Common Criteria and Quality Indicators (CCQI)


The criteria, along with the supporting quality indicators, are designed to provide guidance and direction in establishing, maintaining, and evaluating quality career and technical education (CTE) programs. 

Every approved CTE program must submit a CCQI in order to remain in good standing as an approved program and to receive Enhancement Grant and 50/50 funds. It is of the utmost importance that a CCQI is submitted for the correct program (see directions below).


CCQI Resources

CCQI Submission Instructions - Due Every Odd Fiscal Year

The CCQI is due June 1 every odd year.

  • Log into DESE Web Applications
  • Select Tiered Monitoring under the DESE Web Applications list (not all individuals have rights to access this system--contact your school's Core Data person)
  • Choose the Local Education Agency (LEA) then select the “green + Start a New Monitoring Document”
  • Locate the drop down box with the heading “Select a Document”. Select the CTE program review – postsecondary or secondary
    • PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you choose the correct program from the drop-down menu. Refer to your approved course list as this may impact approval of Enhancement Grant and 50/50 funding.
  • Click the Start button to begin setting up a new CCQI monitoring assignment
  • Complete the LEA contact information, building, program area, and review type (self-assessment)
  • Select save and create assignment

*No additional documentation or evidence is required.