Business, Marketing, & Information Technology Education


Welcome to our BMIT homepage!

Here you will find helpful information and resources to assist you in teaching your business and marketing classes. You will find information about available funding, professional development opportunities, and up-to-date news from the DESE BMIT team. There are links included to your student organization, too.

For complete information on everything BMIT, please refer to the 2022-23 BMIT Resource Book It contains more in-depth information, all in one easy-to-access document.

BMIT Program Information

BMIT Program Information

Become An Approved Program

BMIT Approved Courses and Career Clusters

Business Enrollment Data

Marketing Enrollment Data

Dual Credit Policy

Keep up-to-date on all the BMIT program information and changes by checking the BMIT News & Updates page often.

BMIT Student Organizations

DECA/Collegiate DECA(link is external)

Missouri DECA Logo

Mission Statement: “DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.”

With our 70-year history, DECA has impacted the lives of more than ten million students, educators, school administrators and business professionals. Missouri DECA's connection has given our students a remarkable experience in the preparing them to be emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. DECA's programs and activities have constantly evolved as we use the latest technology and apply cutting edge educational research. Our core focus has remained consistent and is captured in our missions.

DECA's Comprehensive Learning Program integrates into classroom instruction, applies learning, connects to business and promotes competition. Working with members in DECA provides an experience that teaching in the classroom alone can't provide. While collaborating with DECA members on co-curricular projects and activities, advisors also serve as mentors and coaches.

The association is based in Reston, Va. and has two divisions:

Missouri DECA, Inc.(link is external) for high school students;

Missouri Collegiate DECA(link is external) for postsecondary students.

DECA  has 3,775 chapters with over 220,000 members internationally.   The Missouri DECA High School Association has 215 chapters with 8,013 members across the state.  Missouri DECA members are active at district, state and national levels. The organization is hosted by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in Jefferson City, Mo.

FBLA(link is external)

Missouri FBLA Logo

Mission Statement: “FBLA-PBL inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.”

Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) education association with over 225 million students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields.

The association is based in Reston, Va., and has four divisions:

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)(link is external) for high school students;

FBLA - Middle Level(link is external) for junior high, middle, and intermediate school students;

Collegiate FBLA(link is external) for postsecondary students.

Missouri FBLA-PBL has 16,590 members in over 500 chapters across the state. This makes Missouri FBLA-PBL the second largest chapter in the nation. Missouri FBLA-PBL members are active at district, state and national levels. The organization is hosted by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in Jefferson City, Mo.

Co-curricular activities include career exploration, civic service, economic education and technical skill advancement. FBLA-PBL also works to encourage and support entrepreneurship.

Since chartering, Missouri has had 18 student members represent as a National Officer, as well as six educators service as National FBLA-PBL Board Members.

Curriculum & Resources

BMIT- Curriculum Resources

2022 BMIT Standards

Business Curriculum Standards(link is external)

Marketing Curriculum Standards(link is external)


Objectives and Sample Units

Supervised Business Experience (SBE)

MBA Research (Join State's Connection)(link is external)

Business Course Descriptions


Objectives and Sample Units

Supervised Marketing Experience (SME)

MBA Research (Join State's Connection)(link is external)

Marketing Course Descriptions

Cooperative Education

Cooperative Education Handbook
Cooperative Education Policies and Credits

Personal Finance Education

Personal Finance Standards

Personal Finance FAQs - Scroll down the accessed page and select the Personal Finance Tab

Personal Finance Website Resources

Computer Science Education

Computer Science Resources

Computer Science 1 Standards

Computer Science 2 Standards

Funding & Forms

50/50 Reimbursement Funding

50/50 Career Education Grant funds allow CTE programs to purchase EQUIPMENT or CURRICULUM ENHANCEMENT resources. Monies are available on a 50 percent matching basis (50 percent local district reimbursement and 50 percent state reimbursement). The district may NOT use Enhancement Grant funds or Perkins funds to match the funding of the 50/50 reimbursement.

50/50 applications are accepted throughout the school year as long as funding is available.  To apply, complete the FV4 form and the 50/50 Career Education Equipment/Educational Resource(s) Information Form which are found directly below.

50/50 Forms

FV4: An FV4 is a form submitted to apply for funds.

FV2: An FV2 is a form submitted to receive reimbursement.

50/50 Career Education Equipment/Educational Resource(s) Information Form: Referred to as “information form”, this form requests information about to the program, teacher and relevance of the item(s). 48 

50/50 Definitions and Clarifications

  • All forms must be emailed to sends email). Do NOT fax or mail.
  • You must submit one FV4 per classroom.
  • You must submit one information form per classroom.
  • The “school district/LEA contact” listed on the information form is the person who can answer questions relating to the submitted 50/50 paperwork.

Have a question regarding the 50/50 grant? 

Email: sends email) or sends email)

Enhancement Grant (see Career Education Grants tab)

The purpose of the Vocational-Technical Education Enhancement Grant is to expand and enhance the quality of Missouri's occupational preparatory (long-term) career education programs. This is accomplished through improved alignment with business and industry occupational training needs and increased emphasis on training in occupations determined to be in critical shortage.


Email: sends email)


The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Office of College and Career Readiness (OCCR) offers a mentoring program for new educators. This program seeks to support the protégé and the mentor in creating a professional learning team. Some of Missouri's most talented and respected teachers draw from their experiences and knowledge to enhance the professional skills of new and returning teachers.

BMIT Mentoring Manual

Mentor Mentoring Program Application

Protégé Mentoring Program Application 

BTAP Level Competencies


Professional Opportunities

Professional Organizations

Stay Inspired and Stay Motivated by Joining Today.



See pages 9-10 of the BMIT Resource Book for more details.

Professional Development

Emerging Technology Workshops

  • A free professional development opportunity for Missouri business and marketing teachers. 
  • Tentative Schedule for this Summer: Branson - June 8 & 9; TBD - June 13 & 14

More professional development opportunities:

Program Approval & Improvement

Program Approval Form

Application for Approval of Career Education Program (Secondary & Adult Only)

CCQI Evaluation/Program Improvement Tool

You must complete a CCQI Evaluation using the Program Improvement Tool in odd years to stay compliant as an approved program and to be awarded 50/50 Grant Funds.    


Common CTE Program Criteria and Quality Indicators (CCQI)


Staff Contacts

Main Phone: 573-751-4367

Cindy Shannon, BMIT Director
Phone: 573-751-8665
Email: sends email)

Michael Corcoran, Assistant Director of Computer Science
Phone: 573-526-9824
Email: sends email)

Larry Anders, Marketing Education Supervisor, DECA High School State Advisor
Phone: 573-522-6541
Email: sends email)  

Scott Jones, Business Education Supervisor, FBLA State Adviser
Phone: 573-751-8679
Email: sends email)

Leslie Crider, BMIT Supervisor, Collegiate DECA State Advisor
Phone: 573-522-6540
Email: sends email) 

Susan Kuylan, BMIT Administrative Assistance
Phone: 573-751-4367
Email: sends email)

Teacher Educator Program

Teacher Educator Programs

DESE Educator Preparation Programs provides a searchable directory to assist in locating information about postsecondary institutions in Missouri which offer academic programs leading to professional educator certification. Make sure to choose the correct subject area in the box located on the right-hand side of the screen. See DESE Educator Preparation Information page.

Approved Professional Courses for Career Business and Marketing Teacher Certification