Charter Schools

Charter Schools Program Office

Charter Schools are independent public schools that are free from some rules and regulations that apply to traditional public school districts as specifically identified in charter school law. In exchange for flexibility, charter school sponsors are to hold the schools accountable for results. Charter schools are non-sectarian, do not discriminate in their admission policies and may not charge tuition or fees.

Any student residing in areas where charter schools operate or are permitted may choose to attend. There is no cost to parents for sending their children to a charter school. Any student residing in an unaccredited school district may transfer to an approved charter school in the same or an adjoining county.

As of July 2023, there are 20 LEAs in Kansas City operating within 42 buildings and 17 LEAs in St. Louis within 39 buildings.

Charter Schools Office Contacts

Shanika Williams(link sends email)Director of Charter Schools573-526-4219
Rexanne Hill(link sends email)State Supervisor of Instruction (KC area)573-508-5304
Lisa Hazel (link sends email)State Supervisor of Instruction (STL area)314-285-2762
Joel Holland (link sends email)State Supervisor of Instruction (STL area)573-508-5044

Interested in opening a charter school?

Contact the Missouri Charter Public School Association(link is external) (MCPSA) for guidance and resources. Determine who can sponsor a charter school in the area where the proposed school would be located and contact the appropriate sponsor.

Contact Shanika Williams(link sends email) at DESE for additional questions about opening a charter school.

* Parenthesis reflects the year the initial of most recent application was approved. Additional applications are available upon request.

Charter School Administrative Summit Presentations

2024 Charter Summit in partnership with Missouri Charter Public School Association

October 17-18, 2024
Hilton Garden Inn
3300 Vandiver Dr
Columbia, MO 65202 is external)

2023 Charter Summit

Wednesday, November 8th
Stoney Creek Hotel
Columbia, MO

In partnership with MCPSA is external)


Charter School Administrative Summit Presentations - October 2022

Charter School Administrative Summit Presentations - September 2019

Charter School Renewal Information

Decisions are made by the sponsors of each charter school, and this is only provided as information and not a determination. 

Renewal Year 2025-2026

Allen Village 048-909
District: Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: Kansas City Public School
Open Year: 1999-2000

Atlas Public Schools 115-933
District: St. Louis Public School District
Sponsor:  Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 2021-2022

Citizens of the World - Kansas City 048-928
District: Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 2016-2017

Hogan Preparatory Academy 048-904
District: Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 1999-2000

Hope Leadership Academy 048-925
District: Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: St. Louis University 
Open Year: 2011-2012

Lee A Tolbert Community Academy 048-910
District: Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 1999-2000

The Leadership School 096-6905
District: Normandy Schools Collaborative 
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 2022-2023

Renewal Year 2026-2027

Academy for Integrated Arts 048-927
District: Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 2012-2013

Confluence Academies 115-906
District: St. Louis Public School District
Sponsor: St. Louis Public School District
Open Year: 2003-2004

Guadalupe Centers Schools 048-902
District: Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 1999-2000

KIPP: KC 048-918
District: Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 2007-2008

St. Louis Voices Academy for Media Arts 115-934
District: St. Louis Public School District
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 2023-2024

Renewal Year 2027-2028

Brookside Charter School 048-916
District:  Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 2002-2003

City Garden Montessori 115-911
District: St. Louis Public School District
Sponsor: St. Louis University 
Open Year: 2008-2009

Gordon Parks Elementary 048-913
District:  Kansas City Public School
Sponsor:  Kansas City Public School
Open Year: 1999-2000

Lift for Life Academy 115-902
District: St. Louis Public School District
Sponsor: Southeast Missouri State University  
Open Year: 2000-2001

Momentum Academy 115-923
District: St. Louis Public School District
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 2013-2014

Scuola Vita Nuova 048-915
District:  Kansas City Public School
Sponsor: Missouri Charter School Public Commission
Open Year: 1999-2000

Charter School Sponsors
Kansas City Public Schools
Contact Information:
Charter Schools in Sponsor Portfolio:
  • Allen Village School 048-909
  • Crossroads Charter Schools 048-926
  • Gordon Parks Elementary 048-913
Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Contact Information:
Charter Schools in Sponsor Portfolio:
  • Academy for Integrated Arts 048-927
  • Atlas Public Schools 115-933
  • BELIEVE STL Academy 
  • Brookside Charter School 048-916
  • Citizens of the World 048-928
  • DeLaSalle Charter School 048-923
  • Ewing Marion Kauffman School 048-924
  • Gateway Science Academy 115-916\
  • Genesis School Inc. 048-905
  • Guadalupe Centers School 048-902
  • Hogan Preparatory Academy 048-904
  • Kairos Academies 115-931
  • Kansas City Girls Preparatory Academy 048-929
  • Kansas City International Academy 048-912
  • KIPP Endeavor 048-918
  • The Leadership School 096-901
  • Lee A. Tolbert Community Academy 048-910
  • Momentum Academy 115-923
  • Scuola Vita Nuova 048-915
  • St. Louis Voices Academy of Media Arts 115-934
  • University Academy 048-901
Saint Louis University
Contact Information:
Charter Schools in Sponsor Portfolio:
  • Academie Lafayette 048-914
  • City Garden Montessori 115-911
  • Frontier Schools 048-922
  • Hope Leadership Academy 048-925
Southeast Missouri State University
Contact Information:
Charter Schools in Sponsor Portfolio:
  • Lift for Life Academy 115-902
St. Louis City Public Schools
Contact Information:
Charter Schools in Sponsor Portfolio:
  • Confluence Academies 115-906
University of Missouri -St. Louis
Contact Information:
Charter Schools in Sponsor Portfolio:
  • The Biome 115-926
  • Lafayette Preparatory Academy 115-924
  • North Side Community School 115-913
  • Premier Charter School 115-903
  • The Soulard School 115-932
  • St. Louis Language Immersion Charter 115-912
Washington University
Contact Information:
Charter Schools in Sponsor Portfolio:
  • KIPP St. Louis 115-914
Charter School Sponsors Corner

