Core Data and MOSIS – Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, if you do not know where the student is, you have to report them as a dropout. A student has to enroll and attend in the other district in order for them to be considered a transfer.
Yes, if the data is correct, then you can ignore this warning.
This will be reflected in the June Student Enrollment and Attendance file. There is a specific code for a grade level change (Remained: Changed Grade).
The private agency does not report data to us. The resident district should do all the reporting for these students.
In the Student Core file, Enrolled on Count Date is Y for students enrolled on the count date, and in the One Prior Ten Day Attendance field it is N for students in attendance on one of the 10 days prior to the count date.
Home School Students are reported on the top portion of Screen 15 in the February Cycle. They are not related to lunch counts.
All of our presentation handouts will be available on our Training page.
Do not include MAP-Alternate students in the MAP Spring Precode submission.
You can include all students, but only the students who had an IEP or services plan on December 1 should have an IEP disability reported.
The PAT educators are reported with a caseload for the number of families served. The PAT kids are not included in any MOSIS Data Collection files.
Yes, MOSIS IDs are assigned for PAT kids.
Section 167.227, RSMo, states "no pupil shall attend summer school classes in more than one district during any one summer."
We understand that districts want to clean up state-level violations but the other district does not always go back and fix the data. If you have called the district and they have not changed the data, then you have made the effort. We cannot require districts to make changes to their data but we can encourage them.
The National Student Clearinghouse Report is provided to DESE by the outside entity. The LEA Follow-up Report comes from the data districts submitted in the Student Graduate Follow-up submission.
Compensated at or above minimum wage.
You would use the transfer to home school (T003) code.
The student will be counted absent until the 20 days. Then you may go back to the first day of nonattendance and report the stopout code.
Yes, if you are paying tuition to this private school for this student you will receive state aid. You need to report that student in all your Student Core and Enrollment and Attendance files as an R2 student. Then report their attendance hours and you will see their hours and ADA show up as an R2 student on Screen 14.
They are considered to be naturally progressing and are reported as Remained: Advanced.
If the substitute is the teacher of record, they should be reported in the October Cycle.
Students who finish out the school year with the Remained Advanced exit must be accounted for on the first day of school. They should be entered with the Remained Advanced entry and then transferred out to the new district on the same day.
Student SSNs are only reported in the February Graduate Follow-up file for adults in Special Adult Programs.
The Teacher of Record has primary responsibility for teaching the content and is awarding the grade/credit in the content area. If the substitute teacher is grading the student, then as soon as the regular teacher leaves the substitute should be shown as the Teacher of Record.
Yes, once you know the student has not attended for more than 20 calendar days (15 school days), they can be reported as a stopout.
The system does not account for holidays/breaks, so the stopout rule applies to 15 school days regardless of holidays or 20 calendar days.
This may be a manual change you need to make so that the non-paying students do not have the Student Assignment fields completed that are specific to dual credit.
They will be shown as inappropriately certified - this is unavoidable in this case.
A comment is not required for this situation.
Yes, they would also need a 60 position code if they are instructing students.
Unfortunately yes, a district is unable to achieve positive placement for a student that passes away.
This PK student may be reported with an exit of transfer to home school.
Correct. You would go back to the prior June Student Enrollment and Attendance file and change the dropout to a stopout exit. Then in this year's June Student Enrollment and Attendance, on the first day of school you would show them as a stopout entry and transfer them out to the new school on the same day.
If the student is not working or continuing information, use Other.
You are correct. These fields are only required for the adult/college students.
As long as the higher education institution is reported in the comment field, then an adjustment may be made to an exceeded threshold.
Yes, you would report the regular stopout exit and entry codes for this student.
You would report her if she is the teacher of record for the class, regardless of the appropriate certification of the educator.
It depends on the Job Corps program. It could be considered training or employment.
This edit is stating that you have course assignments reported but without a matching record in the Educator School file. Educators need to be in the Educator School file one time for each building, position code or CTE Program Type they may have.
A district should follow up with students within six months of graduation.
Yes, for Annual Performance Report (APR) purposes.
A deceased student should be reported as NA (not available for placement).
The district manually calculates the attendance hours of the student taking the virtual courses to obtain the 94% attendance hours to submit to DESE.
Yes, you can use the Transfer Assignment process for a long-term sub. The long-term sub is the teacher of record until an actual teacher is hired, so you would need to report the sub. Once a teacher is hired, then you can transfer the assignment from the sub to that teacher.
For the Instruction Method field, we are just looking for the predominant method used, based on the reporting period of time. The October collection reflects the beginning of the school year until the October collection date. The February collection reflects the period from October through the February collection date. The June collection reflects the period from February through the end of the school year.
