DESE-Approved Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRC)

DESE-Approved IRC, Stackable Credential, and TSA List

DESE-Approved IRC, Stackable Credential, and TSA Guidance Document (2-9-24)

This guidance document provides the list of DESE-approved IRCs, stackable credentials, and technical skills attainment (TSA) assessments. TSAs are no longer reported. Earning an IRC or TSA is one of the requirements of the CTE Certificate.

Industry-Recognized Credential (IRC) and Stackable Credential Applications

The window for submitting an IRC or Stackable Credential application opens May 1 and closes May 31 each year. Only Missouri local education agency administrators can submit an application for consideration. 

  • IRC/Stackable Application 


Contact Lori Brown at 573-526-4900 should you have any questions.