Follow this link to the Missouri Comprehensive Data Portal. Select the school of choice from the drop-down box to view their data.

Frequently Asked Questions

When did the most recent charter law go into effect?

The most recent charter law went into effect as of Aug. 28, 2016.

What does SB727 say about Charter Schools.

CHARTER SCHOOLS (Sections 160.400 and 160.415)

The act adds all school districts located in Boone County to the list of school districts in which a charter school may be operated by any entity currently authorized to operate a charter school under state law. Provisions of current law that provide for additional state aid to charter schools shall not apply to any charter school operated in Boone County.

This provision is similar to SB 920 (2024) and to provisions in SB 1006 (2024), SCS/SB 1391 (2024), and SB 1392 (2024).

The act also provides that all laws and regulations that apply to employees of a charter school shall also apply to the actions of any employees of a charter school management company while such employees are conducting any work relating to the direct decision-making of the operation of the charter school.

In the past, charter schools were only permitted within the boundaries of the St. Louis City School District and Kansas City School District. Where are schools permitted now?

Refer to Section 160.400.2, RSMo. – charter schools may be operated only:

1. In the St. Louis city school district;
2. In the Kansas City school district;
3. In an unaccredited school district;
4. In a school district that has been classified as provisionally accredited for three consecutive school years under specific conditions. See Section 160.400.2(4);
5. In accredited districts, only the local school board can sponsor a charter school. After three consecutive years of classification as a provisionally accredited or unaccredited district, schools in that district can be sponsored by any of the entities listed in 160.400(3) after approval from the State Board of Education.

Do charter schools have to have a sponsor?

Yes. Refer to Section 160.400.3, RSMo. – the following entities are eligible to sponsor charter schools:

1. The special administrative boards or the school boards of the St. Louis and Kansas City school districts;
2. A public four-year college or university with an approved teacher education program that meets regional or national standards of accreditation;
3. A community college, the service area of which encompasses some portion of the district;
4. Any private four-year college or university with an enrollment of at least one thousand students, with its primary campus in Missouri, and with an approved teacher preparation program;
5. Any two-year private vocational or technical school designated as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, which is a member of the North Central Association and accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, with its primary campus in Missouri; or
6. The Missouri Charter Public School Commission created in Section 160.425, RSMo.

What school districts are unaccredited in Missouri?

For a list of accreditation classifications please visit the MO School Improvement Page.

Are sponsors paid any funds for sponsoring charter schools?

Yes. Pursuant to Section 160.400.11, RSMo. – DESE remits 1.5% of the amount of each charter school’s state and local funding to its sponsor, not to exceed $125,000, adjusted for inflation.

What are the expectations for being a sponsor?

Section 160.400.11, RSMo. – DESE remits funds for each charter school to the school’s sponsor, provided the sponsor remains in good standing by fulfilling its sponsorship obligations under Sections 160.400 to 160.425 and 167.349, RSMo. with regard to each charter school it sponsors, including appropriate demonstrations of the following:

1. Expends no less than ninety percent of its charter school sponsorship funds in support of its charter school sponsorship program, or as a direct investment in the sponsored schools;

2. Maintains a comprehensive application process that follows fair procedures and rigorous criteria and grants charters only to those developers who demonstrate strong capacity for establishing and operating a quality charter school;

3. Negotiates contracts with charter schools that clearly articulate the rights and responsibilities of each party regarding school autonomy, expected outcomes, measures for evaluating success or failure, performance consequences based on the annual performance report, and other material terms;

4. Conducts contract oversight that evaluates performance, monitors compliance, informs intervention and renewal decisions, and ensures autonomy provided under applicable law; and

5. Designs and implements a transparent and rigorous process that uses comprehensive data to make merit-based renewal decisions.

Section 160.400.12, RSMo. – Sponsors receiving funds under subsection 11 of this section shall be required to submit annual reports to the joint committee on education demonstrating they are in compliance with subsection 17 of this section.

What is the application process to become a charter school sponsor?

DESE established an application and approval process for all entities eligible to sponsor charters. Guidelines are available and applications for sponsorship must be submitted by February 1. The application includes:

1. Written notification of intent to serve as a charter school sponsor in accordance with applicable rule and regulations;

2. Evidence of the applicant sponsor's budget and personnel capacity;

3. An outline of the request for proposal that the applicant sponsor would, if approved as a charter sponsor, issue to solicit charter school applicants;

4. A performance framework that the sponsor would use to guide the establishment of a charter contract and for ongoing oversight and a description of how it would evaluate its’ charter schools; and

5. The sponsor's renewal, revocation and nonrenewal processes. Refer to Section 160.403 RSMo.

What is the timeline for applying to be a sponsor?