If the student graduates before July 1 this year, you would report them as a graduate in this school year. If the student graduates after July 1, they should be reported as a graduate in next year's June fileset.
There is no minimum number of days to use the dropout code. As a rule of thumb, if you are not aware if the student is continuing education, you should report the student as a dropout.
Please follow the steps in the Change Date of Birth tutorial, located on our training page.
Please follow the steps in the Student Name Change tutorial on our Training page.
Please send the MOSIS IDs to coredata-mosis@dese.mo.gov. Do not send names, birthdates or any other identifying information. You can let us know if there was a name change or other specific reason the duplicate may have been created. We will determine which ID to use and retire the other. We will let you know which ID to keep so that you can update your records.
Yes, the years of service will start over.
This student is considered "recovered," and you would go back to the June Student Enrollment and Attendance file and change the dropout to a stopout exit code. Then on the first day the student returns from the suspension this school year, you would use the stopout entry.
If the substitute is not the teacher of record, you would not report them.
Yes, you can use NOC for Job Corps if it is a training program.
We typically give districts two weeks to look over their data, but we would like to have all signed verification sheets sent to us by the middle of January.
Enrollment is derived from students who are reported as Enrolled on the Count Date. Membership is from students who are Enrolled on the Count Date, as well as in attendance one of the 10 prior school days (reported with No [N] in the One Prior Ten field).
Manually enter your count of Home School Students on Screen 15 of the February Cycle of Core Data. Report school-aged children who reside in the district, who have not received a diploma, whose parents or guardians filed a declaration as provided in Section 167.042, RSMo, indicating they are being home schooled, and who do not attend a public, private or parochial school.
In this case you would transfer the student out on the first day of school.
You can find all of the precode window dates on the Assessment Precode Timelines page.
Yes. The student would be part-time enrolled.
If the student has returned to school, report the follow-up category of NA.
The required collection fields change periodically. Check to make sure your file has the current required fields. For the most current templates for each collection, visit the Core Data/MOSIS page and select the Quick Link for Layouts, Rules and Excel Templates.
You will need MSIP APR Student Level Reports View access in order to see this report in the MCDS Portal. Log in to the Portal, click Reports and Resources, and select Students and then Graduation & Dropout Rates. Then you should see the Graduates Found in Higher Education (NSC) report.
You report them with the FTE they are for the time of the file you are completing. For example, maybe their FTE was full-time in October and in February it is part-time (less than 1.0).
Yes, include all ECSE students in the Student Core.
All students should begin on the same first day of school. You will have to count the absences.
Yes, you can refer to O*NET OnLine and query by the CIP code to see if the employment is in question on where or not it is related.
As of count date for the status, but the age requirement is as of October 1.
For a homeschooled student receiving Special Ed services, you can calculate the FTE based on the amount of services to be provided.
Generally, if a child leaves a district PK program the student should be transferred to home school. The special education exit code in the Student Core file would be 01-Return to Regular Education.
If the student was still enrolled and receiving services on December 1, you may include them. If the last day of services was November 30, you would not include them.
Yes, you need to include this student in the December Student Core file.
No attendance can be claimed for this student if he or she is not being treated as a homebound student. If the student is being treated and qualifies for homebound services, then you can claim attendance like homebound. Otherwise the student is absent.
Yes, if the student has an IEP and is receiving services, he or she should be included in the count.
If you are paying tuition to the other district, the attending district would report the students as non-residents.
When you certify the December Student Core file, the data flows into the report overnight.
Yes, they are, as long as they are enrolled at the private facility on the count day then you show them enrolled on the count day.
December 1 is the count date for December Cycle.
SpedMetDef is conditional based on follow-up category. If the student is not employed or continuing education, you would use the "Other" follow-up category, and SpedMetDef would be left blank.
If a student exits special education during the school year, you will need to report the IEP disability category in the June Cycle.
Yes, if you are providing comparable services, then you should report the students for the special education child count.
If the student is no longer enrolled in your district, they may be exited the first day of school with no absence hours.
Assuming the student has an IEP and is receiving services, the yes, report them. If a child turns six before the count date, they may still be in a program, but if they are six you should report that they are in a K grade level.
Yes, the student would be CNP.
Some districts experience frequent changes in student population during the spring semester, and offering multiple windows offers those districts an opportunity to reduce the amount of manual entry into the online testing system.
Yes, the student can be considered a part-time enrolled student and you can claim state aid for them time they are receiving services.
No. All reporting is done by MO School for the Blind.
You will transfer these students to the state school, who will handle all the reporting for them.
You can either include all students or only the students with disabilities.
