Independent Living
The Independent Living (IL) program provides services to people with disabilities to increase their independence and their opportunity to participate in day-to-day life within their communities. There are 21 Centers for Independent Living (CILs) statewide that offer independent living services. The CILs are funded through Vocational Rehabilitation grants and are managed by persons with disabilities who have been successful in establishing their own independent lifestyles.
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Each CIL offers five Core Services:
- peer counseling
- advocacy
- information and referral
- independent living skills training
- Services that facilitate transition from nursing homes and other institutions to the community, provide assistance to those at risk of entering institutions, and facilitate transition of youth to post-secondary life.
CILs may provide other services that include but not limited to the following:
- counseling services
- housing services
- transportation services
- educational services
CIL Map Text Page (pdf)
The Independent Living (IL) program receives a portion of its funding through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For Federal Fiscal Year 2024, the total amount of grant funds awarded was $348,060 (90 percent). The remaining 10 percent ($38,673) was funded by state matching funds. The IL program also received additional state funding for an overall total of $6,053,103.