Refer to Section 160.403 RSMo – The timeline for applying to be a chart sponsor is as follows:

• Each interested/eligible sponsor's application must be submitted by February 1.

• Each year, the Department will grant or deny sponsoring authority to a sponsor applicant by April 1.

Is a charter school considered a public or private school?

Charter schools are considered public schools.

Can anyone attend a charter school?

A charter school may establish a geographical area around the school whose residents will receive a preference for enrolling in the school, provided that such preferences do not result in the establishment of racially or socioeconomically isolated schools and provided such preferences conform to policies and guidelines established by the state board of education. If capacity is insufficient to enroll all pupils who submit a timely application, the charter school shall have an admissions process lottery that assures all applicants of an equal chance of gaining admission.

What restrictions are placed on charter board members?

No member of the governing board of a charter school shall hold any office or employment from the board or the charter school while serving as a member, nor shall the member have any substantial interest, as defined in Section 105.450, in any entity employed by or contracting with the board. No board member shall be an employee of a company that provides substantial services to the charter school. All members of the governing board of the charter school shall be considered decision-making public servants as defined in Section 105.450 for the purposes of the financial disclosure requirements contained in Sections105.483, 105.485, 105.487, and 105.489.

The governing body of a charter school is authorized to accept grants, gifts or donations of any kind and to expend or use such grants, gifts or donations. A grant, gift or donation may not be accepted by the governing body. If it is subject to any condition contrary to law applicable to the charter school or other public schools, or contrary to the terms of the charter.

What is the process for opening a new charter school?

If a charter is approved by an approved sponsor, the charter application shall be submitted to the State Board of Education, including:

1. A statement of finding that the application meets the requirements of the charter school law; and

2. A monitoring plan under which the charter sponsor shall evaluate the academic performance of students enrolled in the charter school.

The state board of education may, within sixty days, disapprove the granting of the charter. The state board of education may disapprove a charter on grounds that the application fails to meet the requirements of the law or that a charter sponsor previously failed to meet the statutory responsibilities of a charter sponsor.

A charter school shall be, as provided in its charter: nonsectarian, compliant with laws and regulations of the state, county or city relating to health safety, state minimum educational standards, financially accountable, compliant with all federal audit requirements, providing a comprehensive program of instruction, measuring pupil progress, submitting an annual report card, compliant with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding students with disabilities, and numerous other requirements. Refer to Sections 160.400 to 160.425 and 167.349, RSMo.

What is the timeline for opening a charter school?

The law requires that charter school applications have to be approved by January 31st for opening the following fall. For an application to be reviewed by DESE and approved by the State Board of Education, the application must be submitted before November 10th. The writing of an application by a charter board, as well as the application for all necessary nonprofit status and incorporation usually takes six to 12 months.

How are state funds distributed to charter schools?

Charter schools receive funding just like other public school/LEAs. They report their Average Daily Attendance through the core data system at the Department.

Do charter schools have to participate in the state wide testing program?

Yes, charter schools must participate in the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP).

Are charter school MAP scores published somewhere?

Yes, all charter and public school test scores are available through the Missouri Comprehensive Data System (MCDS) at

Some Missouri charter schools have closed in recent years. How did this happen?

Closure of charter schools in Missouri has occurred for a variety of reasons including poor academic performance, financial distress or unsafe conditions. Sometimes the charter school boards make the decision to close a charter school because the school is financially insolvent. Other schools have closed because the school did not reach the goals agreed upon with their sponsors, so the sponsor closed them. Others have closed because their sponsor ceased being their sponsor due to poor performance.

Once a charter school is approved, what is the term of the initial charter?

Charter schools are initially approved for five-year terms.

Do teachers and administrators have to be certified to work in a charter school?

Yes, teachers must be certificated to work in a charter school. There is a provision given in Missouri Charter School Law for charter schools in Missouri to have 80 percent of their teachers certificated and 20 percent qualified to teach with certification in other states, countries, etc.

Are charter schools responsible for all accountability measures expected of public schools in the state?

Charter schools are held accountable for all performance standards applicable to the grades served in the school.

Can the initial charter be extended?

Refer to Section 160.405.9, RSMo. – the sponsor considers a comprehensive body of evidence to determine if the charter should be renewed. If the sponsor is convinced the charter school has met their criteria for renewal, the sponsor shall submit a renewal application to the State Board of Education for approval. Charter terms are for five years.

Is the renewal process different for high performing charter schools?

Refer to Section 160.405.9(2)(d), RSMo. – Charter schools with APR scores consistent with a classification of accredited for 3 out of the last 4 years are eligible for an expedited renewal.

Refer to Section 160.408, RSMo. – Charter schools with APR scores 85% or greater for 3 out of the last 4 years are high-quality charter schools. High-quality charter schools are eligible for a renewal up to ten years and are eligible for expedited expansion and replication.

Information regarding high performing charter schools

Charter schools in Kansas City and St. Louis have earned recognition from both regional and national publications, as 36 programs are currently in operation within 74 buildings throughout the two metro areas.

