Payment Requests and FERs
All Payment Requests and Final Expenditure Reports must be completed in ePeGS.
- ePeGS Logon Screen
- ESEA Finance Guide
- Payment (page 32)
- Final Expenditure Report (FER) (Page 40)
The Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA) was placed in operation to prevent interest earnings on Federal funds. Section 31 CFR Part 205 “Rules and Procedures for Efficient Federal-State Funds Transfers” states that methods and procedures for payment must minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from the United States Treasury to the State and ultimately to the pass-through entity. Therefore, DESE must ensure that payments to the pass-through entity are for reimbursements only. DESE must monitor payments to assure that they conform to the Federal regulations. This applies to both monthly payment requests and final expenditure report (FER) payments. DESE does not allow advance payments. Additional information is available in the General Federal Guidance Manual at https://dese2.mo.gov/financial-admin-services/general-federal-guidance.
Payment Request Submitted Date | Payment Received (ACH) Date |
21st of prior month to 1st of current month | By 21st of current month |
2nd to 20th of current month | By end of the current month |