High School Equivalency (HSE) Accommodations
For the GED® Test
GED Testing Service provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations to individuals with documented disabilities who demonstrate a need for accommodations. Test accommodations are individualized and considered on a case-by-case basis. All accommodation requests are processed and approved through GED® Testing Accommodations.
The Missouri HSE Office does not process or approve accommodations.
Quick Links:
GED® Contact: accommodations@GED.com

For the HiSET® Test
PSI Services is committed to serving individuals with disabilities and health-related needs by providing services and reasonable accommodations that are appropriate given the purpose of the test.
All accommodation requests are processed and approved by PSI Accommodations.
The Missouri HSE Office does not process or approve accommodations.
Quick Links:
PSI Services contact: eaalerts@psionline.com or 1-800-367-1565 x6750