Family Consumer Sciences and Human Services

Missouri Family Consumer Science and Health Services


Calendar of Events

2024-2025 FCSHS Calendar of Events - Updated 9/24/24


Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Inc. (FCCLA) is a nonprofit national career and technical student organization in public and private school through grade 12+.

Please visit our website for up-to-date information and publications: is external).

Missouri FCCLA Staff

Ashley Witte
Missouri FCCLA State Adviser
(573) 522-6543 sends email)

Mailing Address:
Office of College and Career Readiness/FCCLA
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480

Street Address:
5th Floor, Jefferson Building
205 Jefferson Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101

General Information

What is Family, Career and Community Leaders of America?

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a national organization of students who have taken or are taking a course in family and consumer sciences classes through grade 12. 

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is incorporated as a private, nonprofit career and technical organization.  FCCLA is one of the 10 national career and technical student organizations which operate through career and technical education programs in schools.

How does Family, Career and Community Leaders of America relate to class?

The main goal is the same: to improve personal, family, community, and job/career life.  The family and consumer sciences teacher is the advisor of the chapter.  The teacher/advisor uses the structure of the chapter to give family and consumer sciences students leadership experiences in planning and directing their own activities that in turn give family and consumer sciences class more meaning.


Who may join?

Any student who has taken or is taking a course in family and consumer sciences education may join an established chapter in his or her school.  Chapters are found in public and private middle and high schools.  There are chapters in all 50 states; Washington, D.C.; Puerto Rico; and the Virgin Islands.

Membership is voluntary for all students who have taken or are taking a course in family and consumer sciences education.  Both young women and men are members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.

How is Family, Career and Community Leaders of America financed?

FCCLA is supported primarily by student membership dues paid annually.  The organization also seeks individual, corporate, and foundation gifts.  State association dues are set by each association and are voted on by the state membership.  Regional and chapter dues are set by each individual group and approved by the members.  In addition, chapters may receive money through donations, grants, and fundraising activities.

What does your membership support?

  • National member magazine, Teen Times;
  • Newsletter for adult leaders, The Adviser;
  • Mailings to chapters;
  • National program development;
  • Program workbooks and chapter resources;
  • Training for adult and student leaders;
  • National promotion of the organization;
  • Membership processing fees;
  • Membership promotion;
  • National Board of Directors and National Executive Council activities;
  • Expenses related to raising money and seeking corporate sponsors;
  • Operating expenses of the national headquarters and staff;
  • Experiences that help you develop your own leadership style and job skills by attending regional, state, and national conferences;
  • Activities and personal successes that you can include on job, school, and scholarship applications;
  • Activities and costs associated with running a state-level organization with 14 state executive council members;
  • Missouri FCCLA Legislative Shadowing Program;
  • Having the opportunity to run for regional, state, and national FCCLA offices;
  • Participate in STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Competitive Events;
  • Missouri FCCLA scholarship fund.


Approved Program Guidance

Approved Program Guidance

Missouri's approved programs are located in comprehensive high schools, area career and technical centers, community colleges and universities.

Professional Development Opportunities

FCSHS Professional Development Opportunities

Provided by:
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Family Consumer Sciences and Human Services
Missouri Restaurant Association
Missouri State University
University of Central Missouri

See details about all of our upcoming professional development: 
2024-2025 Professional Development Opportunities At-A-Glance

Registration information and links will be posted as they become available.

All professional development opportunities are eligible for 50/50 grant funding. For more information, look under Funding & Forms at 

Pathways to the Teaching Profession
Monday, August 12, 2024 | 9:00am - 3:00pm
Jefferson Building, 1st Floor Conference Room | 205 Jefferson St. | Jefferson City, MO 
Hosted by University of Central Missouri
Registration Fee: $40 (includes lunch and supplies)
                             Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the participant.
The Pathways Workshop is designed to provide an overview of the curriculum and resources needed to fully implement this pathway into a FCS program. Anyone interested in offering this program is required to attend this training, as well as, receive approval from Theresa Struemph, Director of Family Consumer Sciences.  
Register here by August 5, 2024: Career Pathways, Level I Registration(link is external)

FCCLA Bootcamp
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 | 9:00am - 3:00pm
Associated Industries | 3234 West Truman | Jefferson City, MO
Hosted by University of Central Missouri
Registration Fee: $30 (includes lunch and supplies)
                             Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the participant.
Register here: UCM Registration(link is external)
Calling all new, returning, and veteran advisers who want a FCCLA refresh! This one-day boot camp will introduce the new Missouri FCCLA Red Book and cover all things FCCLA, from recruiting and affiliating members to fundraising to traveling with students – and everything in between.

