Graduation Requirements: How many credits does a student need to graduate?
The State Board of Education establishes minimum graduation requirements that are designed to ensure that graduates have taken courses in several different subject areas and mastered essential knowledge, skills, and competencies. Local boards of education must adopt graduation policies that include at least the state minimum graduation requirements. Local board policy may include additional requirements in accordance with needs and aspirations of students and the communities they serve.
In 2005, the State Board of Education adopted new graduation requirements beginning with the class of 2010.
Minimum State Graduation Requirements beginning with Class of 2010
The state minimum high school graduation requirements comprise 24 units of credit that must be earned prior to graduation. The requirements are stated in terms of the number of units of credit that must be earned in each of several subject areas. To earn one unit of credit, a student must meet all the course requirements and earn a passing grade.
Following are the requirements by subject area and, in some cases, specific courses.
*Indicates that the personal finance course may count one half unit of credit towards meetings this requirement.
Follow this link for more information regarding Graduation Requirements for Students in Missouri Public Schools.