Health & Physical Education

Quick Links

Missouri recognizes school health and physical education as part of a student’s “well-rounded” education and highlights them as two of the ten school health components within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourages the use of the WSCC model to address health in schools and emphasizes the connection between health and academic achievement for students. To learn more about the WSCC model, click on the link below.

Well-designed and effective school health and physical education programs allow students to acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to make health-promoting decisions. DESE recommends that health and physical education programs be delivered by trained and certified health and physical educators. To learn more about CDC Healthy Schools visit: is external)

Health and Family Education Academic Performance Standards

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), pursuant to Section 160.527, RSMo, developed grades 9-12 academic performance standards and written curriculum frameworks relating to the one-half unit of credit of Health and Family Education to be implemented for the 2024-25 school year and all subsequent school years. Emphasis of the new frameworks was placed on behavioral health relating to the causes of morbidity and mortality of youth, chronic disease management, and parenting skills associated with optimal family health. The workgroup comprised representatives from DESE, educators in Health Education and Family and Consumer Sciences in grades 9-12, and organizations with relevant expertise in public health, parenting and social services that convened to develop materials.

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education sought input on the recently revised Health and Family Education Academic Performance Standards & Curriculum Frameworks. Information about the responses to the open-comment survey will be compiled and shared at the June State Board of Education meeting.

Health Education

Health Education

Health education provides students with experiences and opportunities to acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to achieve health literacy.

“Health literacy is the ability to access, understand, appraise, apply and advocate for health information and services in order to maintain or enhance one's own health and the health of others.” – SHAPE America

Comprehensive school health education should address the National Health Education Standards and include curricula for students in pre-Kindergarden through grade 12 that incorporate a variety of topics such as the ones listed below:

  • Alcohol, tobacco, vaping, opioids and other drug awareness
  • Healthy eating and nutrition
  • Social, emotional, and mental health
  • Personal health and wellness
  • Physical activity
  • Safety and injury prevention
  • Sexual health
  • Violence prevention

Health Education Resources

National Health Education Standards(link is external) – The NHES are written expectations for what students should know and be able to do by grades 2, 5, 8, and 12 to promote personal, family, and community health.

  • Standard 1: Use functional health information to support health and well-being. (NHES Standard 1)
  • Standard 2: Analyze influences that affect health and well-being. (NHES Standard 2)
  • Standard 3: Access valid and reliable resources to support health and well-being. (NHES Standard 3)
  • Standard 4: Use interpersonal communication skills to support health and well-being. (NHES Standard 4)
  • Standard 5: Use a decision-making process to support personal and community health and well-being. (NHES Standard 5)
  • Standard 6: Use a goal-setting process to support health and well-being. (NHES Standard 6)
  • Standard 7: Demonstrate practices and behaviors to support health and well-being. (NHES Standard 7)
  • Standard 8: Advocate to promote health and well-being for self and others. (NHES Standard 8)

Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)(link is external) - The HECAT can help school districts, schools, and others conduct a clear, complete, and consistent analysis of health education curricula. It reflects current research in health education and uses science to improve health education practices.

Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) e-Learning(link is external) – this course will help participants identify components of the HECAT and use it in conjunction with a team, to conduct a review of a health education curriculum.

Characteristics of Effective Health Education(link is external)

Missouri Health Education Grade Level Expectations (2007)

SHAPE America Health Education Resources(link is external)

Health and Family Education Academic Performance Standards

Health and Family Education Supplemental Guide


Internet Safety

Cyberbullying(link is external) 

Anti-Cyberbullying Information(link is external)

Safe Internet Surfing(link is external) 

Advice for Parents(link is external)
Help your children get the most out of the Internet

Childnet International(link is external)
Non-profit organization working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children

Guide to Protecting Your Child Online(link is external)
Great tips and advice to keep children safe whilst using the internet


Key Findings on The Benefits of 7 Healthy School Meals for All(link is external)

Bam! Body and Mind(link is external)

USDA Choose MyPlate(link is external)

Nourish Interactive(link is external) 

Opioid Prevention 

Opioid and Prescription Drug Prevention Education(link is external)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: What is the U.S. Opioid Epidemic?(link is external)

U.S.  Department of Agriculture: Opioid Misuse in Rural America(link is external)

Generation Rx: Educational Toolkits for Safe Medication Practices(link is external) 

Personal Health and Wellness

NEW K-12 Narrated Oral Health Presentations(link is external)

The Department of Health and Senior Services is pleased to be able to offer new oral health educational video (English-only) presentations designed specifically for Kindergarten through High School Seniors. The Spanish language PowerPoint presentations have not been narrated at this time, but are still good educational resources. The videos and PowerPoints can be downloaded free-of-charge by clicking on the grade(s) specific icons. The presentations can be used by school nurses, teachers, as well as other health care/child care professionals in conjunction with health curriculum.

Sexual Health

Pursuant to Section 170.045, RSMo, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) developed a guidance document regarding sexual abuse training in consultation with the Missouri Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children. This document may be used to help districts choose programs and resources meet the requirements of Section 170.045, RSMo.

