Curriculum and Assessment in OCCR are pleased to introduce Missouri Learning, Engagement and Preparation. MO LEAP resources were created to support acceleration of learning in Missouri schools. They provide classroom instruction and learning measurement for teachers. Research tells us—and DESE’s Task Force for Learning Acceleration agrees—that the return to learning in fall 2020 should focus on grade-appropriate, standards-aligned instruction with supports for individual student’s learning gaps, not on across-the-board remediation. Built to address this need and with Missouri’s performance expectations in mind, MO LEAP has two categories, Blocks and Assessments.
MO LEAP Blocks, which are instructional resources created to support accelerated learning in the classroom, are most effective when shaped by thoughtful hands of creative educators. They are made up of diverse and complex texts aligned to grade-level standards coupled with flexible tasks and enrichment options. MO LEAP Blocks may be used as a whole, in parts, or integrated separately into instruction. They function equally well when used by individual teachers or teams of teachers.
- MO LEAP Blocks
Access MO LEAP Blocks here.
MO LEAP Blocks consider:
The content contained in MO LEAP Blocks focus on problem solving and application of skills, not on memorization of facts. The Blocks are designed to be used flexibly by teachers (in whole or in parts) and woven into curricula as needed. Linked to the MLS and the PLDs, the blocks include scoring guides for open-ended items and stimulus sets with associated questions. Each content area will have a number of Blocks available and districts can choose which ones they wish to download and use. Social Studies Blocks in grades 3-8 are currently available. Additional MO LEAP Blocks will become available in late fall.- Balancing remediation with on-grade-level curricula
- Avoiding depletion of instructional time by over-testing
- Foundations, learning progressions and content spiraling within curricula
- Cognitive skills students need to demonstrate acquisition of skills
- Support of rich and robust grade-appropriate curriculum and instruction
- Understanding that typical or traditional ways of instructing may need to change
- Importance of student-centered, individual learning