In 2016, the Missouri Legislature revised the state charter school laws and created high-quality charter schools. High-quality charter schools are provided expedited opportunities to replicate and expand in addition, these schools are eligible for a renewal of their charter with a term up to 10 years. There are six charter LEAs that have earned the distinction of high-quality. The statutory requirements for this designation are as follows:

Receives 85% or greater on the annual performance report (APR) for three out of the last four school years Maintains a graduation rate of at least 80% for three of the last four school years, if the charter school provides a high school program Is in material compliance with its legally binding performance contract and sections 160.400 to 160.425 and section 167.349 RSMo Is directorial and fiscally viable as described in statute

Forms And Resources

Sponsor Resources

Charter School Sponsor Evaluation Schedule Code of State Regulations

Student & Parent Resources

Closed Charter Schools Information
(Transcript and personnel records)

Highlighting Charter School Success

Charter schools in Kansas City and St. Louis have earned recognition from both regional and national publications, as 37 programs are currently in operation within 81 buildings throughout the two metro areas.

In 2016, the Missouri Legislature revised the state charter school laws and created high-quality charter schools. High-quality charter schools are provided expedited opportunities to replicate and expand in addition, these schools are eligible for a renewal of their charter with a term up to 10 years. There are seven charter LEAs that have earned the distinction of high-quality. The statutory requirements for this designation are as follows: 

  • Receives 85% or greater on the annual performance report (APR) for three out of the last four school years.
  • Maintains a graduation rate of at least 80% for three of the last four school years, if the charter school provides a high school program.
  • Is in material compliance with its legally binding performance contract and sections 160.400 to 160.425 and section 167.349 RSMo Is organizationally and fiscally viable as described in statute.

Results and recognition high-quality charter schools in Missouri:

News and Updates

HB 1552 Calculations

Kansas City Charter Schools

Academie Lafayette

Academie Lafayette - 048-914

Website: is external)
Grades: K-11
Address: 201 East Armour Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: 816-800-8771
Sponsor: Saint Louis University
Opened: 1999-2000
1st Renewal: 2008-2009
2nd Renewal: 2018-2019
3rd Renewal: 2028-2029
Formerly Known As: Kansas City Foreign Language Charter School
Academie Lafayette Armour International HighAcademie Lafayette Armour International Middle
  • Grades: 9-11
  • Address: 201 E. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-800-8771
  • Building Code: 1910
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Address: 201 E. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-800-8771
  • Building Code: 1920
Academie Lafayette - Oak ElementaryAcademie Lafayette - Cherry Elementary
  • Grades: K-5
  • Address: 6903 Oak Street, Kansas City, MO 64113
  • Phone: 816-361-7735
  • Building Code: 6940
  • Grades: K-5
  • Address: 3421 Cherry St., Kansas City, MO 64109
  • Phone: 816-888-7400
  • Building Code: 6941
Academy For Integrated Arts

Academy For Integrated Arts - 048-927

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-6
Address: 7910 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64131
Phone: 816-444-1720
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2012-2013
1st Renewal: 2016-2017
2nd Renewal: 2021-2022
3rd Renewal: 2026-2027
Academy For Integrated Arts
  • Grades: PK-6
  • Address: 7910 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64131
  • Phone: 816-444-1720
  • Building Code: 6995
Allen Village

Allen Village - 048-909

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 706 W. 42nd St., Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: 816-931-0177
Sponsor: Kansas City Public Schools
Opened: 1999-2000
1st Renewal: 2005-2006
2nd Renewal: 2015-2016
3rd Renewal: 2020-2021
Allen Village HighAllen Village Junior Academy
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 706 W. 42nd St., Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-931-0177
  • Building Code: 1980
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Address: 706 W. 42nd St., Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-931-0177
  • Building Code: 3930
Allen Village Elementary AcademyAllen Village Primary Academy
  • Grades: 3-5
  • Address: 706 W. 42nd St., Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-931-0177
  • Building Code: 6915
  • Grades: K-2
  • Address: 706 W. 42nd St., Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-931-0177
  • Building Code: 6905
Brookside Charter School

Brookside Charter School - 048-916

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-8
Address: 1815 East 63rd St., Kansas City, MO 64130
Phone: 816-531-2192
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2002-2003
1st Renewal: 2007-2008
2nd Renewal: 2017-2018
3rd Renewal: 2022-2023
Brookside Charter MiddleBrookside Charter Elementary
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Address: 1815 East 63rd St., Kansas City, MO 64130
  • Phone: 816-531-2192
  • Building Code: 3950
  • Grades: PK-5
  • Address: 1815 East 63rd St., Kansas City, MO 64130
  • Phone: 816-531-2192
  • Building Code: 6950
Citizens of the World Charter

Citizens of the World Charter - 048-928

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-7
Address: 4324 McGee Street, Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: 816-872-2944
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2016-2017
1st Renewal: 2020-2021
2nd Renewal: 2025-2026
Citizens of the World MiddleCitizens of the World Elementary
  • Grades: 6-7
  • Address: 201 East Armour Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-499-8000
  • Building Code: 3905
  • Grades: PK-5
  • Address: 3435 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-499-8000
  • Building Code: 6905
Crossroads Charter Schools

