Missouri School Improvement Program

The Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) is the mechanism used by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) for making recommendations for accrediting public school districts in Missouri. The process of accrediting school districts is mandated by state law and by State Board of Education regulation.

Recommendations regarding accreditation status are presented to the State Board of Education for its approval. 

Staff members (including the eleven Area Supervisors) provide technical assistance on the MSIP process to district personnel individually and through training sessions.

MSIP 6 - Preparing every child for success in school and in life


The latest iteration of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP 6) is focused on continuous improvement for all schools, the preparation of each student for life beyond high school and promoting practices that lead to healthy school systems. MSIP 6 will take a closer look at what districts are doing to implement effective practices and sustain improvements, while increasing the focus on individual student growth. 

The Department believes high expectations, a clear vision and a few very focused, high impact goals will be critical to drive the improvement efforts necessary to bring about positive results.

Annual Performance Reports (APRs)

The Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) APR provides local education agency (LEA) and building-level data for stakeholders. Beginning in 2024, the Department will also generate an APR Classification Composite Score each year, which averages three years of APR data. These reports serve as the primary basis for the accreditation classification of school districts. They are also used by charter sponsors to inform renewal decisions.

APR data can be viewed in two ways:

  • The Missouri Education Dashboard provides a more visual representation of these data. 
  • The Missouri Comprehensive Data System portal includes the tabular version of the APR data and other supporting documentation and tables. 
    • Select “Reports and Resources” at the top of the portal – and turn on the “Show All Content” button.
    • Select the “Districts, Charters, & Schools” link in the left side “Categories” menu – and select “School Performance & Accountability.”
    • View the “MSIP 6 APR Summary Report” for either Districts/Charters or Schools.
    • See step-by-step instructions in How To Access The 2023 APR.
APR Webinar Series


Thursday, February 8th, 2024, 1pm - 2pm

Topic: Dr. Eric Parsons Growth Model Presentation

During this session, Dr. Eric Parsons, Associate Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Missouri – Columbia, provides a detailed description of the Missouri Growth Model. He explains what the Missouri Growth Model is, what it calculates, and how the number generated in the APR can be used to inform decision making.  

View the recording here.


Tuesday, March 12th, 2024, 1pm - 2pm

Topic: Data Collection Process and Review

This session is lead by two members of the MSIP management team from the Office of Quality Schools: Improvement and Accountability Data Manager Konnie Koenigsfeld, and Improvement and Accountability Manager Stuart Smith. Together they will go over the data submission calendar, where and how to submit data, and review the appeals process. 

View the recording here.


Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, 1pm - 2pm

Topic: Dr. Eric Parsons Growth Model Presentation

This will be a repeat of the February session for those who were unable to attend. During this session, Dr. Eric Parsons, Associate Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Missouri – Columbia, will provide a detailed description of the Missouri Growth Model. He will explain what the Missouri Growth Model is, what it calculates, and how the number generated in the APR can be used to inform decision making. There will be a brief Q&A following the presentation. Click here to join.

View the recording here.


Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, 1pm - 2pm

Topic: Data Reports

Improvement and Accountability Data Manager Konnie Koenigsfeld, and Improvement and Accountability Manager Stuart Smith from the Office of Quality Schools will be back at it to review all data reports created by DESE and what to do with data once reports are published. Click here to join.

View the recording here.

View the slide deck here.


Thursday, June 6th, 2024, 1pm - 2pm

Topic: Missouri Growth Model and APR Review

This session will be hosted by multiple members of the Office of Quality Schools and will serve as an overview of both the Missouri Growth Model and the Annual Performance Report. Click here to join.

Missouri Growth Model
Missouri Data Visualization Tool (MO DVT)

MO DVT is a web-based application that offers easy-to-use reports and analysis on academic performance, including achievement and growth data aggregated by subject, year, and grade. See the introductory video to learn more.

MO DVT will be available to Missouri educators on February 9, 2024.

MO DVT Training Sessions for Missouri Educators

February 15, 2024, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. – live web session

June 17 – 20, 2024

Upcoming in-person trainings:

  • Kansas City, June 17, 2024
  • Springfield, June 18, 2024
  • Columbia, June 21, 2024
  • Wait List: St. Louis June 20, 2024

Register here

Administrative Memos

Administrative Memo - 2023 Annual Performance Report (APR) - November 27, 2023

Administrative Memo - MSIP 6 Update - Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) - February 10, 2023

Administrative Memo - 2022 Annual Performance Report - February 2, 2023

The Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) Annual Performance Report (APR) provides local education agency (LEA) and building-level data for stakeholders and serves as the primary basis for the classification of school districts. In accordance with Section 161.855.4, RSMo, the first year under MSIP 6 is considered a pilot year; therefore, the 2022 APR may not be used to lower a district’s classification. The APR is also used by charter sponsors to inform renewal decisions.