“Introduction and DESE Guidance Overview”
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), pursuant to Section 170.045, RSMo, developed guidance and training materials for sexual abuse training in consultation with the Missouri Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children. Part one of the CSA series provides an introduction and overview of the 2020-2021 Missouri statute, the importance of sexual abuse prevention education in schools and the role schools can play in response to ending and preventing child sexual abuse in their community, and resources to support schools with implementation of the legislation.

“Sexual Abuse Prevention Education Framework and Teaching Considerations”
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), pursuant to Section 170.045, RSMo, developed guidance and training materials for sexual abuse training in consultation with the Missouri Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children. Part two of the CSA webinar series provides information on the importance of comprehensive school-based health education, best practice approaches and principles of prevention, details of the education framework, content delivery teaching considerations and practical tips, and supportive teaching resources.

“Implementing a Trauma -Informed Approach to Teaching Sexual Abuse Education”
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), pursuant to Section 170.045, RSMo, developed guidance and training materials for sexual abuse training in consultation with the Missouri Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children. Part three of the CSA webinar series provides information on what it means to provide trauma-informed sexual abuse education, how to handle disclosures, the legal responsibilities as a mandated reporter in Missouri, and available trauma-informed resources for school staff.

NEW Missouri Healthy Schools Website – Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Webinar Series(link is external)

Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs


Physical Education & Physical Activity

Physical Education

Physical education is a school-based instructional opportunity that provides students with a planned, sequential, K-12 standards-based program of curricula designed to develop motor skills, knowledge and behaviors for active living, physical fitness, sportsmanship, self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. The outcome of a quality physical education program is a physically literate individual who has the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthy physical activity.  

“Physical literacy is the ability to move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person.” – SHAPE America

Physical Education Resources

SHAPE America's National Standards for K-12 Physical Education(link is external) define what a student should know and be able to do as result of a quality physical education program. 

Fitness Assessment Reporting

Missouri Physical Fitness Challenge Awards

Physical Activity

Physical activity is bodily movement of any type and may include recreational, fitness and sport activities such as jumping rope, playing soccer, lifting weights, as well as daily activities such as walking to the store, taking the stairs or raking the leaves. 

Opportunities to accumulate physical activity during the school day include time spent in physical education class, classroom-based movement, recess, walking or biking to school, and recreational sport and play that occurs before, during, and after school.

Benefits of regular physical activity:

  • Helps build and maintain healthy bones and muscles.
  • Helps reduce the risk of developing obesity and chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and colon cancer.
  • Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety and promotes psychological well-being.
  • May help improve students’ academic performance, including:
    • Academic achievement and grades
    • Academic behavior, such as time on task
    • Factors that influence academic achievement, such as concentration and attentiveness in the classroom

Physical Activity Resources

Click here(link is external) for more information from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Partner Organizations & Resources


Missouri State Resources

National Resources

Model Curriculum


Grade-Level Expectations and Unit Resources by Standard


K-12 Physical Education Model Curriculum Units 


I Can Do It!


I Can Do It! (ICDI)

The I Can Do IT! (ICDI) Program is offered through the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (Administration for Community Living) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Education. ICDI is a voluntary school-based physical activity program designed to provide access to, facilitate and encourage opportunities for students with disabilities to be physically active for 60 minutes a day. Students can accumulate the 60 minutes through physical education, adapted physical education, recess, classroom physical activity breaks, active transport to/from school, and extracurricular activities, including a variety of club and sport activities to accomplish this goal.

I Can Do It! (ICDI) is a customizable and inclusive health promotion model aimed at transforming the lives of individuals with a disability. ICDI is centered on mentor-mentee relationships and weekly health-related goals. The ICDI Mentors and Mentees (participants with a disability ages five and over) meet weekly over 8 weeks to engage in physical activity, learn and practice healthy eating behaviors, and set health-related goals. Participants meeting all of the requirements are awarded with the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA+). For more information on PALA+, go to is external).

ICDI works to achieve its objectives through the program’s three core tenets:

  • MENTORING: School site personnel (teachers, paraprofessionals, therapists, counselors, etc.) guide students through physical education, physical activity, and sports opportunities and healthy eating habits;
  • GOAL SETTING: School site personnel work with students on setting weekly, grading period, or semester goals
  • RECOGNITION: After completing the program for a minimum of 8 weeks, students earn their PALA+ awards (certificate and patch).  It is recommended that in the school setting the program is conducted all year long with an end of year awards celebration/ceremony.

For more information about I Can Do It!, go to: is external) 

Federal and State Mandate Resources

Federal and State Mandate Resources

CPR Guidance and Resources

In virtual education settings, many schools and districts are having concerns about effectively teaching the mandated CPR instruction and training, mainly the required hands-on performance. With virtual/distance learning being a factor in many districts, educators may need to be creative and resourceful to provide quality CPR training for their students, especially to ensure that Seniors receive the CPR instruction required for graduation.
Please see below information, resources and success stories for implementing the best possible instruction during the pandemic within your local school or district.

