Accountability Data

The Accountability Data section is responsible for providing data management services for Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) Performance Standards and, Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) Results. The section assists the department with computing an Annual Performance Report (APR) score for each Local Education Agency (LEA) and school to measure progress toward the goal that all students graduate high school college-and career-ready. Accountability Data is also responsible for providing services for federal accountability determinations, and data submission to the U.S. Department of Education. 

The section collaborates with other offices in the department for the creation and publication of supporting reports for each of the MSIP performance standards and MAP results, allowing LEA officials the ability to regularly monitor their own progress.

For questions, contact DESE Accountability Data at 573-526-4886 or sends email).

Annual Performance Reports

Annual Performance Reports are available through the MCDS portal.

Accountability Data Resources
EOC Mathematics

There is not an exception code for Algebra I retakes to earn A+ eligibility. These scores must be appealed to be removed.

Students who take the Algebra I EOC prior to 9th grade must take the Algebra II EOC for Accountability.

EOC Exception Collection

The End of Course Exception collection is available for reporting in the MOSIS Data Collection System. This collection allows school districts to report End-of-Course exceptions for the mandatory assessments required of each student for which a district graduates.

EOC Reporting Instructions
EOC Exemption Reporting Slide Presentation
Core Data Code Set

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, 1pm - 2pm

Topic: Data Reports(link is external)

Improvement and Accountability Data Manager Konnie Koenigsfeld, and Improvement and Accountability Manager Stuart Smith from the Office of Quality Schools will be back at it to review all data reports created by DESE and what to do with data once reports are published. Click here(link is external) to join.

View the slide deck here

Accountability Data Appeals Process

Accuracy is key to ensuring that data is meaningful to the Local Education Agency (LEA). DESE Accountability Data offers LEAs the ability to request several types of corrections and appeals. Each appeal type has a specific appeals window. The appeal request must be submitted no later the close of the appeals window. Appeals received after the deadline will not be processed. Appeals are handled in the order they are received.

The Appeals Process provides LEAs with an opportunity to appeal:

  • A+ Retake – Remove a score for an A+ retest to achieve proficient/advanced on Algebra I.
  • Incorrect LND – The LEA believes the student was assigned an LND incorrectly.
  • Incorrect Score – The LEA believes the student did not receive the correct score number. (Include purchase order number with appeal.)
  • Missing Score – The LEA believes the student tested but did not receive a score.
  • Removal of Duplicate Score – A student has more than one score for a content area.
  • Unintentional Invalidation – The LEAs unintentionally invalidated the score appeal of the student.
  • Incorrect Graduation Cohort – If the student transferred out during the most recent school year and are still counting in the cohort the LEA should make sure the exit code is a transfer out code in MOSIS/Core Data, re-upload and re-certify.
  • MOSIS ID – The MOSIS ID for the student is incorrect.


Appeal TypeInformation
A+ Retesting

If a student takes the same EOC assessment in the same accountability year (Summer/Fall/Spring), the last score is automatically kept for accountability purposes. LEAs do not need to appeal to remove previous scores.

If the student takes the same EOC assessment in different accountability years, the LEA will need to appeal to remove scores. If the LEA does not appeal, all scores will be used for accountability purposes.

A+ appeals are due by June 30 of the current school year.

For additional guidance of alternative options to the use of the Algebra I EOC assessment score, please visit the website for the Department of Higher Education Workforce Development (MDHEWD).

College and Career Readiness (CCR)

  • Accuplacer
  • ACT
  • ACT WorkKeys
  • AP – Advanced Placement
  • IB – International Baccalaureate
  • PLTW – Project Lead The Way

The department creates a trial in MOSIS Data Collection for each LEA called the LEA and School Success Ready Student CCR ID Clean-up. After LEAs update and certify records contained in the CCR ID Clean-up file, reports will update. Appeals for CCR assessments will not be accepted until after the CCR ID Clean-up file has been certified by the district.

Secure Reports are available to review the data for the MSIP APR. The measures are available securely in the Missouri Comprehensive Data System (MCDS) Portal. The user will login to the MCDS Portal, and review the reports by following the path below: District, Charters, Schools > School Performance and Accountability > Reports and Resources

ASVAB scores are reported through the MOSIS Data Collection System. Changes will only be accepted through the MOSIS system. For additional information, go to the MOSIS website.