Crossroads Charter Schools - 048-926

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 1011 Central, Kansas City, MO 64105
Phone: 816-221-2600
Sponsor: Kansas City Public Schools
Opened: 2012-2013
1st Renewal: 2016-2017
2nd Renewal: 2021-2022
3rd Renewal: 2026-2027
Crossroads Preparatory AcademyCrossroads - Quality Hill
  • Grades: 7-12
  • Address: 816 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64105
  • Phone: 816-221-3191
  • Building Code: 1905
  • Grades: K-5
  • Address: 1080 Washington Street, Kansas City, MO 64105
  • Phone: 816-221-3191
  • Building Code: 6905
Crossroads - Central Street
  • Grades: PK-6
  • Address: 1011 Central, Kansas City, MO 64105
  • Phone: 816-221-2600
  • Building Code: 6990
DeLaSalle Charter School

DeLaSalle Charter School - 048-923

Website: is external)
Grades: 9-12
Address: 3737 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64109
Phone: 816-561-4445
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2010-2011
1st Renewal: 2014-2015
2nd Renewal: 2019-2020
3rd Renewal: 2024-2025
DeLaSalle Charter High School
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 3737 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64109
  • Phone: 816-561-4445
  • Building Code: 1970
Ewing Marion Kauffman

Ewing Marion Kauffman - 048-924

Website: is external)
Grades: 5-12
Address: 6401 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64131
Phone: 816-268-5660
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2011-2012
1st Renewal: 2020-2021
2nd Renewal: 2030-2031
Ewing Marion Kauffman HighEwing Marion Kauffman Middle
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 6401 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64131
  • Phone: 816-268-5660
  • Building Code: 1910
  • Grades: 5-8
  • Address: 6401 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64131
  • Phone: 816-268-5660
  • Building Code: 3930
Frontier Schools

Frontier Schools - 048-922

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 6800 Corporate Drive, Kansas City, MO 64120
Phone: 816-241-6200
Sponsor: St. Louis University
Opened: 2009-2010
1st Renewal: 2013-2014
2nd Renewal: 2018-2019
3rd Renewal: 2023-2024
Formerly Known As: Frontier School Innovation
Frontier School of Excellence HighFrontier Stem High
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 5605 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64110
  • Phone: 816-822-1331
  • Building Code: 1920
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 6455 Commerce Ave., Kansas City, MO 64120
  • Phone: 816-241-6202
  • Building Code: 1985
Frontier School of Innovation MiddleFrontier School of Excellence Middle
  • Grades: 4-8
  • Address: 1575 Universal Ave., Kansas City, MO 64120
  • Phone: 816-241-2602
  • Building Code: 3935
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Address: 5605 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64110
  • Phone: 816-822-1331
  • Building Code: 3940
Frontier School of Innovation Elementary
  • Grades: PK-3
  • Address: 6700 Corporate Drive, Kansas City, MO 64120
  • Phone: 816-363-1907
  • Building Code: 6975
Genesis School Inc.

Genesis School Inc. - 048-905

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-8
Address: 3800 E. 44th St., Kansas City, MO 64130
Phone: 816-921-0775
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 1999-2000
1st Renewal: 2004-2005
2nd Renewal: 2014-2015
3rd Renewal: 2019-2020
4th Renewal: 2024-2025
Genesis School Inc.
  • Grades: PK-8
  • Address: 3800 E. 44th St., Kansas City, MO 64130
  • Phone: 816-921-0775
  • Building Code: 1945
Gordon Parks Elementary

Gordon Parks Elementary - 048-913

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-4
Address: 3715 Wyoming St., Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: 816-753-6700
Sponsor: Kansas City Public Schools
Opened: 1999-2000
1st Renewal: 2005-2006
2nd Renewal: 2012-2013
3rd Renewal: 2017-2018
4th Renewal: 2022-2023
Gordon Parks Elementary
  • Grades: K-4
  • Address: 3715 Wyoming St., Kansas City, MO 64111
  • Phone: 816-753-6700
  • Building Code: 6935
Guadalupe Centers Schools

Guadalupe Centers Schools - 048-902

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 1015 Avenida Cesar E Chavez, Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: 816-421-1015
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 1999-2000
1st Renewal: 2007-2008
2nd Renewal: 2011-2012
3rd Renewal: 2016-2017
4th Renewal: 2021-2022
Formerly Known As: Della Lamb Elementary
Guadalupe Centers HighGuadalupe Centers Middle
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 1524 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108
  • Phone: 816-471-2582
  • Building Code: 1925
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Address: 2450 Belleview, Kansas City, MO 64108
  • Phone: 816-472-4120
  • Building Code: 3925
Guadalupe Centers Elementary
  • Grades: PK-5
  • Address: 5123 E. Truman, Kansas City, MO 64127
  • Phone: 816-472-1471
  • Building Code: 6905
Hogan Preparatory Academy