Sew with Confidence: Learning the Basics for your Classroom!
Thursday, September 19, 2024 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Friday, September 20, 2024 | 9:00am - 3:00pm
University of Central Missouri | Grinstead Building | Warrensburg, MO
Hosted by University of Central Missouri
Registration Fee: $60 (includes lunch and supplies)
                             Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the participant.
Register here: UCM Registration(link is external)
Designed to help teachers with practical sewing skills, this workshop focuses on fundamentals like machine operation, basic sewing skills, and ready to use projects. Gain confidence in guiding students through creative projects while learning troubleshooting tips and safety measures. Join us in fostering hands-on learning experiences that inspire both you and your students to become more confident in sewing. 

Coaching Culinary Arts and Baking & Pastry STAR Events
Monday, September 30, 2024 | 9:00am - 3:00pm
University of Central Missouri | Morrow Building | Warrensburg, MO 
Hosted by University of Central Missouri
Registration Fee: $40 (includes lunch and supplies)
                             Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the participant.
Register here: UCM Registration(link is external)
Do you have students who are interested in participating in the Culinary Arts or Baking & Pastry STAR Events competition? Join us to learn more about how to prepare your students to be successful in these hands-on events. You can expect to gain knowledge and understanding of the event requirements and expectations, tips for success and the opportunity to watch a student "compete" in the Culinary Arts competition. 

October 29-30, 2024 | Hosted by Missouri ProStart
The entire series can be purchase for $125 as a package for all three workshops, or separate registration is available. Registration and payment information will be released on the Mo-Facs ListServ when it is available. Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the the participant.

ServSafe Manager (Instructor/Proctor Certification)
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 | 8:00am - 4:00pm
Springfield Grocers | Springfield, MO
Registration Fee: $0

Etiquette Dinner
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 | 6:00pm
Oasis Hotel and Convention Center | Springfield, MO
Registration Fee: $50
Proper etiquette is essential for making a favorable impression at lunch/dinner interviews as well as in social business situations. In the realm of dining, etiquette refers to proper manners and behavior in a formal dining situation. Join us as we learn more about proper etiquette from Certified Etiquette Instructor Matthew Smith.

Hands-On Workshop
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 | 8:00am - 4:00pm
Springfield Grocers | Springfield, MO
Registration Fee: $75
Our industry partners are currently developing special content featuring pork, sponsored by the Missouri Pork Producers Association. “Join Chef Curtis Adams and the staff at Springfield Grocers in an informative and entertaining hands-on workshop.” Tentative schedule below.
8:15am-8:45 am: Registration/Continental Breakfast
9:00am-11:45am: Presentations and Hands-On activities
12:00am- 1pm: Lunch - New products and/or Guest Speakers
1:00pm-2:30pm: Presentations or Hands-On and ProStart Update
2:45-4:00pm: Tours of facilities, Wrap-up and Adjourn

Happy Holidays! Holiday Treats to Wow your Students With
Monday, November 4, 2024 | 9:00am - 4:00pm
Columbia Area Career Center | Columbia, MO
Hosted by University of Central Missouri
Registration Fee: $40 (includes lunch and supplies)
                             Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the participant.
Register here: UCM Registration(link is external)
The holidays are just around the corner, so be prepared with some new ideas for this season! Scones, cranberry Danishes, gingerbread biscotti and more will be prepared. All items are great options to sell for a holiday fundraiser. 

Making it Engaging: Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
Friday, November 8, 2024 | 9:00am - 2:00pm
Missouri State University | Plaster Student Union | Springfield, MO 
Hosted by Missouri State University
Registration Fee: $50 (includes lunch, supplies, and parking)
                              Lodging and additional meals will be the responsibility of the participant.
Pay Online: MSU Workshop Payment(link is external)
This workshop will help participants get ideas and materials to start teaching or enhance their Introduction to the Hospitality Industry course. 

Relationships: Strategies and Activities for Success
Monday, November 18, 2024 | 9:00am - 2:00pm
Missouri State University | Plaster Student Union | Springfield, MO
Hosted by Missouri State University
Registration Fee: $50 (includes, lunch, supplies, and parking)
                             Lodging and additional meals will be the responsibility of the participant.
Pay Online: MSU Workshop Payment(link is external)
This workshop will help provide resources and ideas to make your Relationships course or unit a success. 