For questions about the APR timeline, email Jocelyn Strand, Improvement and Accountability Administrator, at jocelyn.strand@dese.mo.gov, or Konnie Koenigsfeld, Accountability Data Manager, at konnie.koenigsfeld@dese.mo.gov.

Administrative Memo - Implementation of the Missouri School Improvement Program(MSIP) 6 - March 28, 2022


District Assurance Checklist

Districts may use the PDF version of the checklist for reference.

As part of the MSIP 6 process, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, in collaboration with the Institute for Public Policy (IPP), has developed a climate and culture survey for use by local education agencies (LEAs). The surveys are provided for LEAs to review the survey content to determine whether to use the survey or to purchase a survey for use.

Accreditation Classification of School Districts

The Missouri School Improvement Program has the responsibility of reviewing and accrediting the public school districts in Missouri. The process of accrediting school districts is mandated by state law and by State Board of Education regulation.

The Department reviews each district’s accreditation status and the APR supporting data to identify trends and status in performance outcomes. Other considerations include Comprehensive School Improvement Plans, previous Department MSIP findings, financial status, compliance with regulations and statutes, and superintendent certification. A district’s accreditation classification remains intact until the State Board of Education rules otherwise.

Recommendations regarding accreditation status are presented to the State Board of Education for approval.

Advance Questionnaire

The Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) used survey data from students, parents, and staff in previous cycles to help evaluate educational processes in districts. Although these surveys are no longer used as part of the MSIP review process, a district may contact the Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis (OSEDA) at (573) 882-5428 if they desire to utilize surveys to evaluate educational processes in their respective districts.

Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment

Students in Missouri schools may be provided the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit through dual credit or dual enrollment. Dual Credit classes are taught by high school teachers that have been approved by a college or university to be adjunct professors and are usually taught at the high school or in the district. Dual enrollment classes are taught by college or university professors, and the school district has arranged to award high school credit for the classes. Dual enrollment classes are often taught at the college/university site.


Dual Credit Dual Enrollment 
Instructor:A high school teacher must be approved to be an adjunct professor by the appropriate college or university. The teacher must meet DESE certification requirements and the Coordinating Board for Higher Education’s Requirements.Instructor:College/University professor. The teacher is qualified under Higher Education guidelines, but may not be under DESE certification requirements.
Agreement:A written agreement must be in place between the college/university and school district.Agreement:A written agreement must be in place between the college/university and the school district.
Course Fees:Course fees are determined by the agreement between the school district and the college/university.Course Fees:Course fees are determined by the agreement between the school district and the college/university.
Curriculum:Set by the college/university.Curriculum:Set by the college/university.
Textbooks:Determined by the college/university.Textbooks:Determined by the college/university.
Equating Credit:Typical conversion as noted in the Graduation Requirements for Students in MO Public Schools is: one unit of high school credit for a five hour college class; ½ unit of high school credit for a three hour college class; ¼ unit of credit for a two hour college class.                                    Equating Credit:Typical conversion as noted in the Graduation Requirements for Students in MO Public Schools is: one unit of high school credit for a five hour college class; ½ unit of high school credit for a three hour college class; ¼ unit of credit for a two hour college class.                                     
Attendance:Students enrolled in dual credit courses may be counted in attendance at the high school for state aid purposes via MOSIS/Core Data as long as the 1.0 ADA is not exceeded.Attendance:Attendance for students participating in dual enrollment classes for state aid purposes will be dependent on the agreement between the school district and the college/university. The district must follow all state attendance reporting guidelines and must not exceed the 1.0 ADA (Please refer to the guidelines for dual enrollment for state aid purposes listed in the Graduation Requirements for Students in Missouri Public Schools).
MSIP6 APR Inclusion:Yes – See Comprehensive Guide to the Missouri School Improvement Program for the details.MSIP6 APR Inclusion:Yes – See Comprehensive Guide to the Missouri School Improvement Program for the details.
Core Data/MOSIS Reporting:List the dual credit site as district since the instructor is your employee. Remember that the Course Assignment File must have a match in the Educator School File. Core Data/MOSIS Reporting:List the dual credit site as the college since the instructor is not your employee. This is the only record that will not have a match in the Educator School File.



Embedded Credit

Embedded credit is an alternative method for granting credit in which a school district chooses to embed competencies from one subject into another class and award credit to students for both the embedded content and the other subject. The embedded credit content must be closely aligned to the Missouri Learning Standards and a plan for determining competency for both subjects must be in place.  The instructor must have appropriate certification in both content areas.