Graduation Cohort  

Missouri Assessment Program (MAP)

  • End-of-Course (EOC)
  • MAP Grade-Level
  • MAP-A


The appeals window for MAP Assessments consists of two (2) windows and will be open as determined by the department.

First Map Appeals Window:

Unintentional invalidation or re-scoring a student’s assessment may cost up to $60 per assessment. If there is a change in the student’s achievement level, the LEA will not be charged. If the score is not changed, the LEA will be invoiced by the assessment vendor.

Unintentional invalidation happens when an LEA accidently reports an incorrect accommodation that results in a Lowest Obtainable Scale Score (LOSS) for a student.

Second Appeals Window:

Appeals for LNDs, student transfers within assessment window, and other miscellaneous appeals should be received during the second appeal window. Supporting documentation must be included. 

EOC Exception MOSIS Collection

Date Due: June 30 MOSIS Submission

Appeals will not be accepted for students who should have been reported in the EOC collection file

Procedures for submitting an appeal

LEA’s must use the DESE Appeals Application to submit an appeal.  Incomplete files will delay the appeals process.

All appeals must include supporting documentation:

  • For MAP Assessment rescore appeals, a purchase order must include the LEA’s appeal request.
  • For CCR assessments including AP and IB exams, a score sheet from the vendor, with the vendor logo on it must be included in the LEA’s appeal request.
  • Graduation Cohort appeals must include supporting documentation (e.g., records request, signed homeschool request).
  • A+ appeals do not require an additional documentation. 

Appeals Manual for Online Submission

Data Clean-Up, Corrections and Appeals

2025 Data Clean-Up, Corrections and Appeals

DESE will share important dates related to the data posting as they become available.

TBD MOSIS ID Clean-Up for the following: Grade-Level, End-of-Course, MAP-A, WIDA ACCESS
12/13/2024 LEA and School CCR Advanced Assessment and Advanced Credit Report
TBD LEA and School Graduation Report
TBD LEA and School Graduate Follow Up Report
TBD LEA and School KEA Report
TBD LEA and School ICAP Report
TBD LEA and School Proportional Attendance Rate Report
TBD MAP appeals for the following: Grade-Level, End-of-Course, MAP-A
TBD Performance Level Detail Report Release
TBD Success Ready High School Readiness Report
TBD Corrections submitted through MOSIS for the following CCR items: ASVAB, Dual Credit, Dual Enrollment, AP Courses, IB Courses, Industry Recognized Credential (IRC), Stackable Credentials, Graduation and Attendance

Corrections submitted through MOSIS for the following CCR Success-Ready Student measures: Attendance, Graduation, ICAP and KEA.

LEAs should NOT submit a correction or appeal for Success-Ready Student (CCR data) until their MOSIS ID cleanup for Success-Ready CCR files are completed and certified.

01/22/2025-01/29/2025  MOSIS ID Clean-Up for Success-Ready Student measures: College and Career Ready (CCR) data
02/04/2025-02/18/2025  CCR appeal window for the following: ACT, ACT WorkKeys, SAT, Accuplacer, IB exam, AP exam, PLTW exam

Additional information regarding the appeals process and forms can be found in the Accountability Data Appeals Process tab on this page. If you have any additional questions, please contact DESE Accountability Data at sends email) or 573-526-4426.

Medical Waivers

Students with serious medical and mental conditions can and do participate in the Missouri statewide assessments. However, there are rare and unique situations in which a student is unable, for medical reasons, to participate in an assessment. Federal regulations allow exceptions to participation in such situations; however, these exceptions must be made with great care. 

All medically fragile students are expected to participate in statewide assessments unless a significant and documented medical emergency exists in addition to medical fragility. When a medically fragile student cannot reasonably participate in a statewide assessment during the state assessment window, this must be documented in the student’s permanent file and a medical waiver must be submitted to DESE.

To submit the Medical Waiver, either fax your written request to: (573) 526-3045 OR request access to the secure FTP transfer site.

To request access to the FTP site, send an email to sends email) with the subject: DESE Medical Waivers – Secure Transfer. The email request should contain the email address of the person who will upload the files. Once approved, the provided email address will receive two emails – one from the State of Missouri containing a username and password for the FTP site, and a second email from the person at DESE who approved the request containing a link to the FTP site.

