School Improvement
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- Competency-Based Education Grant Program
Competency-Based Education Grant Program
The department administers these grants for local competency-based education programs. Districts may apply for grants to support eligible programs, which offer students flexible opportunities to progress, demonstrate mastery and earn course credit; provide individual learning options; assess proficiency based on attainment of critical knowledge and skills; and assess mastery through performance tasks.
- Competency-Based Education Grant Application
- Competency-Based Education Grant Guidance
- Competency-Based Education Grant Awards
Competency-Based Education Grant Program Q&A
Thursday, November 17, 2023
3:00 - 4:00 pm
WebEx LinkDuring this meeting, participants have a chance to ask questions to learn more about the CBE Grant Program with Stuart Smith, Improvement and Accountability Manager from the Office of Quality Schools.
- Competency-Based Education Task Force
Competency-Based Education Task Force
The Competency-Based Education Task Force was established to study and develop competency-based education programs in public schools. The task force is made up of members appointed by the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president pro tempore of the senate, and the commissioner of education. The objectives outlined in legislation to guide its work include:
- Work toward implementing competency-based education courses statewide and devising a plan for Missouri to lead the way in competency-based education courses;
- Solicit input from individuals and organizations with information or expertise relevant to the task force's objective, including experts and educators with experience related to competency-based education programs;
- Hold at least three public hearings to provide an opportunity to receive public testimony including, but not limited to, testimony from educators, local school boards, parents, representatives from business and industry, labor and community leaders, members of the general assembly, and the general public;
- Identify promising competency-based education programs;
- Identify obstacles to implementing competency-based education programs in Missouri public schools;
- Develop comprehensive graduate profiles that describe meaningful and critical knowledge skills that students should have upon graduation that can be implemented into a diploma designation;
- Develop findings and recommendations for implementing competency-based education models and practices in Missouri public schools, including recommending changes to existing legislation, rules, and regulations; and
- Develop findings and recommendations for implementing a competency-based performance assessment.
- Four-Day School Week
Impact of Four-Day School Week on Student Achievement and School Growth
In 2011, under the authority in Section 171.031, RSMo, the first local education agency (LEA) in Missouri adopted a four-day school week. The number of LEAs operating a four-day week schedule increased modestly until 2020, when the numbers began to grow significantly each year. In order to understand the implications of these changes, DESE’s Office of Quality Schools commissioned SAS® Institute to investigate student outcomes with regard to the four-day school week. This report presents the key findings of the study, summarizes similar investigations, and proposes an outline for further study of the four-day school week.
- Four-Day School Week Study – Brief/Summary
- Four-Day School Week Study – Full Report
- Report to the State Board of Education, February 2024
Additional Information:
- Missouri Data Visualization Tool (MO DVT)
MO DVT is a web-based application that offers easy-to-use reports and analysis on academic performance, including achievement and growth data aggregated by subject, year, and grade. See the introductory video to learn more.
MO DVT will be available to Missouri educators on February 9, 2024.
MO DVT Training Sessions for Missouri Educators
February 15, 2024, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. – live web session
June 17 – 20, 2024
In-person trainings in Kansas City, Springfield, Columbia, and St. Louis. Registration will be available in March 2024. Check back for more information
- Recovery High Schools
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is seeking proposals to pilot the Recovery High School Program (§ 167.850, RSMo.). The pilot program will allow up to four public high schools to design and specifically serve eligible students diagnosed with substance use disorder or dependency. Successful proposals will outline a high school model that provides both a comprehensive four-year high school education in an alternative public school setting while also delivering a structured plan of recovery for each student.
- Recovery High School Information Session (slides)
- Recovery High School Informational Session (recording)
- Recovery High School Pilot Program Guidance
- Recovery High School Pilot Program Application
- Recovery High School Grant Program Guidance
- Recovery High School Grant Program Application Deadline Extended to March 1, 2025
- Recovery High School Weekly Office Hours
Recovery High School Weekly Office Hours are held Tuesdays at 10am-11am. Please see all of the upcoming meetings below.
- February 4, 2025, 10am-11am
- February 11, 2025, 10am-11am
- February 18, 2025, 10am-11am
- February 25, 2025, 10am-11am
During these sessions, representatives from DESE, DMH, and the Association of Recovery Schools will present information and answer questions regarding the Recovery High School Pilot Program.
Join our office hours here.- School Innovation Waiver Program
School Innovation Waiver Program
Through the School Innovation Waiver program, schools or districts may apply to the Missouri State Board of Education for waivers of certain statutes or rules for these purposes:
- Improving student readiness for employment, higher education, vocational training, technical training, or any other form of career and job training
- Increasing the compensation of teachers
- Improving the recruitment, retention, training, preparation, or professional development of teachers
When granted, waivers are effective for three years and require annual reports to the department.
- Turnaround Schools
Content to be updated.