
As always, please contact me with your questions, ideas and concerns. Thank you for all you do for our students of Missouri!

Continuing Science Education: A Playbook to Continuing Three-Dimensional Instruction in Various Learning Environments(link is external)

The guidance and resources provided in this document are not meant to be a directive or limitation, but rather a tool that will continue to evolve as more resources are available. Additional guidance about the planning educators may undertake as they continue to plan for instruction this school year can be found in Teaching and Learning in a Virtual Environment 

Susan German
Director, Science
Susan German(link sends email)

Assessment Development Recruitment

As a part of the assessment development cycle, DESE Assessment invites Missouri educators to participate in the process to help provide expertise. Missouri is always looking for educators to participate in these meetings. If you wish to be considered for participation for any future development meetings, please complete the online submission form at Once finished, you will receive an email to the personal email address provided to confirm your submission.

Assessment Resources

Test Blueprints

Grade-level  |  End-of-course 

Sample Assessment Tasks

Grade-Level End-of-Course

Grade 5 Extended Task

Grade 8 Short Task

Biology Short Task


Practice Forms


Practice Forms can also be accessed via eDirect.

Content Paper/Pencil Large Print
5th Grade
8th Grade


Practice forms aligned to the new MLS Expectations will be available online through the EOC Secure Browser and here for students who need a paper assessment.

Performance Level Descriptors


These implementation resources are designed to provide support to educators at various stages of implementation of Missouri’s Learning Standards for Science, while building capacity within all grades.  These resources have the sole purpose to help guide implementation and in no way are the only ways of implementing the standards.

MLS Support Documents

Missouri Learning Standards Science Expectations

K-5  |  6-12 

Missouri Learning Standards Science Progressions

Science & Engineering Practices | Disciplinary Core Ideas | Crosscutting Concepts

Missouri Learning Standards Science Expanded Expectations

Kindergarten(link is external) 1st Grade(link is external) 2nd Grade(link is external)
3rd Grade(link is external) 4th Grade(link is external) 5th Grade(link is external)
6-8 Life Science(link is external) 6-8 Engineering, Technology, and Application of Science(link is external) 6-8 Earth and Space Science(link is external)
6-8 Physical Science(link is external) 9-12 Life Science(link is external) 9-12 Engineering, Technology, and Application of Science(link is external)
9-12 Earth and Space Science(link is external) 9-12 Physical Science(link is external)

*Connections to other Missouri Learning Standards, such as ELA and Math, can be found within the expanded expectations.

Item Specs
Kindergarten (Updated 10/31/19) 6-8 Earth/Space (Updated 02/20/20)
1st grade    6-8 Life (Updated 01/14/21)
2nd grade 6-8 Physical (Updated 02/20/20)
3rd grade (Updated 02/10/20) 9-12 Earth/Space (Updated 04/19/19)
4th grade (Updated 12/19/19) 9-12 Life (Updated 10/2021)
5th grade (Updated 01/05/21) 9-12 Physical (Updated 10/2021)
Professional Learning

Content Meetings(link is external)

DESE’s Office of College and Career Readiness has scheduled free professional development opportunities for Missouri K-12 educators in the arts, English language arts, English language development, health/physical education, math, science and social studies. Register using the links below on the Curriculum Calendar.

Interface 2024

Sponsored by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in cooperation with the MU Conference Office  

RPDC Science Contact Info



Science Contact


S Central RPDC


Janet Crafton sends email)



Myra Collins sends email)


St. Joseph

Deb Korell sends email)





Heart of Missouri


Gena McCluskey sends email)


Cape Girardeau

Linda Null sends email)

Central RPDC


Julie Blaine sends email)

St. Louis




Kansas City


Cathy Battles sends email)


Science Resources for Teachers

Missouri Department of Conservation – "Discover Nature Schools"

Missouri Department of Conservation coordinated with Missouri educators to develop an engaging, ecology-based curriculum aligned with our new science MLS expectations. The units are free resources that cover pre-k through high school content using inquiry-based methods. Below are flyers for each of the five units as well as crosswalks to the science MLS and NGSS. Teachers may visit the Conservation Department’s teacher portal to learn more about Discover Nature Schools, receive the free materials, and learn about additional grants.

USA Biolympiad(link is external)

The USABO is a competition for high school students who are passionate about biology. Your students who participate in the USABO will have the opportunity for this life changing experience by sharing their passion for biology with like-minded students nationally and internationally and establishing lifelong relationships that extend into their future careers. *For individuals to compete in this program: schools, teachers, or administrators must register as a school and a $95 payment will be collected.

National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT(link is external))

  • NABT resource page has links to all things biology including instructional materials, videos, student resources, articles and videos.

Missouri Environmental Education Association (MEEA)(link is external)

  • MEEA has an excellent array of resources for teachers and districts to utilize. Lessons, assessments, training, links to parks and conservation areas across Missouri.

STOM(link is external)   

  • Science Teachers of Missouri provides an array of science resources to benefit teachers and students in classroom, lesson planning and professional development.  

Missouri River Relief(link is external)

  • Looking for resources for teaching about the Missouri River, examples of river action projects, or ways to take learning outside? You’ve come to the right place. You're just a little early.

Science Friday(link is external)

  • Science Friday offers free STEM activities, lessons, and resources for parents and educators.     

The Concord Consortium(link is external)

  • We're a non-profit educational technology laboratory for science, mathematics and engineering. Our pioneering work brings technology's promise into reality for education.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)(link is external)

  • The teacher resources link provides pages of resources to assist teachers and districts with implementing science expectations.

NSTA – NGSS Hub(link is external)

  • National Science Teachers Association provides resources for classrooms, implementation and professional development.

University of California -  Berkley(link is external)(link is external)

  • Lesson plans, videos, articles, “resource database”

MetEd(link is external)

  • MetEd is a free collection of hundreds of training resources intended for the geoscience community. Whether you're an experienced meteorologist honing existing skills or a student looking for new geoscience topics of interest, we have something for you.

Liberty School District Curriculum and Instruction(link is external)

Publications And Related Links

Science Teachers of America(link is external)


National Curriculum Research in Science Education Resources

Resources for Learning Cycle, Inquiry, and Questioning

  • Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: A guide for teaching and learning(link is external) (Cothran, Julia H., Giese, Ronald N., Rezba, Richard J.(2000))
  • Students and research: Practical strategies for science classrooms and competitions (Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt)
  • Doing good science in middle school: a practical guide to inquiry-based instruction (Jorgenson, O., Cleveland, J., Vanosdall, R. (2004) Arlington, VA: NSTApress)
  • Inquire within: Implementing inquiry-based science standards (Llewellyn, Douglas (2002) Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.)
  • Teaching high school science through inquiry (Llewellyn, Douglas. (2005) Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.)
  • Quality questioning: Research-based practice to engage every learner (Walsh, J. A., Sattes, B. D. (2005) Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.)

Resources for Reading and Writing in Science

  • Science notebooks: Writing about inquiry (Campbell, Brian, Fulton, Lori. (2003) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books, Inc.)
  • Teaching reading in science: A supplement to the second edition of Teaching reading in the content areas teacher's manual (Barton, M. L., Jordan, D. L. (2001) Aurora, CO: Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning)
  • Reading, writing, and thinking like a scientist(Saul, E.W., Reardon, J., Pearce, C., Dieckman, D., Neutze, D. (2002) Science workshop: Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann)