- Courage2Report
- Earthquake
- Fire
- Green Cleaning Guidelines and Specifications
- Healthy School Environments Assessment Tool
- Homeland Security
- Missouri Center for Education Safety
- Playgrounds
- Tornado
School Safety Grants: Round II
On June 30, 2023, Governor Mike Parson signed House Bill No. 2 for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY2024) which appropriated $50 million in funding for a second round of School Safety Grants to support physical safety improvements in local education agencies (LEAs) and nonpublic schools (NPSs) across the state. These funds will be distributed through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s FY24 School Safety Grant Program.
The FY2024 School Safety Grant Program is a competitive grant which aims to support Missouri’s LEAs and NPS with valuable opportunities to improve their safety measures through physical safety upgrades. The grant application window will begin on August 3, 2023, and conclude on September 8, 2023. It is important to note that payments will be made on a reimbursement basis. Award notifications will be made on or about September 29, 2023.
- School Safety Round II Grant Awards (FY2024)
- School Safety Round II Grant Scoring (FY 2024)
- School Safety Grant Guidance Round II (FY2024)
- School Safety Grant Application - LEA (FY2024)
- School Safety Grant Application - NPS (FY2024)
Nonpublic School Reimbursement
- Nonpublic School - School Safety Grant Request for Funds - NPS must submit this request and supporting documentation to DESE.OQS.Finance@dese.mo.gov
- Verify Reimbursement for Nonpublic School Safety
- Help on finding reimbursement
- Select Vendor Payment
- Enter in FEIN
- Select Login
- Search by Date/Location (can also search by dollar amount, check/eft search, etc.)
- Select All Locations
- Select Find Payments
- AD = paper check
- EFT = electronic funds transfer
School Safety Grants: Round I
On February 27, 2023, Governor Mike Parson signed an early supplemental budget bill for Fiscal Year 2023, House Bill No.14, that appropriated $20 million in funding for School Safety Grants to support physical safety improvements in Local Education Agencies (LEAs) across the state. These funds will be distributed through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s School Safety Grant Program.
The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support to LEAs for school safety programs, including physical security upgrades and associated technology (e.g. door locks, monitoring systems), bleeding control kits, and automatic external defibrillators. Grants will be awarded through a competitive application process. The application period opens on March 15, 2023. Completed applications are due on April 7, 2023 and award notifications will be made on April 28, 2023.