Individual Student Planning
Description: The Individual Student Planning (ISP) is a program component of the Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Program (McSCP) that assists all students with educational/career planning, educational transitioning, and self-appraisal for decision making. ISP is vital to every student's college and career readiness development grades K-12.
- Introduction to MCSCP Individual Student Planning (narrated Powerpoint)
- Individual Student Planning Guide (K-12) (2024)
- Elementary Rubric (2024)
- Middle School Rubric (2024)
- High School Rubric
- Senior Interview (2022)
- Career Center NSC Implementation Guide (2022)
- Career Advisors
The regional Career Advisors work with school districts, area career centers, military, and post-secondary institutions to ensure that Missouri students will have the knowledge, skills and experiences to make successful transitions to post-secondary options based on their educational and career goals.
- Work collaboratively with school districts to develop and enhance career pathways programs/processes
- Assist school counselors in the development and implementation of a rigorous and relevant Individual Career and Academic Plan
- Support schools with the implementation and integration of Missouri Connections
- Coordinate regional Missouri Connections training and support
- Collaborate on regular basis with DESE School Counseling section staff and DESE CTE program staff, to ensure regional and state programs are aligned and complementary (coordinated through the DESE School Counseling Director and Missouri Career Pathways Manager)
- Collaborate with the Missouri Pathways Regional Consultants
- Provide assistance to comprehensive high schools, area career centers and community/technical colleges regarding strategies to improve nontraditional participation and completion in career and technical education programs
- Assist with career planning opportunities such as a statewide Nontraditional event(s) featuring Nontraditional Careers.
Meet your Regional Career Advisor
Region Name Biography and Information Region 1 Name Marisa Bowen Biography and Information mlbowen@semo.edu Region 2 Name Jeffrey Beiswinger Biography and Information beiswingerj@missouri.edu Region 3 Name Jeremy Plowman Biography and Information jplowman@ucmo.edu Region 4 Name Mike Bolle Biography and Information mcbolle@truman.edu Region 5 Name Charlene Piel Biography and Information cpiel@nwmissouri.edu Region 6 Name Jackie Marling Biography and Information marlingj@mst.edu Region 7 Name Laura Harris Biography and Information lauraharris@missouristate.edu Region 8 Name Michelene Carbol Biography and Information mcarbol@edplus.org Region 9 Name Jay Webster Biography and Information webster@ucmo.edu - ICAP and Programs of Study
The Individual Career & Academic Plan (ICAP), is a plan of study to guide students through the coursework and activities for achieving personal career goals, post-secondary planning and providing individual pathway options. An ICAP is a multi-year process, beginning no later than the eighth grade, that intentionally guides students and families in the exploration of career, academic and multiple post-secondary opportunities to include *direct access to the workforce *military *tech school/area career center *vocational training (apprenticeship), *2 year college and *4 year college. An ICAP is a “roadmap” to help students develop the awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and skills to create their own meaningful pathways to be success ready graduates.
ICAP (Personal Plan of Study) legislative requirements begin on Section 167.903 of Senate Bill 638 (page 45)
- ICAP Template (revised March 15, 2023)
- ICAP Training Powerpoint
- Programs of Study
- Missouri Connections
Missouri Connections is a comprehensive, online, career development and planning program that is provided free of charge to all Missouri citizens. Funded by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, this program supports the career development efforts of schools, community organizations, and adult job seeker programs.