ESEA Finance
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The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Finance Section is responsible for calculating and distributing ESEA grant funds to local educational agencies (LEAs). ESEA Finance provides technical assistance and fiscal oversight to school officials on federal finance regulations and ESEA Fiscal Requirements such as Maintenance of Effort, Supplement Not Supplant and Comparability of Services.
Alicia Ketterman, Coordinator
Kelly Kempker, Director
Julie Bock, Assistant Director
Annette Young, Assistant Director

- ESEA Fiscal Requirements
- ESEA Finance Guide
- Allocations (page 9)
- Allocations - New and Expanding Charter Schools (page 15)
- Nonpublic Equitable Share (page 17)
- Supplement not Supplant (page 19)
- Allowable Uses of Funds (page 24)
- Unallowable Uses of Funds (page 25)
- Food (page 25)
- Preschool (page 26)
- Professional Development (page 26)
- Schoolwide Pool (page 26)
- Payment (page 34)
- Final Expenditure Report (FER) (page 43)
- Title I 9/30 Report (page 50)
- Carryover (page 52)
- Reallocation of Funds (page 53)
- Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) (page 53)
- Maintenance of Effort (page 57)
- Title I Comparability (page 61)
- Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA) (page 62)
- Staff Paid with ESEA Funds - MOSIS Reporting (page 62)
- Staff Paid with ESEA Funds - Time & Effort (page 63)
- Contracts (page 67)
- Financial Coding (page 67)
- Title I Supplement, not Supplant Non-Regulatory Informational Document (June 19, 2019)
- USED Guidance on Title I Fiscal Issues: Maintenance of Effort, Comparability, Supplement, Not Supplant, Carryover, Consolidating Funds in Schoolwide Programs 02/2008
- ESEA Finance Guide
- Fiscal Monitoring
- Funding/Allocations
- Neglected & Delinquent
- Payment/FER
- Payment Schedule
- ePeGS Logon Screen
- ESEA Finance Guide (Payment/FER Information)
- Resources