Missouri Option Program
About the Missouri Option Program
The Missouri Option Program offers the opportunity to earn a high school diploma for students who are at least 17 years of age, enrolled in Missouri local education agencies (LEAs), and at risk of dropping out or not graduating with their cohort group. Graduation through the Missouri Option Program is not dependent on credit attainment. The Missouri Option Program is an effective program to retain students, lower drop-out rates, and improve college and career readiness.
The Missouri Option Program is competency-based and approved by the State Board of Education. The program utilizes a high school equivalency exam (HSE) in addition to other program requirements. The Missouri State Board of Education has approved two HSE tests in Missouri:
- GED® (General Educational Development) Test, provided by GED Testing Service (GEDTS®); and
- HiSET® (High School Equivalency Test), provided by PSI Services.
Missouri Option students who successfully passing the exam and completing all other program requirements are eligible to receive a high school diploma.
For more information, contact the Missouri Option office at desemooption@dese.mo.gov or 573-751-4104.
Missouri Option Program Assurance Standards (Application)
All Missouri LEAs planning to operate a Missouri Option Program must complete the Missouri Option Program Assurance Standards on an annual basis. LEAs planning to operate a new Missouri Option Program may email a request to desemooption@dese.mo.gov. The Department will assign a compliance plan document, Missouri Option Program Assurance Standards to the LEA for completion. Compliance Plans are accessed through the DESE Web Applications System by authorized LEA Administrators. The Administrator must complete the Missouri Option Program Assurance Standards by providing the name(s) and contact information of Missouri Option team member(s), as well as indicate agreement to comply with the Missouri Option Program Assurance Standards. The Compliance Plan for Missouri Option Programs is open throughout the year.
Teacher Access for Student Registration System
To access the HiSET® or GED® Student Registration System, a User ID is required. If you are a Missouri Option teacher, counselor, or administrator and will be registering students to test, please notify desemooption@dese.mo.gov for authorization. Certificates/Transcripts are now provided via DiplomaSender.