Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Homepage

Perkins V

Local Needs Assessment

Perkins V Timeline (Tentative)

Date Activity
June 2019 Submit secondary Perkins data as required under Perkins IV; no changes to this reporting.
July 1, 2019

Submit Perkins plan (Compliance Plans system) and budget (ePeGS)

September 2019 Regional Meetings – Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment
October 2019

Submit postsecondary Perkins data as required under Perkins IV; no changes to this reporting.

September – December 2019 Conduct Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment
January – June 2020 Prepare local Perkins application
July 1, 2020 Submit Perkins application (system to be determined) and budget (ePeGS)
June 2020

Submit secondary Perkins data as required under Perkins V

  • CTE participation by Career Cluster (secondary and postsecondary)
  • CTE concentrators by Career Cluster (secondary and postsecondary)
October 2020

Submit postsecondary Perkins data as required under Perkins V

  • CTE participation by Career Cluster (secondary and postsecondary)
  • CTE concentrators by Career Cluster (secondary and postsecondary)
June 2021

Submit secondary Perkins data for all Perkins V Core Indicators of Performance and Participant/Concentrators by Career Cluster

October 2021

Submit postsecondary Perkins data for all Perkins V Core Indicators of Performance and Participant/Concentrators by Career Cluster