Title V: Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP)
Part B of Title V of the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) contains Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) initiatives that are designed to help rural districts that may lack the personnel and resources to compete effectively for Federal competitive grants and that often receive grant allocations in amounts that are too small to be effective in meeting their intended purposes.
The two initiatives within REAP are:
- Small Rural School Achievement Program (SRSA) (CFDA 84.358A) - An LEA is eligible for the Small Rural School Achievement program if it meets the statutory criteria of being both small and rural.
- The US Department of Education awards grants directly to eligible LEAs.
- LEAs eligible for SRSA - Are eligible for the Alternative Fund Use Authority (AFUA) flexibility (REAP-Flex).
- AFUA gives an eligible LEA authority to spend the Title II, Part A and Title IV, Part A funds it receives on activities authorized under Title I.A, Title II.A, Title III, Title IV.A and Title IV.B.
- Funds are drawn down electronically through the G5 System. Once you are logged on, portions of your grant funds can be transferred, as needed, to your district's designated bank account. If you need assistance with logging in or using this site, contact the Helpdesk at 1-888-336-8930.
- Rural and Low-Income School Program (RLIS) (CFDA 84.358B) - An LEA is eligible to participate in the Rural Low-Income School (RLIS) grant program if it meets the criteria of being both low income and rural.
- DESE Awards the grants to eligible LEAs – ESEA Consolidated Application – Title V.B Allocation.
- Grant funds awarded LEAs under this subpart shall be used for activities authorized under Title I.A, Title II.A, Title III, Title IV.A and parental involvement activities.