College and Career Readiness
Our Vision
Successful Students, Better World
Our Mission
To guide and support Missouri schools in preparing success-ready students.
Definition of Success-ready Student
A success-ready student has the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and experiences to achieve personal goals and contribute in all facets of life.
The Office of College and Career Readiness consists of three areas:
Curriculum Services - The curriculum services section provides professional services related to the development and implementation of improved curricula in the schools of the state.
Career Education - Missouri Career Education combines academics and occupational skill training to prepare students of all ages. Training programs are offered in Agriculture, Business, Health Sciences, Family and Consumer Sciences, Skilled Technical Sciences, Technology and Engineering, and Marketing and Cooperative Education.
School Counseling – The School Counseling Section provides resources and technical assistance to help school counselors fully implement comprehensive school counseling programs in their schools.