CIL Compliance

State and Federal Regulations

This information has both state and federal regulatory material for your study and use.  It should be useful in seeking answers to questions that have been asked over the years. This information should allow all of us to have a common reference to operate from and assist to bring us all on the same understanding of what are the requirements for CILs.

Code of Federal Regulations:  34 CFR Part 366(link is external)
Code of State Regulations: 5 CSR 20-500.290 
Revised State Statutes:  Section 178.652
Revised State Statutes:  Section 178.653
Revised State Statutes:  Section 178.654
Revised State Statutes:  Section 178.656
Revised State Statutes: Section 178.658
Title VII – Rehabilitation Act
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)(link is external)

Monitoring Requirements

Section 178.654, RSMo mandates that MVR staff will visit 7 CIL’s annually to conduct monitoring activities.   MVR staff will review case services records, evidence of the services provided as reported on the quarterly service reports and all other administrative documents.   MVR staff will also review the CIL’s financial records and compliance with their grant.

Some of the items reviewed are:

All grants funded through the Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation
Any documentation of formal Board of Director’s/Staff training
Minutes of the Board of Director’s meetings for the last twelve months
Minutes/notes of staff meetings for the twelve month
Monthly statistical reports
Internal Revenue Services Form 990
Certification and Articles of Incorporation (By-laws) – 501(c)(3)
Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Review File and/or Plan
Policy and Procedure Manuals
State and Federal Standards and Assurances
Case Service Records
Independent Living Services provided
Financial Records

Interviews will be conducted with staff, consumers, and board members in addition to the above.

On-site Compliance Review Form
IL Audit Parameters
Schedule of Reports Due


The CIL will be required to provide the following documentation as part of the Independent Living Grant application process:

Certification regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and other responsibility matters; and drug-free workplace requirements

Civil Rights Certificate