Hogan Preparatory Academy - 048-904

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 6409 Agnes Ave., Kansas City, MO 64132
Phone: 816-444-3484
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 1999-2000
1st Renewal: 2005-2006
2nd Renewal: 2010-2011
3rd Renewal: 2020-2021
4th Renewal: 2025-2026
Hogan Preparatory Academy HighHogan Preparatory Middle
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 1221 E. Meyer Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64131
  • Phone: 816-444-3464
  • Building Code: 1935
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Address: 6409 Agnes Ave., Kansas City, MO 64132
  • Phone: 816-444-4479
  • Building Code: 3945
Hogan Preparatory Elementary
  • Grades: PK-5
  • Address: 2803 E. 51st, Kansas City, MO 64130
  • Phone: 816-444-5010
  • Building Code: 6910
Hope Leadership Academy

Hope Leadership Academy - 048-925

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-4
Address: 2800 E. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64128
Phone: 816-921-1213
Sponsor: Saint Louis University
Opened: 2011-2012
1st Renewal: 2015-2016
2nd Renewal: 2020-2021
3rd Renewal: 2025-2026
Hope Leadership Academy
  • Grades: K-4
  • Address: 2800 E. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64128
  • Phone: 816-921-1213
  • Building Code: 6985
Kansas City Girls Preparatory Academy

Kansas City Girls Preparatory Academy - 048-929

Website: is external)
Grades: 5-8
Address: 5000 E. 17th St., Kansas City, MO 64127
Phone: 816-268-2573
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2019-2020
1st Renewal: 2023-2024
Kansas City Girls Preparatory Academy
  • Grades: 5-8
  • Address: 5000 E. 17th St., Kansas City, MO 64127
  • Phone: 816-268-2573
  • Building Code: 3945
Kansas City International Academy

Kansas City International Academy - 048-912

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-8
Address: 414 Wallace Ave., Kansas City, MO 64125
Phone: 816-242-4206
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 1999-2000
1st Renewal: 2008-2009
2nd Renewal: 2018-2019
3rd Renewal: 2023-2024
Formerly Known As: Crossroads Academy of Kansas City
Kansas City International Academy
  • Grades: PK-8
  • Address: 414 Wallace Ave., Kansas City, MO 64125
  • Phone: 816-242-4206
  • Building Code: 6930
KIPP Endeavor Academy

KIPP Endeavor Academy - 048-918

Website: is external)
Grades: K-9
Address: 2700 E. 18th St., Kansas City, MO 64127
Phone: 816-241-3994
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2007-2008
1st Renewal: 2016-2017
2nd Renewal: 2021-2022
3rd Renewal: 2026-2027
KIPP Legacy High SchoolKIPP Endeavor Academy
  • Grades: 9
  • Address: 2405 Elmwood Ave., Kansas City, MO 64127
  • Phone: 816-241-3994
  • Building Code: 1050
  • Grades: PK-8
  • Address: 2700 E. 18th St., Kansas City, MO 64127
  • Phone: 816-241-3994
  • Building Code: 3920
Lee A. Tolbert Community Academy

Lee A. Tolbert Community Academy - 048-910

Website: is external)
Grades: K-8
Address: 3400 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64109
Phone: 816-561-0114
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 1999-2000
1st Renewal: 2005-2006
2nd Renewal: 2015-2016
3rd Renewal: 2020-2021
4th Renewal: 2025-2026
Lee A. Tolbert Community Academy
  • Grades: K-8
  • Address: 3400 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64109
  • Phone: 816-561-0114
  • Building Code: 6920
Scuola Vita Nuova

Scuola Vita Nuova - 048-915

Website: is external)
Grades: K-8
Address: 535 Garfield Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64124
Phone: 816-231-5788
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 1999-2000
1st Renewal: 2006-2007
2nd Renewal: 2012-2013
3rd Renewal: 2017-2018
4th Renewal: 2027-2028
Scuola Vita Nuova
  • Grades: K-8
  • Address:535 Garfield Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64124
  • Phone: 816-231-5788
  • Building Code: 6945
University Academy

University Academy - 048-901

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 6801 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO 64132
Phone: 816-412-5900
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2000-2001
1st Renewal: 2004-2005
2nd Renewal: 2014-2015
3rd Renewal: 2019-2020
4th Renewal: 2029-2030
University Academy UpperUniversity Academy Middle
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 6801 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO 64132
  • Phone: 816-412-5900
  • Building Code: 1915
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Address: 6801 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO 64132
  • Phone: 816-412-5900
  • Building Code: 3925
University Academy Lower
  • Grades: PK-5
  • Address: 6801 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO 64132
  • Phone: 816-412-5900
  • Building Code: 6965

St. Louis Charter Schools

Atlas Public Schools

Atlas Public Schools - 115-933

Website: is external)
Grades: K-2
Address: 2845 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-437-4898
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2021-2022
Atlas Public Schools
  • Grades: K-2
  • Address: 2845 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103
  • Phone: 314-437-4898
  • Building Code: 6905


Grade: 9-10
Website: is external)
Address: 2837 Washington Ave. St. Louis, MO 63103
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opening: 2024-2025
The Biome

The Biome - 115-926

Website: is external)
Grades: K-5
Address: 4471 Olive Street, St. Louis, MO 63108
Phone: 314-531-0982
Sponsor: University Of Missouri - St. Louis
Opened: 2015-2016
1st Renewal: 2019-2020
2nd Renewal: 2024-2025
The Biome
  • Grades: K-5
  • Address: 4471 Olive Street, St. Louis, MO 63108
  • Phone: 314-531-0982
  • Building Code: 6905
City Garden Montessori

