models) of a favorite object from around the house. Can extend to use technology to create this illustration and add animation if technology is available and accessible.
6-8PBS Learning Media(link is external)OnlineFREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, and other resources for many subjects.
6-8Population Education(link is external)OnlineCurricula to complement students’ science and social science instruction about human population trends and their impacts on natural resources, environmental quality and human well-being.
6-8NSTA Freebies for Science Teachers(link is external)OnlineA searchable database of free resources on many topics. 
6-8Science Kids(link is external)OnlineA variety of science resources for kids- includes videos, games, projects, lessons and quizzes.
6-8, 9-12Ecosystem Observations Activity(link is external)OfflineEcosystem observations guidance document to help students as they are going outside or looking in a magazine to identify different aspects of an ecosystem (abiotic and biotic).
9-12What’s Going on in This Graph?(link is external)OnlineTo help students become critical consumers of scientific information; a Nebraska edition of the popular New York Times' offering, "What's Going on in This Graph?" Students will be asked to spend some time interacting with the map, graph or visualization and answer three basic questions: What do you notice? What do you wonder? What do you think is going on in the graph?
9-12Daily DE (Discovery Education)(link is external)OfflineMaking a hovercraft. Engineering design challenge (pp. 11-12 of document).
9-12Enzymes Lab(link is external)OfflineUnderstanding how changes in an enzyme affect its rate of activity. Understanding how enzymes function overall.
Social Studies

Social Studies

Grade Level

Resource (Linked)




Suitable for grades 3-12C-SPAN: Classroom(link is external)HybridAdaptable lesson plans and support materials useful in civics and history classrooms.
Suitable for grades 7-12 and earlier with adult guidance.C-SPAN: On This Day in History(link is external)HybridShort video clips which highlight historical events on each day of the year.
Suitable for grades 3-5 with adult support and upper grades for individual student work.ICivics: Games(link is external)OnlineHigh-quality, high-interest online games tied to many civics topics, 15-30 minutes each.
Suitable for middle school and high school. With teacher-made modifications, also suitable for grades 3, 4, 5.ICivics: Teach(link is external)OnlineGames and curriculum units tied to civics and American history.
Suitable for grades 7-12 and earlier with adult guidance.Stanford History Education Group: Civic Online Reasoning(link is external)HybridCurriculum and lessons focused on media literacy in social studies and daily life.
Suitable for grades 7-12 and earlier with adult guidance.Stanford History Education Group: Reading Like a Historian(link is external)HybridHigh-quality primary source material organized around historic and social science topics. 
Suitable for grades 7-12 and earlier with adult guidance.The Gilder-Lehrman Institute of American History: History Now(link is external)OnlineVideo, primary and secondary sources focusing on key events, people, and challenges in American history.