Local Wellness Policy
A local school wellness policy (LWP) is a written document that guides a local education agency’s (LEA) efforts to establish a school environment that promotes students’ health, well-being, and ability to learn. The wellness policy requirement was established by the Child Nutrition and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Reauthorization Act of 2004 and further strengthened by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA). It requires each LEA participating in the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program to develop a wellness policy. The final rule expands the requirements to strengthen policies and increase transparency. The responsibility for developing, implementing, and evaluating a wellness policy is placed at the local level, so the unique needs of each school under the LEA’s jurisdiction can be addressed.
Triennial Assessment
An assessment of the local school wellness policy must be conducted by the LEA a minimum of once every three years and contain required components including the LEA’s compliance with the wellness policy, how the wellness policy compares to model policies and progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy. The completed assessment must be made available to all stakeholders, including the public.
Contact Information
For questions or assistance with Local Wellness Policy, contact Ginger Thompson at ginger.thompson@dese.mo.gov or 573-751-3862.
Wellness Policy Resources
- Local Wellness Policy - Serving with Success Module
- Local School Wellness on Vimeo
- Local Wellness Policy Fact Sheet
- Local Wellness Policy - Summary of the Final Rule - Fact Sheet
- Local School Wellness Policy: Guidance and Q&As - SP-24-2017
- Local Wellness Policy Checklist
- District Wellness Program Resources
- Team Nutrition-Local Wellness Policy
- Team Nutrition-Local Wellness Policy Resources
- USDA Local School Wellness Policy Outreach Toolkit
- Missouri Healthy Schools
- CDC Healthy Schools
Triennial Assessment Resources
- Local Wellness Policy Checklist and Triennial Assessment Guide - a checklist of LWP minimum requirements and step-by-step guide to completing the triennial assessment.
- Local Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment Summary - a triennial assessment reporting tool for documentation of results, progress, and goals.
- School Health Index (SHI) - a self-assessment and planning guide that can enable schools to identify strengths and weaknesses of health and safety policies and programs.
- WellSAT 3.0 - a wellness policy scoring tool to help you compare your written local school wellness policy to a model policy.
- Wellness Policy in Action Tool (WPAT) - an online tool to help districts and schools examine the alignment of district wellness policies and school-level practices for nutrition and physical activity.