City Garden Montessori - 115-911

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-8
Address: 1618 Tower Grove, St. Louis, MO 63110
Phone: 314-664-7646
Sponsor: Saint Louis University
Opened: 2008-2009
1st Renewal: 2017-2018
2nd Renewal: 2027-2028
City Garden Montessori Elementary and Adolescent Education CenterCity Garden Montessori Early Childhood Education Center
  • Grades: 1-8
  • Address: 4209 Folsom Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110
  • Phone: 314-664-7646
  • Building Code: 6966
  • Grades: PK-K
  • Address: 1618 Tower Grove, St. Louis, MO 63110
  • Phone: 314-664-7646
  • Building Code: 6955
Confluence Academies

Confluence Academies - 115-906

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 611 North 10th St., Suite 525, St. Louis, MO 63101
Phone: 314-588-8554
Sponsor: St. Louis City Public Schools
Opened: 2003-2004
1st Renewal: 2011-2012
2nd Renewal: 2016-2017
3rd Renewal: 2021-2022
4th Renewal: 2026-2027
Confluence Preparatory AcademyGrand Center Arts Academy High
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 310 N. 15th St., St. Louis, MO 63103
  • Phone: 314-588-1088
  • Building Code: 1920
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 711 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis, MO 63103
  • Phone: 314-533-1791
  • Building Code: 1945
Grand Center Arts Academy MiddleOld North Academy
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Address: 711 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis, MO 63103
  • Phone: 314-533-1791
  • Building Code: 3920
  • Grades: PK-8
  • Address: 3017 N. 13th St., St. Louis, MO 63107
  • Phone: 314-241-1110
  • Building Code: 6930
South CityAspire Academy
  • Grades: PK-8
  • Address: 3112 Meramec St., St. Louis, MO 63118
  • Phone: 314-481-4700
  • Building Code: 6932
  • Grades: PK-2
  • Address:5421 Thekla Ave., St. Louis, MO 63120
  • Phone: 314-383-8900
  • Building Code: 6931
Friendly Academy


Website: is external)
Grades: K-1
Address: 5501 Delmar Blvd., Suite A300, St. Louis, MO 63112
Phone: 618-954-2255
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opening: 2025-2026 
Gateway Science Academy of St. Louis

Gateway Science Academy of St. Louis - 115-916

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 6576 Smiley Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139
Phone: 314-932-7513
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2010-2011
1st Renewal: 2014-2015
2nd Renewal: 2019-2020
3rd Renewal: 2024-2025
Gateway Science Academy HighGateway Science Academy Middle
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 5049 Fyler Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139
  • Phone: 314-261-4361
  • Building Code: 1940
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Address: 5049 Fyler Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139
  • Phone: 314-261-4361
  • Building Code: 3935
Gateway Science Academy SmileyGateway Science Academy South
  • Grades: PK-5
  • Address: 6576 Smiley Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139
  • Phone: 314-932-7513
  • Building Code: 6980
  • Grades: PK-5
  • Address: 6651 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, MO 63116
  • Phone: 314-669-9000
  • Building Code: 6997
Kairos Academies

Kairos Academies - 115-931

Website: is external)
Grades: 5-9
Address: 2315 Miami St., St. Louis, MO 63118
Phone: 314-252-0602
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2019-2020
1st Renewal: 2023-2024
Kairos HighKairos Academies
  • Grades: 9
  • Address: 2315 Miami St., St. Louis, MO 63118
  • Phone: 314-252-0602
  • Building Code: 1020
  • Grades: 5-8
  • Address: 2315 Miami St., St. Louis, MO 63118
  • Phone: 314-252-0602
  • Building Code: 3945
KIPP St. Louis Public Schools

KIPP St. Louis Public Schools - 115-914

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 1310 Papin St., Ste 203, St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-349-1388
Sponsor: Washington University
Opened: 2009-2010
1st Renewal: 2018-2019
2nd Renewal: 2023-2024
KIPP St. Louis HighKIPP Inspire Academy
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 706 N. Jefferson, St. Louis, MO 63103
  • Phone: 314-241-1030
  • Building Code: 1905
  • Grades: 5-8
  • Address: 1212 N. 22nd St., St. Louis, MO 63106
  • Phone: 314-296-3502
  • Building Code: 6970
KIPP Triumph AcademyKIPP Victory Academy
  • Grades: 5-8
  • Address: 1419 Linton, St. Louis, MO 63107
  • Phone: 314-454-9167
  • Building Code: 6973
  • Grades: K-4
  • Address: 955 Arcade Ave., St. Louis, MO 63112
  • Phone: 314-454-9255
  • Building Code: 6971
KIPP Wisdom AcademyKIPP Wonder Academy
  • Grades: K-4
  • Address: 1224 Grattan Ave., St. Louis, MO 63104
  • Phone: 314-384-9561
  • Building Code: 6972
  • Grades: PK-3
  • Address: 3740 Marine Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118
  • Phone: 314-450-9550
  • Building Code: 6974
Lafayette Preparatory Academy