The students are not given a grade for At Risk. They are given a grade for Math, Science, etc. The students can be reported as At Risk in October, but for transcript purposes you would have to report the course number in the June Course Completion of the class relevant to the content.
For transcript purposes, in the Course Completion you would have to report the course number of the class relevant to the content.
If it is an approved private agency, then yes, the student should be reported as Resident II.
The Missouri School for the Blind will report the student. She should not be included in your MOSIS reporting.
Correct. Please refer to Appendix E of the Comprehensive Guide to the Missouri School Improvement Program for additional information.
Report the student as LTO.
Yes, foreign exchange student should be included in the Student Core and they do need a MOSIS ID.
Enrollment vs. caseload isn't necessarily based on the course code. For special ed assignments, it is based more on the delivery system. In general, if a teacher has students assigned to the course, report student assignments.
Please see Exhibits 6 and 6A in the Core Data/MOSIS Manual.
The number of students proficient/advanced on an EOC assessment, as compared to the 8th grade students that move on to 9th grade.
For PAT kids you may use a PK building or the elementary building the student would be enrolled in if they were to stay with your district.
Not Funded for Title III LEP is for those districts who receive Title III LEP funds but those funds were not used for that student. Not Eligible would be for those districts who do not receive a Title III LEP grant.
There is really no difference. However neither one will be considered a positive outcome.
Students residing in one district but attending school in another Missouri district, for which the resident district is paying full tuition (reported by the Missouri district where they are enrolled as an NR). For early childhood children receiving services from a nonresident district (including ECSE), the attending district should report the children as non-residents (NR) and report the domicile district in the resident district field. Students residing in one district but attending school in another approved facility for which the resident district is paying full tuition (reported by the resident district as R2).
Please send all questions to coredata-mosis@dese.mo.gov.
O*Net : OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, etc. onetonline.org
When a student has changes to their information, update the MOSIS ID to ensure that the student name or other changes over time can be viewed on that student's State ID history. When changing names or gender, the system will likely want to create a new ID, so it is important to ensure the existing State ID stays with the student.
Generally, we advise both districts to have a conversation, answering the following questions to ensure the student enrolled is the same student or if this is a shared ID situation: What is the reporting school code? What is the entry date? And what is the exit date? If answering these questions does not assure you of the student's identity, please email coredata-mosis@dese.mo.gov.
In this case, no. For our claims we want the enrollment for each month. In the Data Collection downloads you should be updating the MOSIS IDs and if a kid drops we assume they are removed from your SIS. In regards to MOSIS, if they did not attend your school then we do not consider them a student of your district. Students have to enroll and attend before they are transfers to another district.
Please email the MOSIS IDs (no names, birthdates or other identifying information) to coredata-mosis@dese.mo.gov and we will research them for you. Typically we like to keep the original ID, but there are other factors, such as testing and reporting frequency, which we also take into consideration.
There are federal reporting requirements that our state must complete on all students, which requires us to include data even on deceased students.
When a state ID is captured by a district or charter upon a student's enrollment, it is that LEA's responsibility to update the enrollment information in the MOSIS ID system. This information should be updated automatically when the district or charter claims the ID. Otherwise this can be done by using the Enter Online feature in the system.
Yes, you can search using a partial name, but the ID system may return additional names to look through.
NA can be used for recovered dropouts. Dropouts are not included in the MSIP calculations, and will not have a negative impact on the MSIP APR. Students reported with NA are excluded from Special Education follow-up calculations and will not have a negative impact.
You will need to update the name on the MOSIS ID in case the student moves and the other district is looking for a different name when assigning the ID. Having the most up-to-date information helps prevent duplication of IDs. Please see our Student Name Change tutorial on our Training page.
For Core Data cycles that have a Submit button, you do not need to continue submitting. Upon confirmation of completing the cycle the first time, submit. After that point it is up to you to continue submitting if you so choose.
You can use the Enter Online feature in the main menu to change the DOB. There is a tutorial available for this on our Training page. We would also suggest that you talk with the community college so that you both don't keep changing the data on the student. Typically the MOSIS ID should be claimed by the district or charter where the student is enrolled, and the community college should only be searching for those students in the ID system instead of claiming/updating those IDs.
SSNs are not reported in any MOSIS files.
The CCR ID Cleanup file is a trial created by DESE that includes each student that has taken any assessment (ACT, AP, PLTW and SAT) during the year, and it compares the record against the MOSIS ID system to obtain the MOSIS IDs for each student. The students that are not matched are then added to a file that is preloaded into MOSIS for every district or charter in the state containing the student records that do not have a MOSIS ID. The process is essentially the same process used with the MAP records for the June ID Cleanup (last two weeks in June). It is essential to review and certify both trials when they become available.
