Career and Technical Education Professional Development

New Teacher Institute (NTI)

NTI 2024

NTI will be held July 28, 2024, through July 31, 2024.


  • Hilton Garden Inn, 3300 Vandiver Dr., Columbia, MO
    • 573-814-5464
    • Mention the "New Teacher Institute" when reserving your room (if you are staying at the conference hotel)

The majority of the conference activities will be held at the conference center which is adjacent to the Hilton Garden Inn. Registration begins at 1 p.m. (Report to the conference center on Sunday, July 28.)

Hilton Garden Inn and Conference Center

NTI is a four-day boot camp for new career and technical education teachers who are coming into teaching directly from industry. The purpose of NTI is to prepare novice teachers for their first day, week, and month of school with an eye toward a successful first year. School district administrative approval is required for all participants.

Eligible participants:

  • do not have an education degree
  • have never taught or have just finished their first year of teaching
  • have been hired by a Missouri local education agency to teach in a DESE-approved CTE program

A $25 nonrefundable deposit is required for all participants, and registration is considered complete once that deposit is received by the department.

Contact Lori Brown at 573-526-4900 or if you have any questions.

  • Registration is now closed.

    • $25.00 check made payable to "Treasurer, State of Missouri" and mailed to: 

      • NTI - Office of College and Career Readiness
        P.O. Box 480
        Jefferson City, MO 65102
      • Please indicate "NTI" and name of teachers(s) on/with the check. (We receive numerous checks at DESE. We want to make sure the payment is applied appropriately.)
  • NTI Participant Checklist (Casual dress is acceptable.)

  • NTI Agenda 


Are you, or do you know of, an experienced career and technical education (CTE) teacher who would like to assist as a teacher leader? This is a five-day commitment. A stipend is paid for teacher leaders and expenses are reimbursed at the state rate. Teacher leaders work with a cohort of 5-7 new teachers throughout NTI. Training and materials are provided. Interested CTE teachers should complete the application when it becomes available.

Teachers who have been retired for more than 3 years are not eligible to serve as a teacher leader. 

TEACHER LEADER APPLICATION (application window is closed at this time)

Tech Centers That Work (TCTW)

TCTW is a program from the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) that “helps leaders and teachers adopt continuous improvement practices that foster rigorous academic and career pathway curricula, project-based instruction, work-based learning and personalized supports.”   

FY 2024 TCTW Resources

FY 2025 TCTW Grant Application

TCTW Summary Reports

2023-2024 TCTW Grant Recipients

Carrollton Area Career Center & Carrollton High SchoolTCTW & HSTW1 (FY24)
Northland Career Center and Smithville High SchoolTCTW & HSTW1 (FY24)
Rolla Technical InstituteTCTW2 (FY23)
Pike-Lincoln Technical Center & Troy-Buchanan High SchoolTCTW & HSTW2 (FY23)
Dallas County Technical Center and Buffalo High SchoolTCTW & HSTW(FY22) 
Eldon Career Center and State Fair Community CollegeTCTW & State Fair(FY22) ​​​​
Hannibal Career and Technical Center TCTW(FY22) ​​​​
​​​​Lex La-Ray Technical Center and Lexington Middle SchoolTCTW & MMGW(FY22)
Boonslick Technical Education CenterTCTW5 (FY20)
Columbia Area Career Center and Jefferson Middle SchoolTCTW & MMGW5 (FY20)
Crowder College and Neosho High SchoolTCTW & HSTW5 (FY20)
Grand River Technical SchoolTCTW5 (FY20)

Contact Lori Brown at 573-526-4900 for further information.

CTE Mentoring Program

The Career and Technical Education Mentoring Program is offered to new CTE teachers and those teachers returning to the profession after extended absences.  For more information contact Roger Barnes.