Missouri Growth Model

Missouri Growth Model

Student growth is the change in academic achievement (as measured by the grade-level Missouri Assessment Program exams in English language arts and mathematics) for an individual student between two or more points in time. The Missouri Growth Model calculates how much students "grew" relative to predictions. These predictions are based on prior exam score, and student mobility. Average student mobility rates and average prior-year test scores are also used.

Rather than focusing on movement from one achievement level to higher achievement levels such as from "Basic" to "Proficient," the Missouri Growth Model uses scale scores to measure growth.  This means that movement within achievement levels is as important as movement across achievement levels. For accountability purposes under the Missouri School Improvement Program's fifth cycle, growth is measured for all students tested in a given local education agency over the past three years. This information is then averaged and subjected to statistical tests to generate measures for MSIP that can result in points for Standard 1 and 2.