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Section Staff:
- Samantha Ryan, Director
- Pam Blagden, Assistant Director
- Vacant, Assistant Director
- Steve Adair, Supervisor
- Connie Roth, Supervisor
- Terri Hovey, Supervisor
- Candy Treat, Supervisor
- Jennifer Moreland, Supervisor
- Holly Higgins, Supervisor
- Madison Bockover, Program Analyst
- Cody Tillmann, Legal Assistant
Phone: (573) 751-0699
Fax: (573) 751-3910
Email: secompliance@dese.mo.gov
The Compliance Section within the Office of Special Education supports the mission of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Vision of the Division of Learning Services by providing leadership in establishing standards which promote improved outcomes for students with disabilities as well as consistency in the procedures public agencies implement for meeting compliance with state and federal regulations.
The Compliance Section is responsible for ensuring local educational agencies (LEAs) implement all laws and regulations related to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This is done through monitoring special education programs for students with disabilities ages 3-21, in all public schools, providing technical assistance and investigating child complaints.