ESEA Fiscal Requirements and Monitoring
Information on ESEA financial information can be found below. ESEA financial information will include the following: allocations, payments, due dates, coding, funding changes, financial reminders, monitoring requirements and other guidance. ESEA Finance will also provide technical assistance to LEAs regarding Federal finance regulations and fiscal oversight and monitoring.
- ESEA Fiscal Requirements
- ESEA Finance Guide
- Allocations (page 9)
- Allocations - New and Expanding Charter Schools (page 15)
- Nonpublic Equitable Share (page 17)
- Supplement not Supplant (page 19)
- Allowable Uses of Funds (page 24)
- Unallowable Uses of Funds (page 25)
- Food (page 25)
- Preschool (page 26)
- Professional Development (page 26)
- Schoolwide Pool (page 26)
- Payment (page 34)
- Final Expenditure Report (FER) (page 43)
- Title I 9/30 Report (page 50)
- Carryover (page 52)
- Reallocation of Funds (page 53)
- Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) (page 53)
- Maintenance of Effort (page 57)
- Title I Comparability (page 61)
- Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA) (page 62)
- Staff Paid with ESEA Funds - MOSIS Reporting (page 62)
- Staff Paid with ESEA Funds - Time & Effort (page 63)
- Contracts (page 67)
- Financial Coding (page 67)
- ESEA Finance Guide
- ESEA Fiscal Monitoring
Tiered Monitoring
Universal Federal Guidance
- General Federal Guidance
- Uniform Grant Guidance
- Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)
Cash Management Improvement ACT (CMIA)
Equipment/Inventory Control
Federal Award Identification
- Maintenance of Effort
- Supplement Not Supplant
- Schoolwide Pool
- Time & Effort
- Title I 9/30 Report
- Title I Comparability of Services
Directions and Steps
- General Directions
- Step 1 Building Level Worksheet
- Step 2a Pupil/Teacher Ratio
- Step 2b Pupil/Salary Expenditure
- Step 2c Pupil/State and Local Expenditure
- Title I Fiscal Issues Guidance, 02-2008 (see pages 16-36)
- ESEA Finance Guide