Lafayette Preparatory Academy - 115-924

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-8
Address: 1900 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, MO 63104
Phone: 314-880-4459
Sponsor: University Of Missouri - St. Louis
Opened: 2013-2014
1st Renewal: 2017-2018
2nd Renewal: 2022-2023
Lafayette Preparatory Academy
  • Grades: PK-8
  • Address: 1900 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, MO 63104
  • Phone: 314-880-4459
  • Building Code: 6993
The Leadership School

The Leadership School - 096-901

Website: is external)
Grades: K-2
Address: 1785 Pennsylvania Ave., Pagedale, MO 63113
Phone: 314-227-1777
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Location: Normandy Collaborative
Opened: 2022-2023
1st Renewal: 2026-2027
The Leadership School
  • Grades: K-2)
  • Address: 1785 Pennsylvania Ave., Pagedale, MO 63113
  • Phone: 314-227-1777
  • Building Code: 6905
Lift for Life Academy

Lift for Life Academy - 115-902

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-12
Address: 1731 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63104
Phone: 314-231-2337
Sponsor: Southeast Missouri State University
Opened: 2000-2001
1st Renewal: 2005-2006
2nd Renewal: 2012-2013
3rd Renewal: 2017-2018
4th Renewal: 2022-2023
Lift for Life HighLift for Life Middle
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Address: 1731 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63104
  • Phone: 314-231-2337
  • Building Code: 1935
  • Grades: 5-8
  • Address: 1731 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63104
  • Phone: 314-231-2337
  • Building Code: 3910
Lift for Life Elementary
  • Grades: PK-4
  • Address: 1920 S. 7th St., St. Louis, MO 63104
  • Phone: 314-231-2337
  • Building Code: 6905
Momentum Academy

Momentum Academy- 115-923

Website: is external)
Grades: K-8
Address: 3630 Ohio Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118
Phone: 314-664-7627
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2013-2014
1st Renewal: 2017-2018
2nd Renewal: 2022-2023
Formerly Known As: Eagle College Prep Endeavor
Eagle Tower Grove SouthMomentum Fox Park
  • Grades: K-8
  • Address: 3716 Morganford Road, St. Louis, MO 63116
  • Phone: 314-571-5762
  • Building Code: 6995
  • Grades: K-8
  • Address: 2617 Shenandoah Ave., St. Louis, MO 63104
  • Phone: 314-450-7651
  • Building Code: 6996
Eagle Tower Grove EastEagle Gravois Park
  • Grades: K-8
  • Address: 2900 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63118
  • Phone: 314-376-3480
  • Building Code: 6997
  • Grades: K-8
  • Address: 3630 Ohio Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118
  • Phone: 314-236-3000
  • Building Code: 6998
North Side Community School

North Side Community School - 115-913

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-8
Address: 3033 N. Euclid, St. Louis, MO 63115
Phone: 314-385-9502
Sponsor: University Of Missouri - St. Louis
Opened: 2009-2010
1st Renewal: 2013-2014
2nd Renewal: 2018-2019
3rd Renewal: 2028-2029
North Side Community - Grand CenterNorthside Community School
  • Grades: 5-8
  • Address: 620 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103
  • Phone: 314-499-2009
  • Building Code: 6970
  • Grades: PK-4
  • Address: 3033 N. Euclid, St. Louis, MO 63115
  • Phone: 314-385-9502
  • Building Code: 6965
Premier Charter School

Premier Charter School - 115-903

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-8
Address: 5279 Fyler Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119
Phone: 314-645-9600
Sponsor: University Of Missouri - St. Louis
Opened: 2000-2001
1st Renewal: 2010-2011
2nd Renewal: 2019-2020
3rd Renewal: 2024-2025
Formerly Known As: St. Louis Charter School
Premier Charter School
  • Grades: PK-8
  • Address: 5279 Fyler Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119
  • Phone: 314-645-9600
  • Building Code: 6915
The Soulard School

The Soulard School - 115-932

Website: is external)
Grades: K-5
Address: 1110 Victor St., St. Louis, MO 63104
Phone: 314-865-2799
Sponsor: University Of Missouri - St. Louis
Opened: 2019-2020
1st Renewal: 2023-2024
The Soulard School
  • Grades: K-5
  • Address: 1110 Victor St., St. Louis, MO 63104
  • Phone: 314-865-2799
  • Building Code: 6930
St. Louis Language Immersion

St. Louis Language Immersion School - 115-912

Website: is external)
Grades: PK-8
Address: 1881 Pine, St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-533-0975
Sponsor: University Of Missouri - St. Louis
Opened: 2009-2010
1st Renewal: 2013-2014
2nd Renewal: 2018-2019
3rd Renewal: 2023-2024
St. Louis Language Immersion School
  • Grades: PK-8
  • Address: 1881 Pine, St. Louis, MO 63103
  • Phone: 314-533-0975
  • Building Code: 6961
St. Louis Voices Academy of Media Arts

St. Louis Voices Academy of Media Arts - 115-934

Website: is external)
Grades: K-1
Address: 5501 Delmar Blvd., Suite A300, St. Louis, MO 63112
Phone: 314-901-4071
Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission
Opened: 2023-2024
St. Louis Voices Academy of Media Arts
  • Grades: K-1
  • Address: 5501 Delmar Blvd., Suite A300, St. Louis, MO 63112
  • Phone: 314-901-4071
  • Building Code: 6905