Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Homepage

Counseling Historical Archive

IIR Explanation Document (2011)

 Fall 2015 - School Counseling for Administrators

  1. Presentation Power Point
  2. Administrator Top 10
  3. Why School Counselors article
  4. Individual Student Planning Vocabulary 

Spring 2014 - Checklists & K-8 Resources

  1. Career K-8 Resources List


Fall 2013 - MSIP5

  1. MSIP 5 Talking Points:  WordPDF
  2. Workshop Power Point:  PPTPDF


Spring 2013- MSIP5

  1. Improvement Plan - Goal Sheet:  PDF
  2. Improvement Plan - Goal Sheet Example:  PDF
  3. SMART Goal Evaluation Criteria:   PDF


Fall 2012 - Calendaring

  1. Calendaring: The Key to Full Implementation: PDF
  2. What Do I Need When?:   PDF


Spring 2012 - Individual Student Planning & K-8 Resources

  1. K-8 Career Resources List:   PDF