NOC would include any training program that is not for college credit, whether paid or unpaid.
No, OTH is not positive placement for MSIP purposes.
OTH students are simply not employed, or in the military, or attending a higher education or postsecondary education institution. Neither NA nor OTH are considered positive placements for MSIP APR purposes.
You can find all of our templates by clicking the link for Layouts, Rules and Excel Templates here.
Determining when to precode is contingent upon when you plan to assess your students during the administration window. The precode will not populate the pre-test. For more information please contact DESE's Accountability office.
Report (1) personnel requiring a certificate; (2) aides/paraprofessionals, ancillary personnel and parent educators funded by state or federal programs or used to meet classification standards; and (3) administrators involved with instructional programs.
Under the current process, non-certificated teacher queries are generated after the regular school year and summer school sessions. The Department reviews each educator file on the lists and distributes "Assurance Statements" to districts that employed teachers who did not hold a valid Missouri teaching certificate at any time during their teaching assignment. The Assurance Statement provides the district the opportunity to refute the Department's claim, by providing evidence of the teacher's certification. If it is determined that the teacher did not hold a current Missouri teaching certificate during their teaching assignment, the district must submit the hours of attendance of each student that were generated under the supervision of that teacher. Those hours of attendance (ADA) are not "paid" back to the Department; the equivalent amount is withheld from the next school year's allocation.
Transportation directors do not need to be reported. You may report that time as part of the principal assignment.
PD hours are still required for certification renewal/upgrade, so the hours do need to be tracked and kept locally. The data is not required for Core Data purposes.
The years of experience only start over if the educator is an aide and then goes to a certificated position. In the example you provided that educator would have four years of experience and would not start over for each position change.
Our recommendation is that you report them in the October Cycle as At-Risk and tie all the students to that one course code. The June Course Completion is the transcript grade, so for the Course Completion you will report the students with the specific course that you are giving them the grade for.
If they are virtual students and did not complete the course, include them in the June file with zero attendance hours (assuming they didn't have other attendance hours). These students also need to be reported in the October Course/Student Assignment and June Course Completion. If you have questions, please call School Finance to discuss.
In this situation the district would report the course with the college instructor (no EDSSN), and V would be the delivery system. Then in the Student Assignment, the district would fill out the receiving college, sending district and sending school. The dual credit site would be COLL.
If it is an out-of-state college, you would use 999999.
A student does not have to "pay" to earn dual credit. As long as there is one paying student in a class, then the other students in the same class have an equal opportunity to earn dual credit based on the grade earned in the class. Refer to Appendix D of the Comprehensive Guide to the Missouri School Improvement Program for more information.
The Student Core and Enrollment/Attendance records are reported by the home district, while the courses and assignments would be reported by the Area Career Center.
Correct, if an educator leaves mid-year, use the Transfer Assignment function in the October Assignment file. Do not end date the teacher assignments until after the transfer has happened or it will not allow you to use the Transfer Assignment. The new teacher would not have to be added or tied to the students because the transfer will do that for you. Once the transfer is done then you would go into the Educator Core and Educator School files, end date the old teacher and add the new teacher. Certify the file and revalidate the Assignment file. If there are zero errors, certify.
When submitting the October files, you should certify the Student Core, then the Educator file, and finally the Assignment file.
The October Educator Core, Educator School and Course Assignment files need to be updated.
If you are referring to a college instructor, then you have to report the course with the college instructor. You do not have to put the educator SSN. You need to show the dual credit site as COLL and then the delivery system as V. If you have a teacher that is supervising the student (taking attendance) and they need the minutes. then you would report that educator in a study hall.
Position Code 50 if they are considered to be part of their guidance duties. However, if they are teaching it will need to be Position Code 60.
The school with the CTSO chapter will be responsible for reporting the information.
Many guidance counselors are not actually the teacher of record for an elementary classroom, so they do not need to have a teaching assignment reported for time they spend in the classroom. If the counselor is actually the teacher of record for a class, they should be coded with the blank elementary code.
When the Department turns on the State-Level Violations in the Student Core trials, you can go into the MOSIS Data Collection system and within your Student Core file, a pink bar states "The state found potential discrepancies in your Submitted Certified Trial after comparing it with other districts' submissions. View state-level violations."
Yes, these students would be NR with the resident district code of the K-8 district.
A truant student has 10 or more cumulative days of unexcused absences from the school district.
Positive Placement for MSIP5 APR Standard 3.5-6 includes the following graduation follow-up status codes: 4 Year (4YR), 2 Year (2YR), Non-college (NOC), Military (MIL), and Employed (EMP or ENC) and completed a career education program (CTE_Program_Code).