Accounting & Procurement
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The Accounting and Procurement Section is under the Administrative & Financial Services Division. This organization has the administrative responsibility of investing the State Public School Monies. Both federal and state rules, regulations, and statutes mandate the duties of the organization.
The Accounting area coordinates the Department’s centralized accounting and fiscal program. The Accounting personnel process the payment of Department obligations, record expenditures, serve as a liaison to the Office of Administration (OA), Division of Accounting and the State Auditor’s Office, provide financial data to the rest of the Department, invest Department funds, prepare all cash receipt documents for submission to the Department of Revenue, prepare and approve the Department’s payroll, maintain the Department’s fixed asset records, and prepare and revise the internal accounting manuals.
This area also accounts for all departments federal, state, and foundation grant activity. This includes coordinating and consolidating of all programs for the monthly school payment, drawing down all federal grant monies, preparing federal grant activity reports, and coding all expenditure documents. In addition, this area reviews all annual school district and charter school financial statement audit reports for federal and state findings and following up on the resolution of the findings.
The Procurement area is responsible for procuring services and commodities through local purchases, statewide contracts, or bids for the entire Department. Additional duties include coordination of telephone services, receipt and distribution of all commodities purchased, acting as liaison with the Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing and Materials Management, (OA, DPMM) maintenance of all vendor catalogues and statewide contracts, application for and renewal of gasoline credit cards, coordination of all Department printing requests, and coordination of the minority and women owned businesses purchases.
These employees are dedicated to achieving the department’s mission by working for continuous improvement of education and services, sharing best practices, carrying out improved Departmental efficiency and operational effectiveness by forging positive relationships to improve our services. We appreciate input from our customers so we can improve our operations.
Shelley Woods, Chief Operations Officer Phone: (573) 751-8292 Shelley.Woods@dese.mo.gov |