Special Education Finance HNF, PPF and RBP
High Need Fund (HNF)
The High Need Fund was established pursuant to Section 162.974, RSMo, to provide funding support for a Local Education Agency (LEA) with “High Need Students.” These students are special education students whose educational costs exceed three times the LEA’s current expenditure per Average Daily Attendance (ADA). Reimbursement to LEAs under the High Need Fund for qualifying students is made without regard to disability or placement. Students should NOT be claimed on the both the High Need Fund and Public Placement Fund applications.
Public Placement Fund
The Public Placement Fund is reimbursement for educating both IEP and non-IEP students placed within a non-domicile LEA by the Children’s Division (CD), the Department of Mental Health (DMH), the Division of Youth Services (DYS), or a Court of Competent Jurisdiction. Funding is available when the educational costs of these students exceed the revenues received by the serving LEA.
Readers for the Blind Program
Any legally blind citizen of Missouri who regularly attends a public LEA, a special school district, a Missouri college, university, technical or professional school that is legally authorized to grant degrees, other than an institution established for the regular instruction of the blind, may apply to Rehabilitation Services for the Blind (RSB) for Readers for the Blind Program services.
LEAs educating legally blind students and employing a person or person(s) to read to the students from textbooks and materials used at the LEA may receive reimbursement of up to five hundred dollars per reader from the State.
- RBP Manual
- RBP Payment
- RBP Application
Student eligibility must be certified each school year, following the beginning of the fall term. An application must be completed and submitted electronically to spedfunding@dese.mo.gov by November 30th every year. All students listed who are new to the program, or who have not had a current eye report submitted within the past three years must have a current eye report submitted electronically along with the application.
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