Postsecondary Transition

feet standing on arrows pointing in different directions, education, skills, experience, group of students

A comprehensive, online, career development and planning program that is provided free of charge to all Missouri citizens. Funded by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), this program supports the career development efforts of schools, community organizations, and adult job seeker programs.

2024 Transition Training Institute

The 2024 Transition Training Institute was held June 26-28, 2024, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, 2200 Interstate 70 Drive, Southwest, in Columbia, Missouri.

Participation was phenomenal! Our keynote, Sam Glenn, inspired, encouraged, and challenged our participants to "Grow Through What You Go Through!" 

Thanks to everyone who contributed time, effort, resources, and expertise to make this the best conference it could possibly be. 

Walk With Drew Through the Postsecondary Transition Process
Forms and worksheets are provided below. Audio recordings are now posted for these sessions. Click below to navigate to link. 

1H(link is external)

2H(link is external)

3G(link is external)

4G(link is external)

5G(link is external)

6G(link is external)

7F(link is external)

Session Title/Presenter/Additional Handouts
Wednesday, June 26 - 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Building a Path to a Better Life - Employment and Training Options - Lindsey Thomas


Empower Your Transition - Mastering Daily Living With the Color-Coded Chef - Terry Jordan


Empower Adults Through Self-Advocacy for Decision Making, Housing, Work, and Safety - Julia Chaney Faughn


Transitioning From School to Adult Life - If We Don't Know Where We Are Going, Any Road Will Lead Us There - Wayne Crawford


Customized Employment Partnerships - Dana Flournoy McGaw


Supported Decision-Making as a Path to Self-Determination and Advocacy - Jane St. John


Form C - The Evolution of Drew From School to Career - Stacie Holt

Session 1H Audio Recording(link is external) (58.33)                     
Session Title/Presenter/Session Handouts
Thursday, June 27 - 10:45-11:45 a.m.

Facilitating Opportunities for Students with Special Needs in Career and Technical Education (CTE) - Dr. Amy Herrman


Beyond Guardianship - Innovative Pathways for Transition-Age Youths - Jennifer Hulme


Missouri Connections - Junior Version - Jackie Marling


Employment First - A Pathway to Competitive Integrated Employment - Anne Hochstein


The Rules of the Road: Achieving Independence by Preparing for and Passing the State's Written Driver Test - Darin Stageberg


Student Involvement - The Evolution of Drew the Student - Kathy Daniel

Session 2H Audio Recording(link is external) (55:09)                 
Session Title/Presenter/Session Handouts
Thursday, June 27 - 1:15-2:15 p.m.

Striving for Tomorrow - Transition to Employment for Students with Autism - Cortney Fish


Transition Planning Made Easy - Using Missouri Connections for Assessment and Services - Samantha Cole


Benefits and Work Made Simple - SSI - Sandy Keyser


Transition Assessments and Activities - The Evolution of Drew From Student to Career - Jana Locke

Session 3G Audio Recording(link is external) (1:01)                       

Pre-Employment Transition Services for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired - Kevin Kellerkern

Session Title/Presenter/Session Handouts
Thursday, June 27 - 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Community Engagement at L.I.F.E. University - What We Learned in Our Second Year - Vivian McKinney


Customize a Meaningful Day (Job One) - Jeff Carpenter


Work-Ready Behavior Framework - Elizabeth Merideth


Learning by Doing - A Showcase of Successful Apprenticeship Models in Education - Marci Dowdy


The Impact of Postsecondary Goals - The Evolution of Drew's Dreams to Reality - Bailey Tennesen

Session 4G Audio Recording(link is external) (59:53)                   
Session Title/Presenter/Session Handouts
Thursday, June 27 - 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Student Success - A Story of Partnership - Anna Bryant


Essential Components of Community-Based Work Experiences for Students with Intellectual Disability - Magen Rooney-Kron


Unleash Your Potential - Learn How Using the Color-Coded Chef Can Lead to Employment Opportunities - Terri Jordan


Benefits and Work Made Simple - SSDI - Sandy Keyser


Annual Goals in Relation to Postsecondary Transition - The Evolution of Drew (Who, What, When, Where, and How She Will Achieve Her Dream Career?) - Kathy Daniel

Session 5G Audio Recording(link is external) (54:04)                   

How Assistive Technology Can Help With Transitioning in All Aspects of Life - Aaron Milligan

Session Title/Presenter/Session Handouts
Friday, June 28 - 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Bridge to Success - Peggy Shelton


Centers for Independent Living - Missouri's Hidden Transition Resource: Connecting with Centers for Independent Living as a Resource for Transitioning Students - Karen Gridley


Work-Ready Behavior Framework - Elizabeth Merideth 
(Repeat Session from 4E, Thursday, June 27th)


Unified Champion Schools Make a More Inclusive Future - Emma Thomas


Individual Career and Academic Plan - The Evolution of Drew (Did She Create and Follow a Good Map?) - Dawn Luchtenberg

Session 6G Audio Recording(link is external) (58:37)                    

Session Title/Presenter/Session Handouts
Friday, June 28 - 10:45-11:45 a.m.