The Study of Mushrooms (Mycology) and Cooking
Friday, February 28, 2025 | 9:00am - 3:00pm
Mushrooms, Naturally | 1035 Industrial Dr. | Wentzville, MO
Hosted by University of Central Missouri
Registration Fee: $60 (includes lunch and supplies)
                              Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the participant.
Register here: UCM Registration(link is external)
This workshop will start with mushrooms and an introduction to mycology. Participants will tour labs where mushrooms are cultivated and then drive to a local kitchen for lunch and an afternoon of cooking with plant-based foods.

Resource Management
Friday, April 11, 2025 | 9:00am - 2:00pm
Missouri State University | Park Central Office Building, Room 229 | Springfield, MO
Hosted by Missouri State University
Registration Fee: $50 (includes lunch, supplies, and parking)
                             Lodging and additional meals will be the responsibility of the participant.
This workshop will provide resources and ideas relevant for anyone teaching a resource management course or unit. 

Teaching Pathways
Monday, April 14, 2025 | 9:00am - 3:00pm
Jefferson Building, 1st Floor Conference Room | 205 Jefferson St. | Jefferson City, MO
Hosted by University of Central Missouri
Registration Fee: $40 (includes lunch and supplies)
                              Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the participant.
Register here: UCM Registration(link is external)
The Pathways Workshop is designed to provide an overview of the curriculum and resources needed to fully implement this pathway into a FCS program. Anyone interested in offering this program is required to attend this training, as well as, receive approval from Theresa Struemph, Director of Family Consumer Sciences.

Advanced Teaching Pathways
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 | 9:00am - 3:00pm
Jefferson Building, 1st Floor Conference Room | 205 Jefferson St. | Jefferson City, MO
Hosted by University of Central Missouri
Registration Fee: $55 (includes lunch and supplies)
                              Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the participant.
Register here: UCM Registration(link is external)
This advanced training is for teachers who have already completed Pathways for the Teaching Profession Level 1 and have a current program in place. This annual training explores topics and issues trending in education, as well as provides ongoing support where teachers can share best practices for their program. Topics include classroom management, student diversity and differentiating instruction, and how to develop your Grow Your Own pipeline.

Digital Fashion Technology
Thursday, April 24, 2025| 9:00am - 3:00pm
University of Central Missouri | Grinstead Building | Warrensburg, MO
Hosted by University of Central Missouri
Registration Fee: $30 (includes lunch and supplies)
                             Lodging, additional meals, and parking will be the responsibility of the participant.
Register here: UCM Registration(link is external)
Use ProCreate, Canva and other digital tools to sketch logo's and designs. This workshop can help you incorporate digital sketching for design and logo creation. Participants will have the opportunity to put a design created during the day on a t-shirt.

2024-2025 MoEFCS Officers

Emily Daniel
Nevada Regional Technical Center
900 West Ashland St.
Nevada, MO 64772 (link sends email)

Jocelyn Lowry
Ash Grover High School
100 N. Maple Ln.
Ash Grove, MO 65604 sends email) 

Hali Hill
North Point High School
2255 W. Meyer Rd.
Wentzville, MO 63385

Michelle Brinkley
Lebanon R-3
757 Brice Street
Lebanon, MO 65536 sends email)

Amy Harkey
Purdy High School
201 Gabby Gibbons Drive
Purdy, MO 65734 sends email)

MoEFCS Organizational Information

MoEFCS Membership

MoEFCS Bylaws and Polices

MoEFCS Board Forms

Standards and Curriculum Frameworks

Standards and Curriculum Frameworks

National Standards for Family Consumer Sciences Education

LEAD FCS (Leading, Engaging, Advocating, Developing Family & Consumer Sciences Education) is a network of state administrators. LEAD FCS is an affiliate of the Family and Consumer Sciences Education (FCS) Division of the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). This organization first began development of national standards for family and consumer sciences in May 1995. The resulting work became a powerful tool for showcasing the movement from home economics, with an emphasis on technical homemaking skills, to Family and Consumer Sciences Education & Human Services, with its focus on broader family and society issues, and provided significant new direction for the field.

In May 2014, LEAD FCS initiated a project to update the national standards, utilizing a highly participatory process that has involved well over 2,000 stakeholders providing recommendations for the third edition. The Family and Consumer Sciences National Standards 3.0 continues the proud tradition of providing the framework for national, state, and local program that prepare students for family life, work life, and careers in Family and Consumer Sciences by empowering individuals and families across the life span to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse global society.

Common Career Technical Core

Missouri FCSHS is responsible for programming in these three clusters: Education and Training #5; Hospitality and Tourism #9; Human Services #10.

The Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) is a state-led initiative to establish a set of rigorous, high-quality standards for Career Technical Education (CTE) that states can adopt voluntarily.  The standards have been informed by state and industry standards and developed by a diverse group of teachers, business and industry experts, administrators and researcher.

The CCTC includes a set of standards for each of the 16 Career Clusters™ and their corresponding Career Pathways that define what students should know and be able to do after completing instruction in a program of study.  The CCTC also includes an overarching set of Career Ready Practices(link is external) that apply to all programs of study.  The Career Ready Practices include 12 statements that address the knowledge, skills and dispositions that are important to becoming career ready.

FCSHS Curriculum Frameworks

Requires separate program approval -2 or more course required in the program of study.
These Programs of Study are offered at Comprehensive High Schools or Career Centers.

Offered Only at Career Centers

Health and Family Education

Funding & Forms

50/50 Career Education Grants

50/50 Career Education Grant funds allow CTE programs to purchase EQUIPMENT or CURRICULUM ENHANCEMENT resources. Monies are available on a 50 percent matching basis (50 percent local district reimbursement and 50 percent state reimbursement). The district may NOT use Enhancement Grant funds or Perkins funds to match the funding of the 50/50 reimbursement.

FCSHS also has Program Improvement Grants (PD) available. Conferences or workshops in curricular areas that directly affect the content areas taught will be considered for funding. As always, National ACTE, Missouri ACTE or FCCLA district, state, or national conferences are not eligible for funding. 

50/50 applications are accepted throughout the school year as long as funding is available. 

To apply

For reimbursement

Enhancement Grant

The purpose of the Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grant is to expand and enhance the quality of Missouri's occupational preparatory (long-term) career education programs. This is accomplished through improved alignment with business and industry occupational training needs and increased emphasis on training in occupations determined to be in critical shortage.

For more information regarding the enhancement grant, contact sends email).


Welcome to Family Consumer Sciences & Human Services Education!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is the sponsor of a two-year mentoring program for beginning teachers, experienced teachers new to the career education field, or teachers returning to a career education program area after an absence of five years or more. If you qualify for one of these categories, we would like to invite you to be a protégé in our mentoring program. The goal of the program is to support both the protégé and the mentor in creating a professional learning community. The mentoring program is an excellent way for master teachers to share their experiences and knowledge to enhance the teaching year of a new or returning teacher.  Proteges must complete two years of mentoring training to fulfill the Beginning Teacher Assistance Program requirement.

Please complete your mentor and protégé applications electronically ASAP and email them to sends email).

All forms are fillable, please download and save the form before completing them:
Protégé Mentoring Program Application

Mentor Mentoring Program Application

Career Education Mentoring Manual (2024 Manual coming soon!)

The first mentor/protégé required meeting for 2024-2025 is September 12, 2024 in Jefferson City, MO. The second required meeting is December 13, 2024 in Jefferson City.


MO-FACS Listserv

The purpose of MO-FACS Discussion List is to provide an electronic communication forum for educators, parents, and citizens, at large, throughout Missouri who are interested in the field of family consumer sciences and human services education.  MO-FACS is intended to facilitate the communication and exchange of ideas to improve and expand upon family consumer sciences education and related services for students in Missouri.  MO-FACS is the main line of communication from the state level to local educators for family consumer sciences and human services programming in Missouri.

Topics of discussion might include:

  • Sharing ideas and resources
  • Promotion of opportunities for youth, including FCCLA
  • Networking
  • Legislation and policies
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Program guidelines and deadlines

Listserv Rules

Listserv Use

To post a message, view archives, subscribe or unsubscribe to the listserv visit is external).

FCS Teacher Education Programs

Teacher Education Programs

Educator Certification 

Missouri has three higher education institutions that provide pre-service education programs in family consumer sciences and human services. For information on enrollment and requirements for teacher of family and consumer sciences please contact the college.

Staff Contacts

FCSHS Staff Organizational Chart

Theresa Struemph
Family Consumer Sciences and Human Services
Phone: 573-522-6542 sends email)

Ashley Witte
Family Consumer Sciences and Human Services Cluster 
FCCLA State Adviser
Phone: 573-522-6543 sends email) sends email) 

Kelsi Neill
Part-Time Contractor
Hospitality and Tourism Cluster
LifeSmarts State Coordinator
Mentoring Program
Phone: 573-751-6878 sends email)

Jordan Stover
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 573-751-7964 sends email)

Physical Address
205 Jefferson St.
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65101-0480

FCSHS Newsletters

August 2023
September 2023
October 2023
November 2023
January 2024
February 2024
April 2024
August 2024
September 2024
November 2024
January 2025