Learning Services

The Division of Learning Services is committed to supporting educators in implementing effective, evidence-based practices in Missouri’s public schools with the goal of improved student learning for every student in every school. The Continuous Improvement System and its Theory of Action underscore the primary goal of DESE’s Show Me Success plan: All Missouri students will graduate ready for success.

Continuous Improvement System Heading Graphic

The division offices include:

Contact Information:

Kelli Jones, Deputy Commissioner
Vacant, Executive Assistant
Phone: 573-751-4446
Email: deputylearningservices@dese.mo.gov(link sends email)

Mailing Address:

Division of Learning Services
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480

Street Address:

6th Floor, Jefferson Building
205 Jefferson Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101