Math News!
Now Offering Virtual Office Hours: Every 3rd Thursday of the Month from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
This will be a space for educators and administrators to connect with the director for guidance on standards, teaching strategies and supporting diverse learners. Join us to collaborate, share ideas and enhance math education for all students. Join us here:
- https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1608447110?pwd=zkG3vjw5saOVVCL33fi6etPJSqRbN1.1
- Meeting ID: 160 844 7110
- Passcode: 138652
Assessment Development Recruitment
As a part of the assessment development cycle, DESE Assessment invites Missouri educators to participate in the process to help provide expertise. Missouri is always looking for educators to participate in these meetings. If you wish to be considered for participation for any future development meetings, please complete the online submission form at https://dese.mo.gov/form/assessment-meetings-interest. Once finished, you will receive an email to the personal email address provided to confirm your submission.
- Instructional Resources
Math Standards
- K-12 Priority Standard Document
- Mathematics - K-5: K-5 PDF | K-5 Word
- Mathematics - 6-12: 6-12 PDF | 6-12 Word
- Mathematics - K-12: K-12 Excel
Mathematical Practices
- Coming soon
Expanded Version of the Mathematics Grade- and Course-Level Expectations
- Kindergarten - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word
- Grade 1 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word
- Grade 2 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word
- Grade 3 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word
- Grade 4 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word
- Grade 5 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word
- Grade 6 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word
- Grade 7 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word
- Grade 8 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word
Performance Level Descriptors (PLD)
- Assessment Resources
Mathematics Item Specifications
One of the documents developed is the item specification document, which includes all Missouri grade level/course expectations arranged by domains/strands. It defines what could be measured on a variety of assessments. The document serves as the foundation of the assessment development process. Although teachers may use this document to provide clarity to the expectations, these specifications are intended for summative, benchmark, and large‐scale assessment purposes.
Item Specifications
Additional Resources
- Math Crosswalks: K | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Algebra 1 | Algebra 2 | Geometry
- 2020-2021 Grade-Level Assessment Blueprints
- 2020-2021 EOC Blueprints
MAP/EOC Reference Sheets
Student reference sheets for the GLA/EOC assessments can be found in the grade level manuals:
Math Practice Forms
Practice forms for Grade Level MAP and EOC can be found here:
- Professional Learning
Professional Learning
Math Content Meetings for 2025-26 will be announced soon.
These sessions will be held in-person in Columbia and Jefferson City.
Here is the link to the Curriculum calendar: Curriculum | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (mo.gov) to register for these meetings. Each session will have an Assessment Update session and K-6 and 6-12 topics.
Please contact Traci Gardner at traci.gardner@dese.mo.gov with questions or for more details.
Interface 2024 – Decades of Discovery
For forty years the Interface Conference has been a place where educators collaborate to improve mathematics and science instruction for the children of Missouri. Please consider presenting at one of Missouri’s premier professional learning events. Feel free to forward this message to other educators that you believe would also be interested in providing high quality presentations.
Announcement of Conference Dates coming soon.
Sponsored by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in cooperation with the MU Conference Office
- Contact Traci Gardner
- Organizations
National Mathematics Organizations
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
- Website: https://www.nctm.org/
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM)
- Membership: https://www.mathedleadership.org/membership/
- Missouri Team Leader: Marilyn Cannon marilyn.cannon@raytownschools.org
Missouri Mathematics Organizations
Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM)
- Website: https://www.moctm.org/
- Contact: Patrick Sullivan, patricksullivan@missouristate.edu
Missouri Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (MoCSM)- Contact: Jenny Hernandez, jhernandez@hollisterschools.com
American Regions Mathematics League (ARML)- Website: https://mathleague.org/armlmo.php
- Contact: Tim Sanders, arml@mathleague.org
Missouri Mathematics Association for the Advancement of Teacher Training (MAT)2- Website: coming soon
- Contact: coming soon
Central Missouri Mathematics Educators (CM2E)
- Website: http://www.ucmo.edu/math-cs/undergrad/mathed/educators.cfm
- Contact: Bill McGalliard, mcgalliard@ucmo.edu
Kansas City Area Teachers of Mathematics (KCATM)
- Website: www.kcatm.net/
- Contact: Rustin Reys, ReysR@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Mathematics Educators of South Central Missouri (MESCM)
- Contact: Jerry Trick, jerrytrick@missouristate.edu
- Website: https://www.nctm.org/
- Released Scored Performance Events
Released Scored Performance Events
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8