General Guidance
- Compliance To Do List (Monthly Timeline)
- Myths of the Month
- Independent Educational Evaluation (October 2024)
- Reading Comprehension and Reading Fluency (February 2024)
- Transition from First Steps (December 2023)
- Eligibility Determinations and Evaluations (October 2023)
- Substitute Teachers (September 2023)
- Identification and Dual Eligibility (February 2023)
- Expulsion (January 2023)
- Graduation: Goals versus Credits (December 2022)
- Prior Written Notice (October 2022)
- Person to Conduct Individual Diagnostic Examinations (September 2022)
- Transition & Outside Agencies (August 2022)
- Assessment (April 2022)
- Specific Learning Disability (April 2022)
- Compliance Myths Archives
- OSEP Guidance & Judicial Decisions
- DESE & MSB v. Springfield R-12 & KL - 8th Circuit US Court of Appeals (This case is important for its final analysis from the Court, “the hearing panel's and district court's decisions echo the same theme – no agency wanted to take responsibility for educating the child, and all of them were attempting to "pass the buck,". 3/1/04)
- Endrew F v. Douglas County School District Case Question and Answers
- Endrew F. Supreme Court Case (Clarification of the educational benefit school districts must confer on children with disabilities to provide them with a FAPE guaranteed by IDEA. 3/22/17)
- Landon v. St. Louis City - 8th Circuit US Court of Appeals (Parents sought reimbursement for a private placement based on the alleged IDEA violations. 3/2/20)
- OSEP Dear Colleague Letter on Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) (Clarifies that individualized education programs (IEP) for children with disabilities must be aligned with state academic content standards for the grade in which a child is enrolled. 11/16/15)
- OSEP Dear Colleague Letter on Supporting Behavior of Students with Disabilities (Emphasizes the requirement that schools provide positive behavioral supports to students with disabilities who need them. 8/1/16)
- OSEP Letter to Anonymous (Offers OSEP’s interpretation of IDEA requirements when a student transfers school districts after a child complaint decision has been rendered. 10/23/19)
- OSEP Letter to Hayden (Describes a distinction between services whose sole purpose is to provide access to education services and those services intended to address a specific skill or behavior in order to provide FAPE. 10/3/94)
- OSEP Letter to Kane (Clarification on the obligation of local educational agencies (LEAs) to provide compensatory services to make up special education and related services missed when children with disabilities participate in required scheduled State assessment testing. 4/18/18)
Compliance General Guidance
- Academic Performance and Behavior Observation Worksheet (Golden Thread)
- Accommodations Manual for Instruction and Assessment
- Amending Individualized Education Programs: Mastering the Fundamentals
- Adapted Physical Education
- Alternative Methods of Instruction Guidance
- Alternate Assessment (MAP-A)
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
- Discipline
- Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
- Early Intervening Services (EIS)
- Educational Decision Maker FAQs
- Educational Surrogate
- ELL and Special Education
- Extended School Year (ESY)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Grading, Awarding Credit and Graduation for Students with Disabilities (under construction)
- IDEA 2004 Professional Development Series
- IEP Goal Rubric
- Intellectual Disability Checklist
- Juvenile Justice System
- Juvenile Detention Facilities
- Knowing When to Use a Shortened School Day: Critical Considerations
- MAP-A (Alternate Assessment)
- Memorandum of Understanding - Early Head Start and First Steps
- Model Policy on Seclusion and Restraint
- Non-Regulatory Guidance on the IDEA Part B Regulations Regarding Parental Consent for the Use of Public Benefits or Insurance Q&A
- Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy Guidelines
- OSEP Topic Brief
- Parent's Bill of Rights
- Parent's Guide to Special Education in Missouri (May 2018)
- Parents' Rights Under IDEA webinar (July 2017)
- Placements for Special Education
- Postsecondary Transition
- Present Level of Academic and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) Compliance Rubric
- PDF version (10/19/2021)
- Word Document version (10/19/2021)
- Procedural Safeguards
- Professional Development Series
- Progress Monitoring Rubric
- Rehabilitation Services for the Blind
- Response to Intervention (3-Tiered Models of Intervention)
- Review of Existing Data (RED) Rubric
- Seclusion and Restraint FAQ
- Section 504: Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- S.M.A.R.T Goals Rubric
- Sound System Disorder Eligibility Criteria
- Special Education/English Language Learners (ELL) Webinar Series
- Special Education Placements
- Specific Learning Disability Observation Guidance Chart
- Specific Learning Disability Discrepancy Score Decision Making Chart
- Standards & Indicators
- State Normative Data for Sound System Disorder
- State Performance Plan
- State District Assessment March 2017
- Technical Assistance Bulletins
- Three-Tiered Models (RtI) [Link to be added]
- Webstreams