Powerful Learning Conference

2025 Powerful Learning Conference
February 3-4, 2025
Call for Proposals is Open!

2025 Powerful Learning Conference Image


Why Attend
  • 1100 Educators
  • 60+ Concurrent Sessions
  • 2 National Speakers
  • 1 Common Mission: Promote, support, and develop educator and student successes.

For more than 20 years, the Powerful Learning Conference has provided top-notch professional learning, helping Missouri educators implement effective, evidence-based practices with the goal of improved student learning for every student in every school.

How to Register
  • Conference Registration — Registration will open in November but make plans now to attend! The early bird rate is $225 and will run through December 20, 2024. From December 21 to January 29, the regular registration rate is $275. Any registration received after January 29 will be considered an on-site registration for $325.
  • Lodging - The conference is being held on February 3-4, 2025 at:
    Tan-Tar-A Conference Center
    490 Tan-Tar-A Drive 
    Osage Beach, MO 65065
    Participants are responsible for making their own room reservations. A block of rooms at the discounted rate of $110.25 per night has been reserved for the Powerful Learning Conference. A tax exemption letter must be provided to the hotel in order to receive this rate. This rate is based on availability and for a limited time. Please make reservations early.

    To make your reservation, call 573-348-3131 and identify yourself as an attendee of the Powerful Learning Conference using code POWE. You also may make your reservation online by clicking here. Enter your arrival and departure dates, and then click on Check Availability. 
What to expect

The 2025 Powerful Learning Conference theme is Inspiring Innovation. The Continuous Improvement System guides the conference, showcasing effective, evidence-based practices in:

  • Leadership – Strong leaders set the vision and influence direction at every level of the organization to create and support a culture of teaching and learning for continuous improvement.
  • Collaborative Climate and Culture – Shared values and common goals are the foundation of a collaborative climate and culture of systemic growth and improvement within an educational system.
  • Effective Teaching and Learning – Effective academic, behavioral, and social skill practices — supported by research and meeting the needs of each student — lead to the highest levels of student learning.
  • Data-Based Decision Making – Accurate, relevant measures across multiple points in time provide the basis for informing on progress, setting goals, and guiding decisions leading to improved student learning.
  • Alignment of Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment – Connection, clarity, and coherence must exist between standards, curriculum, and assessments in order to provide accurate and actionable information regarding student learning.
Who Presents
  • Missouri Practitioners - High quality concurrent sessions presented by educators sharing successful practices are the strength of the Powerful Learning Conference.
  • 2025 Proposals - Proposals are being accepted. Submitted proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:
    • Proposal Aligned to Purpose and Theme of Conference
    • Relevance: Aligned to Collaborative Climate and Culture, Effective Teaching and Learning, Data-Based Decision Making, Curriculum and Assessment, AND/OR Leadership
    • Impact on Student Learning
    • Replication: Can be Adapted/Adopted
    • Innovative Evidence-based Practice
  • Scoring Guide and Call for Proposal (CFP) Worksheet - Please read the Scoring Guide and 2025 CFP Worksheet. Complete the 2025 CFP Worksheet and create a supporting document before beginning the online submission form. The supporting document will fully outline the proposed session. Include information on (1) the impact of your project/activity/program on student learning, (2) to what degree the project/activity/program is replicable and for which grade levels, and(3) how you will engage with attendees during your breakout session. The online submission form is here: 2025 Powerful Learning Conference CFP - Choose Registration (eventscloud.com)  .
  • Timeline - The deadline for submission is September 23, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. (Central Time). You will be notified on or by October 15, 2024, if your proposal has been selected.
  • Keynote Speakers:
    • George Couros is a worldwide leader in innovative teaching, learning, and leading with a focus on innovation as a human endeavor. His belief that meaningful change happens when you first connect to people’s hearts is modeled in his writing and speaking. In his 20-plus years in the field of education, he has worked at all levels of school, from K-12 as a teacher, technology facilitator, and school and district administrator, and is currently an Adjunct Instructor with the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. George is the author of The Innovator’s Mindset; Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity, and hosts the popular “Innovator’s Mindset” podcast. He has keynoted hundreds of conferences, including national conferences on five different continents. His work has been translated into multiple languages due to its worldwide impact.
    • Additional speakers will be announced.



Christine Nobbe, Director 
Conference Coordinator 
Phone: 573-751-7754