What Accommodations and Modifications Look Like in Career Technical Education (CTE) - Dr. Amy Herrman


Social-Emotional Learning Overview - Tanya Grant


The Question Concerning Technology and Transition - David Baker


The Rules of the Road: Achieving Independence by Preparing for and Passing the State's Written Driver Test - Darin Stageberg
(Repeat Session from 2G, Thursday, June 27)


Centers for Independent Living - Missouri's Hidden Transition Resource: Connecting with Centers for Independent Living as a Resource for Transitioning Students - Karen Gridley (Repeated Session from 6C, Friday, June 28)


Indicator 14 - Where Are They Now and Why Do You Need to Know? (The Evolution of Drew - Where is She Now?) - Tori Chance

Session 7F Audio Recording(link is external) (48:25)                     

Partnership Building to Improve Employment, Continuing Education, and Social Opportunities for Students - Cindy Lange


Form C - The Evolution of Drew From School to Career - Stacie Holt
(Repeat of 1H, Wednesday, June 26)


College and Career Competencies

Free Professional Development for Missouri Schools

A list of the steps to Self-Efficacy

The College and Career Competency Project

supports educators in systematically embedding Self-Efficacy instruction into course content helping students become more resilient learners. Students learn to apply 10 different Self-Efficacy strategies that help them persevere through challenging tasks, improve confidence in their abilities, and help them overcome setbacks more easily.

Educators have seen the following impacts from

Self-Efficacy instruction:

  • Increased belief that ability grows with effort
  • Improved confidence in their own abilities
  • Increased willingness to accept challenging learning, and
  • Improved ability to manage emotions.


The College & Career Competencies Project is a professional learning opportunity for Missouri schools offered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in collaboration with the University of Kansas Research CollaborationFour selected schools will receive free, professional development that includes training, coaching, assessments, curriculum, and parent guidance materials that educators will use as they implement instruction that leads to enhanced student persistence, resilience, and self-efficacy. Schools are also encouraged to designate two individuals who will receive additional training on competency coaching techniques so they can provide on-site guidance and support to their colleagues throughout the implementation process.

Image has sessions available listed in bubbles with arrows to each.

The College & Career Competencies Project is accepting applications for K-12 schools for the 2024-25 school year.  To apply download the application here.  Once you have completed the application, email it to sends email).   Applications are being accepted through July 15, 2024.  You will be notified of a decision by July 17.


Missouri Transition Planning - Resource Locator

This document provides recommended resources, services, and activities for students with disabilities as they prepare for life after high school.

Transition Resource Locator

Missouri Interagency Transition Team (MITT)

The Missouri Interagency Transition Team (MITT) is a state transition team, which addresses data-driven goals for improvement and collaboration with the shared vision of improving employment, independent living, and postsecondary education outcomes for Missouri students with disabilities. The MITT Collaborative Programs and Projects is now posted. Once finalized, you will find the link posted here. This booklet will provide information regarding the various agencies that are represented by the members of the MITT.  

2025 Missouri Interagency Transition Team (MITT) Meetings
  • January 14, 2025, Harry S. Truman State Office Building, Room 500, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • April 8, 2025, Harry S. Truman State Office Building, Room 500, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • July 8, 2025, Harry S. Truman State Office Building, Room 500, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • October 14, 2025, Harry S. Truman State Office Building, Room 500, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Transition Liaisons

Missouri Transition Liaisons are practicing teachers from across the state who devote time and energy to increasing the capacity of local level secondary special educators and districts. They work within their own districts to enhance transition practices and programs. Liaisons participate in regular trainings and meetings and disseminate information at the district and regional levels to develop a collaborative network of colleagues focused on issues related to secondary transition of youth with disabilities.

2024-25 Transition Liaisons

Social-Emotional Learning for All (SEL-A)

Social-Emotional Learning for All (formerly Missouri Postsecondary Success (MPSS)) is a multi-year transition and College and Career Competency (CCC) improvement initiative that provides face-to-face professional development and online support to interdisciplinary high school teams. Teams learn to effectively teach and sustain the development of competencies which lead to success in both career and college settings. Teams analyze data, choose evidence-based instruction and work with stakeholders to provide ongoing supports to students as a part of the classroom experience. 

Early Warning Signs

Early Warning Signs is a data-driven decision-making process allowing educators to identify students at-risk by examining the underlying causes, match interventions to student needs, and monitor the progress of interventions. EWS examines five essential areas:

  • adult advocates
  • academic support
  • classroom/social/behavioral issues
  • personalized learning environment/Instructional practice
  • necessary skills for graduation and postschool success

Using data indicators are most predictive of a given student outcome as a “warning sign” that a student is in trouble. This system allows educators to track interventions assigned to particular students and track the associations between interventions and outcome for students.

If you need additional resources or have questions, please contact your Regional Professional Development Center (RPDC).

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)(link is external) offers no-cost transition services to Missouri public school students with disabilities, ages 16-21, who are eligible for vocational rehabilitation services. These services are designed to make an impactful difference for students with disabilities at an earlier age which leads to better coordination, enhanced communication, stronger collaboration, and increased successful post-school outcomes.

Pre-ETS is contracted by the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE) division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR).

Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehabilitation
If you want to work but have a disability that keeps you from finding, keeping, or advancing in a job, VR may be able to help.

Introducing Vocational Rehabilitation Services MO: Simply Said - YouTube(link is external)