To upload the Medical Waiver, go to the secure FTP site and enter the provided username and password. Click Reply. Drag and Drop the required documentation to the Upload Files box. In the email, be sure to include contact information in case DESE has any questions.

Assessment Test Invalidation

MAP Grade-Level and End-of-Course Test Invalidation

A MAP Grade-Level or End-of-Course Assessment should be invalidated only if a student is discovered cheating. Neither a student’s behavior during testing nor the judgment of a student’s effort during testing can invalidate a student’s test.

Cheating is the only time the “Teacher Invalidation” code is used. If a district chooses to use the “Teacher Invalidation” code, the test examiner and the STC must agree that the student cheated. The STC should then notify the DTC. This code invalidates all sessions of the content area.

Do not mark the “Teacher Invalidation” box for use of accommodations that result in the student receiving the lowest obtainable scale score.

If an LEA invalidates a test, they must also submit a letter to DESE Accountability Data. This letter should be on district letterhead and be signed by the Superintendent. The letter should include:

  1. Student Name
  3. Date of Birth
  4. Grade
  5. Content Area
  6. District Name
  7. County/District Code
  8. School Name
  9. School Code
  10. The reason the testing session is being invalidated/description of the incident

To submit the Invalidation letter, either fax your written request to: (573) 526-3045 OR request access to the secure FTP transfer site.

To request access to the FTP site, send an email to sends email) with the subject: DESE Assessment Invalidation – Secure Transfer. The email request should contain the email address of the person who will upload the file. Once approved, the provided email address will receive two emails – one from the State of Missouri containing a username and password for the FTP site, and a second email from the person at DESE who approved the request containing a link to the FTP site.

To upload the Assessment Invalidation, go to the secure FTP site and enter the provided username and password. Click Reply. Drag and Drop the required letter to the Upload Files box. In the email, be sure to include contact information in case DESE has any questions.

Missouri Assessment Program- Accountability Requirements

End-of-Course Assessment

All students must take the Algebra I, English II, Biology and Government End-of-Course (EOC) assessments prior to graduation.

A few groups of students may be exempt from certain portions or all of the assessment. Those include:

  • Students whose IEP teams have determined that the MAP-A is the appropriate assessment do not have to take EOC assessments. To avoid an LND, districts must submit an EOC exception for Government for students that participate in MAP-A.
  • English Learners (EL) who have been in the United States 12 cumulative months or fewer at the time of administration may be exempted from taking the English Language Arts assessment during that school year. They will have to take the English II EOC prior to graduation. If the student is a senior, they will be exempt.
  • Foreign exchange students are allowed, but are not required to take the assessment. This is a district decision.
  • Homeschooled students may take part in the assessment at the local district's discretion.
  • Private school students are not required to take the End-of-Course assessments.

About End-of-Course Assessments

  • MAP Grade-Level Assessment

  • All students in grades 3-8 in Missouri will take the grade level assessment. English Language Arts and Mathematics are administered in all grades. Science is administered in grades 5 and 8. A few groups of students may be exempt from certain portions or all of the assessment. Those include:
  • Students whose IEP teams have determined that the MAP-A is the appropriate assessment do not have to take the Grade-Level assessment
  • English Learners (EL) who have been in the United States 12 cumulative months or fewer at the time of administration may be exempted from taking the English Language Arts assessment. All other content areas must be assessed.
  • Foreign exchange students are allowed, but are not required to take the assessment. This is a district decision.
  • Homeschooled students may take part in the assessment at the local district's discretion.
  • Private school students are not required to take the Grade-Level assessment.
  • About the Grade-Level Assessment
  • MAP-A

  • The MAP-Alternate (MAP-A) is a portfolio-based assessment that measures student performance based on alternate achievement standards. The MAP-A is aligned with Missouri's Learning Standards. The MAP-A assessment relies on the involvement of teachers to customize the assessment for each student. The MAP-Alternate (MAP-A) is designed only for students with significant cognitive disabilities who meet grade level and eligibility criteria.
  • Missouri has a 1% cap on the total number of MAP-A assessments. Districts that exceed 1% MAP-A assessments will be asked to submit justification at the end of the assessment year.
  • About MAP-A

  • ACCESS for ELLs is the English language proficiency assessment that the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has selected to meet Federal requirements annually assess Missouri's students who are eligible for EL (English Learner) services. ACCESS assesses the academic English language proficiency of students in listening, speaking, reading and writing.