Suggested Process for Embedding Credit:

  1. The district reviews internal policies and procedures related to graduation requirements, transcript protocol, GPAs, class ranking, impact on staffing, etc.
  2. The district reviews external protocols related to review of transcripts and acceptance of embedded credit by colleges, area career centers, the NCAA Clearinghouse, etc.
  3. The district has the appropriate stakeholders compare and crosswalk the competencies for both courses to determine if they are closely aligned and cover the standards for both classes. Any missing standards must be added.
  4. The district determines how competency and acceptable mastery level for both subjects will be determined. Embedded credit for a course which requires a Missouri Assessment Program mandatory end-of-course exam is subject to all conditions and requirements for administration of that assessment.
  5. The district sends notification to the Office of Quality Schools at the address listed below. This notification needs to include district assurances that the content is closely aligned with Missouri Learning Standards and is rigorous in expectations. The assurances should also include a plan for determining the competency level for the embedded credit and, as well as the acceptable level of mastery for awarding credit.
  6. Once embedded credit has been put in place the district should monitor student performance on a regular basis.


Please send Embedded Credit Notifications to:
Office of Quality Schools - School Improvement
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
PO Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480


For additional information, please contact School Improvement at 573-751-4426.

References: Graduation Requirements for Students in Missouri Public Schools—Variances to the State Minimum Graduation Requirements and the Core Data and Missouri Student Information System Reference Manual, Exhibit 14A—Embedded Credit and Team Teaching   
School Flex Programs

The School Flex Program (Section 160.539 RSMo) affords schools the opportunity to offer an alternative delivery system for students in grades 11 and 12, who have been identified by their high school principal, parents, or guardians, as potentially benefiting from an alternative delivery system in order to pursue a timely graduation. Participants in this program must attend school for at least two instructional hours per day and be earning credit in classes needed for graduation, maintain a 95% attendance rate, and avoid suspension or expulsion. In addition, there must be evidence that participants are enrolled and attending college or career technical programs and/or proof of employment.  All components of the plan must align to the student’s Individual Career Academic Plan (formerly known as a Personal Plan of Study), which has been developed by the school district with the student.

This program does not require the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to approve prior to implementation. Eligible students participating in the School Flex Program shall be considered full-time students of the school district or charter LEA and shall be counted in the school’s average daily attendance for state aid purposes.

Guidance for School Flex Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation

  1. The school district/charter LEA reviews current policies, procedures and practices and develops the School Flex Program within their local protocols. The program should include a method for identifying and approving students in grades 11 and 12, as well as methods for monitoring student progress on the plan, tracking attendance, awarding credits, and maintaining records. A district may reference the Graduation Requirements for Students in Missouri Public Schools’ sections on Granting Credit for Off-Campus Programs and Dual Enrollment for guidance.
  2. The school under the district’s/charter LEA’s guidance determines who will supervise the students and how attendance records will be maintained, as well as the process for monitoring student progress on the plan. All School Flex students must be under the guidance and direction of a certificated teacher (any certificate other than a substitute certificate or an early childhood certificate).  It is recommended that 225 minutes of supervision time be provided to teachers for each group of up to twenty-eight students.
  3. A principal or a parent/guardian identifies students who are eligible for this program based on district policies and procedures.
  4. Designated school personnel work with each student and his/her parents/guardians to develop an individualized plan that is aligned with the student’s written Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). The plan must include:
    1. Attendance at school for at least two instructional hours per day within the school of residence.
    2. A plan to pursue a timely graduation through enrollment in district/charter LEA required classes in order to meet graduation requirements.
    3. Evidence of enrollment and attendance at a college or technical school or evidence of employment that is aligned to the student’s ICAP. Students may or may not receive pay for employment that is aligned to their ICAP.
    4. The expectations for student attendance and behavior as outlined in Section 160.539 RSMo:
      1. The student must maintain a 95% attendance rate.
      2. The student must avoid suspension or expulsion while in the program.
  5. Student attendance for the School Flex program is reported through the Core Data System, utilizing the course code of 996002 - Off Campus, School Flex Program, for state aid purposes.
  6. The district/charter LEA maintains enrollment, attendance, and completion/graduation records for this program and utilizes the information to evaluate the effectiveness of the program within said district/charter LEA.

For additional questions or information, please contact School Improvement, 573-751-4426.

Missouri School Improvement Program Staff

Staff members (including the Area Supervisors) provide technical assistance on the MSIP process to district personnel individually and through training sessions.