Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Homepage


Industry Advisory Councils Convened by Missouri Education Officials
January 25, 2007

Summary Report of 1/25/07 Meeting

Results of Online Survey of Missouri Business and Industry


Partnering with Business and Industry

A number of provisions of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 directs states to connect their career education programs and uses of funds with labor market needs. It also provides a welcomed stimulus for the education system to create stronger partnerships with industry, economic and workforce development, and local employer leaders.

To better prepare students for the workforce of tomorrow, the Division of Career Education conducted an online survey among a broad spectrum of Missouri business and industry representatives, then met with Industry Advisory Councils organized around the 16 career clusters.  The statewide survey was conducted from November 20, 2006 through January 8, 2007. In this way, Missouri Career Education asked employers and industry across the state to:

  • Rank in importance the foundation knowledge and skills for their career cluster, as well as identify any gaps or emerging areas.
  • Rank in importance the knowledge and skills needed for the various career pathways in which they employ, supervise, or work;
  • Identify any gaps or emerging areas that are essential to the pathway and need to be addressed by career education;
  • Indicate whether they work in business/industry, for a state or federal agency, in education, an association, or other;
  • Provide any additional comments or information they may like to share to help improve the quality of workers they receive; and
  • Possibly volunteer to participate in future surveys and/or to serve on a statewide or local industry advisory council.

Links to the statewide survey feedback reports for each of the 16 career clusters (in PDF format):

Agriculture, Food
& Natural Resources
and Construction
Arts, AudioVisual
Technology & Communication
Business, Management
& Administration
& Training
Finance Government &
Public Administration
& Tourism
Human Services Information
Law, Public Safety
Corrections & Security
Manufacturing Marketing, Sales
& Service
Science, Technology,
Engineering & Mathematics
Distribution &

Beginning in January 2007, Missouri Career Education is convening advisory councils for each career cluster comprised of representatives from Missouri industry and education. The purpose of each council is to review the knowledge and skill statements for the programs of study for the 16 broad clusters of occupations and the 81 career pathways. Educators will then work to achieve alignment of courses for each program of study and seek review and feedback from their respective industry advisory council.  The Industry Advisory Councils held their first meeting January 25, 2007, in Jefferson City.