Program Management, Accountability, & Finance
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The Office of College and Career Readiness is responsible for administering state and federal programs that serve the career and technical training needs of Missouri high school students, postsecondary students, adults, and industry.
The office administers program standards, approvals, evaluation, accountability, and funding to support career and technical education programs and services in high schools, area career centers, and community colleges.
This webinar provides information on the February cycle Graduate Follow-up submission.
- Recorded Webinar (Captions are located under the tab labeled "Notes" at the top right of the recorded webinar screen)
- Enhancement Grant
Enhancement Grant
All secondary and postsecondary approved programs must comply with the approved program assurances to qualify for Enhancement Grant funds.
FY 2026
- FY 2026 Enhancement Grant Administrative Planning Guide (Updated 11/18/2024)
- The application window is now closed (opens October-November each year and closes February 28).
- Grant awards will be announced in mid-June to the contact listed on the EGFV4.
FY 2025
- FY 2025 Enhancement Grant Administrative Planning Guide (Updated 2/05/2024)
- FY 2025 Enhancement Grant Implications Related to Cost Threshold Change
- DESE will reimburse LEAs up to 75 percent on instructional equipment with a unit cost of a $1000 or more for the FY 2025 Enhancement Grant.
- EPeGS will not allow the LEA to enter any Instructional equipment with a reimbursement of $4999.99 or less to be listed on the Capital Outlay page.
- The LEA will report locally the items with a unit cost of $5,000 or more as equipment.
- Budget amendment window closes April 1, 2025.
- Payment request window closes April 1, 2025.
- Final expenditure report window opens April 15 and closes June 1, 2025.
- Career and Technical Education Program Approval
Application for Approval of Career and Technical Education Programs
The Application for Approval of Career and Technical Education Programs will be accepted September 1 to May 1 for the following school year. Questions regarding the application can be addressed to Dr. Roger Barnes, Coordinator of Career Education, at roger.barnes@dese.mo.gov or 573-751-3500.
Application for Approval of Career and Technical Education Programs
Submit the Postsecondary Career and Technical Education Program Approval Request form to Roger Barnes, Coordinator of Career Education, at the same time a new program approval request is submitted to the Department of Higher Education.
DESE staff will follow the approval process through the Department of Higher Education’s website. Once the program is approved by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education, the appropriate section director will have the program added to our approved program listing.
- Program Directory
Note: This document is continuously updated as new programs are approved. If any corrections need to be made, please call 573-751-3524.
Secondary approved program lists may be accessed via the Core Data Web application system or here: Approved Course List
- Program Statistics
- Program Standards
The Division of Career and Technical Education has developed the Common
Standards for Career and Technical Education Programs. The six common standards
are:- Program Management and Planning,
- Curriculum,
- Instruction,
- Professional Development,
- Career and Technical Student Organizations, and
- Instructional Facilities and Equipment.
These standards, along with the supporting quality indicators, were
designed to provide guidance and direction to local school districts
in establishing, maintaining, and evaluating career education
programs.During the development of the Common Standards, input was
provided by teachers and administrators. This input was critical
to ensure that the Common Standards were reflective of what
represents exemplary career education programs across the state.Common Program Standards (pdf)
- Program Evaluation
Report for Local Program Quality Improvement
Word version (fillable form)
PDF version (fillable form)The Report for Local Program Quality Improvement serves as a tool for school districts to use for program evaluation and improvement. Aligned with the Common Standards for Career Education Programs, the Report should be used to evaluate local career education programs to determine where exemplary programs and activities exist and where improvements should be made. The use of this tool should positively impact student performance as measured by MSIP and Perkins accountability standards.
For each program standard, the program reviewer should:
Review each program standard and the accompanying indicators and make a determination as to which of the five options best answers each indicator; and
Complete the Overall Summary by identifying the overall strengths and strategies for improvement based on the strengths and strategies for improvement for each program standard.
Note: There are five additional indicators for Agricultural Education programs. These are to be completed by Agricultural Education programs only. The results of these additional indicators should be considered in the overall strengths and strategies for improvement of the program.
Questions regarding the Report for Local Program Quality Improvement should be directed to Roger Barnes at Roger.Barnes@dese.mo.gov or (573) 751-3500.
Administrative Resources
Guide to Developing a Written Evaluation Plan for Career Education (pdf)