Parents & Students
College & Career Readiness
Afterschool Programs
After school programs keep kids safe, help working families and inspire students to learn.
Charter Schools
Charter Schools are independent public schools that are free from rules and regulations that apply to traditional public school districts unless specifically identified in charter school law.
Early Care & Education Services
Early childhood education is imperative to the future of our children. Learn more about opportunities in Missouri.
School Governance
Find a wide variety of topics, including student residency, school district boundary lines, boards of arbitration, school elections, facility needs and safety.
School Safety
Find the latest policies and information on security issues such as earthquakes, tornadoes and fires.
Show Me Success
See Missouri's strategic priorities designed to guarantee the superior preparation and performance of every child in school and in life.
College & Career Readiness
All students will have the necessary skills to further their education or compete for jobs in today’s competitive market.
Guidance & Counseling
The Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Program is designed to serve all students in grades K-12 and helps ensure equal opportunity for all students.
High School Equivalency Test
Find information pertaining to Missouri’s new high school equivalency test, the GED®, and the HiSET.
Career & Tech. Student Orgs.
Missouri offers more than a dozen career and technical student organizations. Find out more, including how to participate.
Graduation Requirements Handbook
This handbook outlines what is required to graduate high school in Missouri.
Virtual Instruction
Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP) offers online courses to Missouri students in grades K-12.
A+ Schools
The A+ program provides scholarship funds to eligible graduates who attend a participating public community college or vocational/technical school.
Early Care & Education Services
This program provides coordinated services and assistance to young children with special needs and their families.
Educator Preparation Reports
The Department strives to help prepare and develop effective educators across the state.
Afterschool Programs
After school programs keep kids safe, help working families and inspire students to learn.
College & Career Readiness
Career Education
Career education combines academics and occupational skill training to prepare students of all ages.
High School Equivalency Test
Interested parties may sign up to take the HiSET to earn their high school equivalency certificate.
ICAP – Individual Career and Academic Plan
Learn how all students should set educational goals to make sure they are college and career ready.
Missouri Learning Standards
These set of standards define the knowledge and skills students need in each grade level and course for success in college, other post-secondary training and careers.
Journey to College
Find the latest videos, scholarships, news and planning on how to help pay for your postsecondary education.
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