Senate Bill 681 Section 170.307, RSMo

Section 170.307, RSMo requires LEAs to provide mental health awareness training in Missouri schools. This training must be provided as part of the districts health and/or physical education curriculum.

Students graduating in the 2022-23 school year, and each year after must receive a minimum of two hours of mental health awareness training that aligns with DESE’s Social-Emotional Learning Standards and the requirements of 5 CSR 20-200.275 Mental Health Awareness Training. Mental health awareness training must include the following domains:

  • Defining Mental Health
  • Identifying Strategies for Achieving and Maintaining Sound Mental Wellness
  • Decreasing the Stigma of Mental Health Concerns
  • Recognizing How to Connect to Services When Needed

Mental Health Awareness Curriculum

Senate Bill regarding CPR instruction in Missouri Schools

Senate Bill and CPR Instruction Overview

Senate Bill 711 – Section 170.310, RSMo  - Effective August 2017

Bill Summary - CPR in Schools – To find more about the requirements of Section 170.310, RSMo, Missouri schools should click here.

Springfield SD does virtual instruction with local Fire Department!

Article Link(link is external)
Contacting a local Fire, Ambulance, or community health organization is a great way to locate possible hands-on training resources.

Laws and Mandates

House Bill 501 – Section 170.015, RSMo – Effective August 2015


Professional Learning Webinars, Tools and Resources

Upcoming Professional Learning

Professional development (PD) is a consciously designed, systematic process that strengthens how staff obtain, retain, and apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Upcoming DESE Physical Education Professional Development Series!

DESE and the CDC are working together to provide educators and advocates in Missouri amazing professional development opportunities revolving around the current educational climate. The series will feature two outstanding Missouri educators and advocates, Tari Garner and Sean Nevills, as they lead discussions to address individual situations surrounding the many challenges and opportunities for growth COVID-19 brings to health and physical education. These professional development opportunities will be presentations with opportunity for participant questions and discussion.

All professional development presentations require a quick registration to attend. Simply click the links below to register! Episodes will be recorded and available for viewing after session has completed.

Professional Learning Library

Summer 2020 Professional Learning Series (July)

Skills-Based Health Education(link is external)

Presenter: Holly Alperin, co-author of Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Health Education
Session 1: Skills-based Health Education 101
Session 2: Distance Learning Best Practices for Skills-based Health Education
Session 3: Considerations for Reentry in Skills-based Health Education: Trauma-informed Practices

K-12 Physical Education(link is external)

Presenters: OPEN National Trainers – Lynn Hefele, Brian Devore, Doug Hallberg, Nick Kline & Nichole Wilder
Session 1: When Technology Meets Wood and Cement – How to Build a Virtual Classroom
Session 2: COVID-19 – The Response and Future Resources from OPEN
Session 3: Pleased to Meet You! What’s Your Name?
Session 4: The SEL Physical Education Connection
Session 5: Teaching Face-to-Face with Physical and Social Distancing


Summer 2020 Virtual Learning Series (June)

The June series was conducted in partnership with the Missouri Society of Health and Physical Educators (MOSHAPE) and Missouri State University

Standards Based Assessments – What does that mean?(link is external)

Presenter: Brenda Goodwin
What does standards-based assessment mean and does your curriculum promote this type of assessment? How can you implement this knowledge into your classes thus promoting understanding and better execution of performance standards?

Proficiency Scales and Rubrics: Measuring Student Performance(link is external)

Presenter: Dr. Patrick Fine
How can we collect evidence that assures us that our students have met our learning expectations? Rubrics should be designed to formulate standards for levels of accomplishment and guide and improve performances all while making expectations clear to the students. A rubric or matrix should provide scaled levels of achievement that are fully described and help guide students to successful completion of an assigned task/skill.

SEL (Social and Emotional) Learning – Assessment and Evaluation of SHAPE Standards 4 & 5(link is external)

Presenters: Kristi Bieri; Anna Forcelledo; Kyle Salvo
How can we implement effective and meaningful social and emotional learning throughout our curriculum? Where can we find reliable information on SEL? This webinar will help the attendee analyze and implement activities and concepts that facilitate the promotion of SEL on a daily basis, as well as how to properly assess this learning.

Missouri Coordinated School Health Coalition (MCSHC)

MOSHAPE Town Halls

SHAPE America School Reentry Considerations: Panel Webinar(link is external)

Panelists: Laura Beckmann; Dr. Tom Loughery; Sean L. Nevills
This webinar features our Missouri Healthy Schools team as they discuss the published SHAPE America School Reentry Considerations: K-12 Physical Education, Health Education, and Physical Activity(link is external).

Online Learning Guidance(link is external)

Presenter: Brad Brummel, Springfield Public Schools
This town hall meeting focuses on the development and application of online and other learning programs to meet distance learning needs in Physical Education.